Where are u josh?
@Josh keep
I have one question.... Who is josh???
Good question lol
@DarkTitan066 He is our token boomer.
Everybody is knew, people who dont know @Josh keep , @TastyDinosaurs1290 @SirNerdThe3rd , @Soldier209 or @Toaster Boi 463 will never be real members, the 5 of us grew this wiki up, until it died out when everybody left :(
Ok u are being a bit dramatic. We didn't grew this wiki up we just hanged out on it talking to each other about random stuff. Also there is no such thing as main members we all have the same value.
I am fairly newish around here (is 4 months around here newish?) but never met you before so hello Josh.
Hello to all, we are here to praise the glory of subnautica so yes we are all equals.
I still am in dept 1 trillion credits :(
What do you think?