Imagine it:
You’re just chillin in your Seamoth and exploring and you hear cat noises. You then think about what (in the world of Subnautica) makes cat-like noises. You get closer, and then you realize “Shit! It’s a crabsquid!” But it’s too late, you’re too close! It makes some more cat noises and disables your seamoth. You’re 500m down, and you have nothing but a seaglide. It then proceeds to hit you, dealing 40 damage to your house. You’re drowning, and you’re around 50m from you’re seamoth cus you tried escaping from the beast in front of you. It hits you again bringing your health from 50% (Cus you took 10 dmg earlier for some reason, idk why) down to 10%, you begin to panic as you come to a realization: you’re drowning. You desperately try to get back to your seamoth, but there’s no hope, you’re at 10HP and you have a crabsquid after you. You’re so close! 40m, 20m, 10m, 5m, and then your screen goes dark and you know exactly why: you drowned. But that’s not all, you drowned and are back at your lifepod, your lifepod which is over 1000m from where you died and around 500m down.