The event of life was a competition hosted @TastyDinosaurs1290 to make a creature, plant or whatever that either fitted into subnautica, stood out or was just cool and it ended a while ago when no one parcipitated in it, I was part of the last one and here is my entry
Paxa 1 (Event of life round 3) Scary for young readers
Paxa 1 is a intelligent bacteria which the precousers were immune to,
It is lethal and has different symtoms for each creature. It can infect all but the vaccined precousers but is not easily spread
And cooking on the fabricator kills it so you need to eat something raw like a bladdderfish for the extra 15 oxygen to catch it. The vaccine is offworld.
Stage 1: Three days after you get it Immune system detects it and so you nose starts running, you start to throw up and you get a stomach ache similar to food poisoning, that means you cant tell if you have the pathogen or you ate a bad peeper.
Stage 2: A week after you get it you become very thirsty and start having visons much like the sea emporer but it shows your worst fear.
Stage 3: Nine days after you get it the bacteria reaches your brain and you become very stupid to the level that most people die at this stage because they go up and hug crabsquids
Or other predators out of being mostly braindead, then the predators get it.
Stage 4: Sixteen days after you get it your organs fail one by one while you are being completely controlled by the intelligent pathogen and then you die of a heart attack and a stroke at the same time caused by serious degredation of the brain at exactly 12:30 day 17