Me and my buddy are gonna play some Hardcore OG subnautica. Any tips?
Me and my buddy are gonna play some Hardcore OG subnautica. Any tips?
Never underestimate your hunger bar always pack food and water.
Make sure to have back up food and water at all times and don't do stupid things
Yea go for O2 while your ahead
Avoid Jellyfish at all costs
Avoid Tiger Plants
Don’t go to deep wrecks until you get the Seamoth
Craft multiple ultra tanks, and switch between them
Avoid Lost River brine
Avoid Geysers/therm vents (until you get the reinforced dive suit)
Regarding food, get as much salt as possible. You can combine it with fish (I recommend peepers) to prevent them from spoiling. You can also combine it with Tube Coral samples to get more water than from bladder fish
It is vital that you obtain a Reinforced Dive Suit as soon as you can.
And don't take any unnecessary risks like I did when I played hardcore mode.
Like I reached the lava castle with just the Seamoth and Seaglide.
Go to the Floating Island once you have a Seaglide, as there are useful plants and scannable items.
Once you can build an Alien Containment, breed some Bladderfish in it, they provide food and water.
How do you breed?
If you place at least 2 of the same specimen in it they will gradually multiply until the tank is full. A single layer can hold up to 10 specimens, which can be extended by another 10 by each additional layer.
I always build 3 4-storey Alien Containments in which I breed Bladderfish for water and food at first, in the next Reginalds for food as they are the most nutritious, and finally the Oculus as they are the best fuel for the Bioreactor.
The jellyfish tip is one of the most useful here, especially with the jellyshroom caves base, and player swimming navigation, it leads to very bad tight situations where you can easily perish due to being in a bad spot or running out of oxygen.
Xeno is back from the dead
What do you think?