[Location: Earth Space Station]
[Time: 11:37 PM]
[Date: January 24, 2311]
Sammy: Checkmate. Good game.
Carter: Ah, DANG IT!
i was close!
Sammy: No you weren’t. Rematch?
Carter: wh, i was thinking of packing it up today. My wife called me today, we are having lunch together after so long. You should come
Kaliber: *sits up*
Gladly. I can eat.
Carter: great!
my kids love assassins, space, and etc
Kaliber: That’s dark.
Carter: Like as in, like them in movies…
I’m giving everyone a week off, because I need to spend some time with my family.
Kaliber: I need this to be secure.
*holds the VHS tape*
Carter: then we’ll bring it with us
Kaliber: I fear someone might steal it. Do you have any safes or anything like that here?
Carter: Usually for problems like these, I depend on Stephen.
But since he quit, I don’t know any other person as careful as him.
Kaliber: How about his friends?
Carter: They informed me that they want to go on vacation. Can’t blame them, they worked the hardest for this company.
Kaliber: How about a locked drawer in your office?
Carter: Well, no one will be here. All employees are having a week off and it will be quite empty here. Agent 0 would easily break in.
So I suggest, we either go to Stephen’s house and request him to at least take care of the tapes, or keep it at my house.
Kaliber: Fine.
Carter: So which one?
Kaliber: Stephen’s. I trust him slightly more than a person who keeps getting beat by a fish in a man-made game.
Carter: Alright, jeez, low blow .
Just get in the ship, I got a pilot already arranged for us.
Kaliber: Okay.
Sammy: Are you sure you don’t want to play one more game?
Carter: Dude, we’re literally the only people here right now. We can play at my house all you want.
Sammy: Okay. Let’s go!
*The three enter the ship and strap down*
Carter: Do you mind taking us to Wimberly Square, 2171 Wayside Lane, New New York, United Nations of America?
Pilot: Just put the coordinates in the panel.
Carter: *enters in the coordinates*
There we go…
now hurry.
Pilot: Okay, boss. Sheesh.
*A few minutes Later at Stephen’s house*
Stephen: *gets startled and wakes up*
Who in their right mind isn't asleep at this hour?
Madison: It’s 11:53.
Stephen: *gets out of the bed and sleepily walks towards the front door and opens it*
Who is it?!
Carter: Your old boss.
Stephen: *shuts door after seeing Kaliber*
You can leave, bye!
Kaliber: Hey, we just need you to hold onto something for a week.
Then, we’ll leave your life forever.
Stephen: Nope, whatever it is, I dont care.
There is no point, Matthew is dead, Kaliber will be eventually destroyed from within due to the lack of the president and Alterra will just use some coverup and lead the successful life they have.
*locks door*
Carter: Just 7 days.
Do it for an old friend.
Stephen: We were never friends.
And I don’t want anything to do with you people.
Oh, and you’re welcome for your full pardon and mansion in the coast of Maine.
Kaliber: I didn’t ask for the house. I had an old place there already.
And I haven’t even seen you since you left, so how could I thank you? Let’s just go.
Stephen: *footsteps can be heard walking away from the door*
Carter: Yeah, he seems pretty pissed off.
Sammy: Tuna, anyone?
Carter: Well, my wife made dinner for us…
Kaliber: I thought it was lunch.
Carter: Check the time….
Kaliber: It’s almost noon.
*the three get into the jet*
Carter: Alright, take us to my house….
*enters coordinates*
[Due to stuff that is unimportant to the plot of the story, the remainder of this story has been deleted. Thank you for reading, and enjoy your lives.]
[Stephen’s House]
Stephen: *just about to sleep on the bed*
Stephen: OH COME ON!
*answers phone*
Johnny: Uh, are you available?
Stephen: NO!
*hangs up*
Stephen: I SAID ****ING NO!
Soraya: I was calling for Madison. But I guess I’ll go
Stephen: *groans and hangs up*
I swear if another ca-
Stephen: *picks it up*
Michael: Don’t hang up.
Stephen: WHY NOT!?
*just as he was about to hang up a loud BOOM was heard on the call*
Wait…What was that?
Michael: That’s why.
Stephen: Wait where are you right now?!
*call cuts*
This cannot be happening right now!
*smashes the device with left arm*
*knock knock*
Stephen: *runs downstairs and opens the front door*
*no one is seen*
Stephen: What the-
*walks out and looks around*
Voice: Hellllooooo! Don’t step on me!
Stephen: GAH!
*a tiny robot is seen*
Robot: Hello. I am your Kaliber Suit Initiation Robot. Or the K-Sir.
