No really I was never scared playing it, even the first time. The reasons a lot of people find the game scary is because they allow their primitive parts of the brain to dominate their thinking a lot. While people like me who mostly use their brain for constructive thinking do not rely on emotions when acting.
Making decisions on emotions is in fact foolish as emotions are few and short lived. The flip side is to act based on values which are many and have long lasting effects, such as logic.
Obviously that does not mean I cannot feel fear, I can jump when something unexpected happens, however, the effect will be short and the reality is that even a cat can manage a jump scare so it's meaningless. Also it doesn't help that I know that in the end it's just a game.
However, let me give you a detailed explanation how it works, starting with my trip to Romania last year.
Draculas house of horror
While visiting Bran Castle a.k.a. Dracula's Castle I also went to the local Haunted house and it couldn't scare me at all. First part was walking on floor boards which when pressed would give you the feeling someone is grabbing your legs. However, I instantly knew it was pressurised air shooting at my legs, the fact I knew that feeling all too well from work didn't help. Next part was a "spinning room" which when looking forward made you lose ballance, however, I knew this was only an illusion and I knew how to counter it, I just looked at the floor instead of forward and the spinning room was no longer spinning. Then there were the usual treats i.e. creepy dolls, coffins that opened on their own etc. And then, I reached the end where you meet the "live one" oh yes a dude in a creepy mask who performs a jump scare on you. Unfortunately for him I noticed him before I even got close and so I was the one to make the first step and called out to him saying "and what about you sunshine?" Seeing the jig is up he tried to scare me anyway but obviously it couldn't work anymore so we shook hands and I left.
Why the Leviathan's scare you but can't scare me
Our Monkey ancestors developed eyes to specifically notice Snakes as unlike other predators they were difficult to spot as it was hard to differentiate them from the branches they slithered on. In fact it's likely we see far more colors than most animals in order to counter snakes abilities to camouflage themselves. Which is why even a picture of a snake can make a person jump to this day. And notice that most leviathan's have snake-like appearence, oh yes they were designed with our instinctive fear of snakes in mind. And that is why so many of you are afraid of them. But because I know how these things work my brain has difficulty to make me react through it's primitive parts. Also I assess the leviathan's using logic, which means I do not view them as monsters. I view them as what they are, which is animals. Big animals that view me as a quick snack, which is obviously something I would rather avoid from happening, however, I know they do not want to eat me out of spite. No, it's because they are hungry and are just trying to survive, just like me. Or it's because they are protecting their territory, regardless they are not monsters. So even though I do my best to avoid them they don't scare me even if I have to get close to them.