Really, let me explain myself, what happens when you start in subnautica?, right, BIG F SHIP, you try to go there, PUM radiation, you try to go deeper? "oxigen"-pda. got a prawn?, PUM arms are in dangerous biomes, seamoth? nah it dies at lost river, cyclops? kinda hard to drive, go to lava zone?, F. BIG DRAGON that can evaporate your prawn, so now you go full stealth, and PUM, you now have to explore half of the ULTRA DANGEROUS BIOMES to get the cure, and then build a big ship, in bz half of the craft can be found in safe biomes and there are only like 9 leviathans (counting ice worm) and all of them are easy to evade (except shadow they scare the f out of me but it's easy to evade if you know it's patrol range) and YOU CAN GET THE PRAWN EVEN BEFORE GETTING THE SEATRUCK LOL (hell i did) it's actually easier to do almost all things, so yes, except the shadow leviathan, i think bz is WAY easier than subnautica (also if you add mods in both of them they are easier but in bz it kinda insta pass the game like the freeze ray lol)
Why i wrote too much? i'm bored at 12:21a.m. and just killed a chelicerate