Where to find the cuddlefish eggs : In the Degasi Seabase in Deep Grand Reef, In the giant tree of the Northern Mushroom Forest, Dunes Sinkhole, Lost River Laboratory, Mushroom Forest Caves.
How to find islands : Look at the horizon. There’s gonna be fog at two different place. One at north and one at south. The south is the Floating Island, the North is the Mountain Island.
How to kill annoying creatures : use a repulsion cannon for small creature like Stalkers and Sandshark, for Leviathan use the Stasis Rifle and the knife, then hit it.
Water and Food and Oxygen : The most nutritive fish is the Peeper, it give you 32% of your food and 12% of your water. For the water, use the coral sample and the salt to craft bleach, then go to « water » and « disinfected water ». For Oxygen, eat Bladderfish. It give you 15 oxygen points. Only available on survival and hardcore.
How to dodge the Reaper-Leviathan : When it charge you, go up and go forward and go down, and finally backside. Then repeat this action until it gives up.
How to like this post : go to this post and press the heart, then it gonna be blue, you liked it !!! And comment if it was useful or useless because you knew all these tips.