I got banned from the Paw Patrol Wiki for literally no reason by @The Lazy Cat v2 . Someone got banned for saying something about a relationship between two of the dogs and I asked why. Someone said because it's fanon and fanon wasn't allowed. So I asked what was fanon. I was told that fanon was fan-made content and canon was creator-made content. So then I asked so if someone said "I wish the creators would put these two random characters into a relationship" if it would be considered fanon because technically it isn't fan-made content, it's someone expressing their wishes that the creators would make it into content. Then someone told me yes it was fanon and I said that didn't make any sense because it wasn't content made by the fans or creators. And then I said that they were confusing me and someone else said that I was confusing them. Then someone presented the idea that I was a troll and then the rest were like "Yes, I think they are a troll." Then I got banned for literally no reason. @The Lazy Cat v2 if you would like to work out this misunderstanding feel free to comment on this page.