What are your favourite base-building spots in the game?
What are your favourite base-building spots in the game?
Yeah thats pretty valid
Next to the Enforcement Platform
I usually build my base in the safe shallows
I usually build my base on top of the big tree in the northwestern mushroom forest
I wound up building a number of bases. Primary base was in Safe Shallows next to the original capsule. Then built bases in the Kelp mountains and the Mushroom Forest. Built a base far to the West on top of the last outcrop before crossing to the floating island. Then a base in the deep bulb zone, another in the Lost River at the dragon skull, another at the tree, and another by the Lava Castle. Put water generators and vending machines in each base, with power cell chargers in a couple of them. Once these were all set up, powered by thermal plants, I never had to worry about power, food, or water. No more catching fish.
Seems well thought out
I built a main base at the entrance to the Jellyshrom caves near the crashed pod- plenty of space, close enough to build a tower to the surface so I can have solar panels working at 100%, & the position helps me to explore the caves early without vehicles.
@LordKrümelz I know the place you mean in the Lost River- the cavern just before the disease research facility. I always build a forward base there powered by thermals.
In Below Zero I built a base north of Omega Lab. I found an open area above a cave that leads down to the lower caverns, and built a long line of corridors so I could get to an oxygen supply at beyond 200 metres.
I chose this base spot because I was kinda scared… after a first mission with the Seamoth I quickly understood that the Cyclops would make things a lot easier so I made my way through the biome as slow as possible and in stealth mode until I found this spot which seemed ok and built the base as fast as possible. Since that day I always build there.
First time I made a seamoth, bone sharks ate it within 5 mins. I've never bothered with a seamoth since
I always use my Seamoth, that‘s probably because I don‘t like the slow prawn suit and I got a little adventourus drive style from my expeditions with no vehicle…
What do you think?