Stephen: And why exactly are you here?
K-Sir: I am here to help you master the suit that is in your arm.
Stephen: I can master it myself….
K-Sir: No, you can’t. Not even the previous one could, and he was the most intelligent of the presidents.
Stephen: Your assistance isn’t needed…
now scram.
K-Sir: I’m afraid that isn’t possible.
Stephen: Don’t make me step on you….
Or, break you apart for parts….
K-Sir: You can try, but I will be forced to go into self-defense mode if attacked.
Stephen: Alright fine, how long does this take…. to master the suit. I think I may need it soon.
K-Sir: About 24 hours total. But that’s not including breaks, or test drives, or anything else.
Stephen: Alright tell me what you have to say….fast!
K-Sir: K, sir!
I will be in your garage in the morning. Be up by 6:00 AM, or I will tase you until you wake up.
Stephen: Angela, activate!
*the suit activates*
No…right now!
K-Sir: No, you are too tired to do it. You must trust me when I say this.
Stephen: My wife can’t see you!
Just do it now, I don’t care!
I am already awake and no longer in a mood to sleep….
K-Sir: Negative.
This is a dream I am currently making for you.
Stephen: Angela, deactivate….
*the suit deactivates and shrinks back into arm*
Fine, 5:00 am tomorrow.
K-Sir: 6:00
*walks inside and closes the door and goes to bed*
[6 hours later]
*beep beep beep*
Stephen: *wakes up and runs to the basement*
Alright….now hurry!
K-Sir: I’m making waffles. You want some?
Just teach me the dang controls. I have friends who need me!
K-Sir: After breakfast.
*hears muffled screaming upstairs and a window breaking*
*runs up the stairs and finds Madison missing*
K-Sir: *entering the house*
What happened here?
Stephen: Great!
Just Great!
I just wanted a peaceful life!
*gets down on the floor*
K-Sir: There, there.
*pats head*
Stephen: Alright, that is it!
Angela, Activate!
Suit: Right away, sir.
*turns on*
Stephen: How do i get this thing to fly?
Activate Boosters!
Suit: Tuna, ejecting.
*releases cans of tuna*
Stephen: What the heck!?
Yo, K-Sir, How do I get this thing to fly?
K-Sir: You need to be fluent in German.
Stephen: Angela, activate thrusters!
Suit: Calling “Mom”.
Stephen: K-Sir, how do I do it?!?!
K-Sir: Translate goodbye into German.
Stephen: JUST ****ING TELL ME!
K-Sir: Only if I can ride on your back.
Stephen: *groans and kneels down*
K-Sir: *attaches to the suit*
Angela, Auf Wiedersehen.
Suit: Activating jet boosters.
*hovers over the ground*
Stephen: *leans forward a little and crashes through the wall*
K-Sir: Look where you want to go, and it will move in that direction.
Stephen: Is there a way to go faster….
the place I am trying to get to is a little far away!
K-Sir: First, what direction do you want to head in?
Stephen: California
K-Sir: How about just up?
Stephen: No, I need to get Sammy and Kaliber…
K-Sir: Think trajectory here. You need to arc and it’ll take less time than just making a beeline.
Stephen: Ah, I see. Now how do I get this thing to move faster?
K-Sir: Just look up. Start basic.
Stephen: Angela, activate ion boosters!
Suit: Karaoke mode, activated.
Stephen: First thing I’m gonna do after this is dismantle you then rebuild you from scratch!
K-Sir: Look up, ****it!
Stephen: Alright!
[A few minutes later]
[Location: San Diecisco, California]
*Crashes into a house*
Who are you?!
Kaliber: Wait, it can’t be…
It is.
Stephen: *gets up*
Ow, I think I broke my back….
Hey guys!
*approaches Carter*
Carter: *takes out a gun*
Stephen: WHOA! HEY!
It’s me!
Kaliber: Matthew, you sound different.
*draws a rifle*
Stay back!
Stephen: It’s me, Stephen!
Angela, deactivate!
Suit: Right away, boss.
*helmet is removed*
*suit deactivated*
Stephen; SEE?
It’s me!
Carter: *shoots Stephen in the leg*
Kaliber: No, I can’t. Why do people keep asking that? I’m ****ing blind!
Stephen: *doesn't even flinch*
Did you just shoot me?
K-Sir: No damage detected, sir!
Stephen: *looks at the his leg*
Suit: Warning, please inject enzyme 42 solution immediately.
Stephen: *green pustules appear around right arm*
*screams in pain*
K-Sir: It is called “Operation: Save the Turtles”.
