Like, how does it look like a crab or a squid? Or both?
Either way I hate them
Like, how does it look like a crab or a squid? Or both?
Either way I hate them
Well that’s true
Maybe I don’t hate them either
But they gave me nightmares
So I…
"Defending themselves"?
I'm just trying to get through the Grand Reef on my way to Lost River and 2 of these hellbeasts come screaming out of nowhere unleashing back-to-back EMPs on my poor Cyclops.
It took me 10 damn minutes just to get though them. They did didly squat damage, but for the sheer annoyance they have my eternal hatred.
This is u in their perspective:
Lalalala swimming peacefully in ma home...wait...what is that huge ship.....
Emp emp emp
Also how would u feel
Someone comes to ur home in a fat ship without warning
So basically
U hate it when animals defend themselves from u
Just cause u r annoyed by them
They are terrified of u and want to stop u
It's the claws and legs that it had that resembles a crab. The membrane and inside organs resemble a squid, along with movement. So, together, crabsquid. In my opinion, I see the resemblance very very well. A lot of animal in the real wild aren't named accurately anyways haha. Science is wack
also aw I love Crabsquids D: they're cute. And technically they are protecting themselces, even if fairly aggresive. I wouldn't want a giant metal thing invading my home either
Alright, when you put it like that I can see your point. "Hate" may be too strong a word. I'm going to disagree that I'm trespassing in their home, more like walking past on the sidewalk when the vicious toy poodle (crabsquid) ran out yapping and biting at my ankles. Exceedingly annoying, but mostly harmless.
So I suppose the "hate" has been changed to "greatly dislike". I will acknowledge that they are rather cute.
They look like a squid because their body resembles a squids (has eight tentacles) and it also has 2 crab pincers
It has crab legs and claws and an octopus head. I’m guessing they chose “crabsquid” because “octocrab” and “crabopus” would have sounded wrong.
What do you think?