Well, somebody asked me to make the Lost River sub biomes in one sentence too. I’ll raise you one, how about all of the sub biomes (that are at least slightly significant, who cares about the million caves in the mountains). Note: Again, I may miss some significant biomes, or call the biomes the wrong unofficial wiki name, because I am still human (so far). I will also be giving an out of 10 rating, based on the same stuff as my BZ biome review.
Bone fields: Lives up to its name, full of giant (thankfully dead) things. 8/10.
Corridor: Kind of boring, not much to see here. 3/10.
Ghost Canyon: Cool flora, also the cache is nice. 6/10.
Ghost Forest: Cooler flora, has an aura of intimidation. 7/10.
Tree Cove: Ethereal, calming, peaceful, resource-rich, and utterly stunning. 10/10.
Junction: Everything meets up here, fairly empty though. 4/10.
Mountains Corridor: Boring, at least there’s kind of interesting scenery and the DRF. 6/10.
Deep Grand Reef: Grand Reef, now with more death and terror! 7/10.
Mushroom Forest Caves: Awwww the skrunkly, double tap now if you’d skrunkly the when. 7/10
Mountain Island Caves: Feels nice to be out of the water! 6/10
Dunes crater: It’s -maybe- worth it for the resources, and another cuddlefish. 7/10.
Blood Kelp Caves: No, now with more darkness!
PCF aquarium: Do I need to say it? 9/10.
Lava castle: At least the Sea Dragon is gone, but it’s still hard to navigate. 6/10.
Kelp Forest Caves: I hate those stupid jellyfish things! 3/10.
That’s all I want to do for this post. Let me know in the replies if you want specific biomes, I’ll reply back with a sentence and rating.