Stephen: THIS……..IS…….NO…..TIME……FOR……JOKES!
Suit: Guten morgen, sir.
Stephen: Angela, Inject!
Suit: Toga party.
Stephen: *screams in pain and holds right arm*
Carter: Should we help him?
Kaliber: No. I know what that suit entitles. He needs to learn it himself.
Stephen: *falls on the ground while screaming*
P-please, h-help!
K-Sir: Say “Operation: Save the Turtles”!
Stephen: O-o-op-operation: S-Save the Turtles!
Suit: Injecting Enzyme 42.
*enters syringe into Stephen*
Stephen: *breathing heavily and stands up*
Kaliber, Sammy, I need both of you to help me!
Kaliber: I thought you didn’t need us.
And just call me “Kal”.
Stephen: I said, “ I wanted to live a peaceful life without worrying about Alterra or Kaliber”.
Please, Michael, Johnny, Madison, Athena and Soraya are kidnapped.
Kal: How do you know this?
Stephen: In a recent call with Michael. He was about to say something and then I heard an explosion and the call cut.
Sammy: Sounds serious.
Stephen: I-it is!
After this I’ll leave you alone!
Kal: Fine. I just want my old place in Maine.
Stephen: Alright, thank you!
Thank you so much!
Carter: I have never seen you so desperate before.
Stephen: Yeah, I guess I’ve changed!
Now Kal, do you know where they could have taken the others!?
Sammy: I’ve seen you desperate, Carter.
Carter: Shut up!
Kal: Maybe an old base in Maine? Near where Augusta was.
There’s a teleportation pad to an old station there.
Stephen: Is there a way we can directly get to the Station?
Kal: Only higher-ups would have access to that knowledge.
Stephen: You are one, right?
Kal: If I were still hired, then yes, I would be.
Stephen: At least tell me the name of the Station?
Kal: What makes you think I would remember it’s name? I was fired ten years ago.
Stephen: Angela, Activate.
Suit: Yes, boss?
Stephen: Get me information on all Kaliber Space Stations that are orbiting this planet.
Suit: I need authorization from the President of Kaliber to access that information.
Stephen: I am the president of Kaliber…
Scan my face if you want.
Carter: Wait… what?
Kal: It doesn’t do that, you know?
Stephen: How do I show this thing I am president of Kaliber?
*looks at K-sir*
K-Sir: Did Matthew say that you were in charge of the suit, or that you were the president of Kaliber?
Stephen: He asked me to take his place as President of Kaliber, I agreed. And for the so-called “cure” to the Kharaa he gave me control of the suit.
K-Sir: Then there must be a bug.
Stephen: Angela, run all confirmation procedures.
Suit: Ru-u-u-u-u- g-g-g-g-g-
Now, Stephen. Let’s have some fun!
Meet me at the Santian Station orbiting Mars. Go to the base in Maine and enter from there!
Stephen: What the hell?!
Who’s speaking?
Suit: Hurry, or your friends will suffer!
Stephen: Alright, I’ll meet you guys there
*puts on helmet*
Auf Wiedersehen!
Kal: Bye!
Stephen: I was talking to the suit.
Kal: And I was talking to you.
Suit: *boosters activate and take off*
Stephen: Alright, so old base in maine…..
Kal: Near where Augusta was!
K-Sir: Wait for me!
Stephen: *gently lands the suit*
This is where Augusta was.
Suit: Low Energy. Fuel as soon as possible.
Stephen: *looks at a small base with red markings saying “HERE!” “THIS ONE!” “ENTER!”*
Who is this person?
*walks in*
K-Sir: You got me, boss.
Stephen: Don't call me boss.
*pulls down a bright red lever*
Hmm, nothing seems to be happening?
K-Sir: Then what should I call you?
Stephen: Just call me Steve….
*the base rumbles for a few seconds then stops*
Well, that was……..weird.
K-Sir: K, sir!
Now, that opened up the door on the other side of the base.
Stephen: *pushes the door open and walks through*
Let me guess. Space Station?
K-Sir: Yes, it will take you there.
Stephen: *walks through the corridor*
K-Sir: I think you should charge Angela up.
Stephen: Maybe……
*comes out of the corridor into a room of contaminants*
*the base turns on and a voice is heard from the PA speakers*
Speakers: HAHAHA! Enter into my Santian Station, fool!
Stephen: Where are you!?
Too cowardly to show yourself?
Speakers: Remove your suit and enter, or I will end your friends off, staring with your beautiful wife.
Stephen: Angela, shut down