Okay, I want any and everyone who reads this to open subnautica or below zero, make a new game, and start playing around with console commands. I recommend fly, bobthebuilder, and hoverbikevariant1 (if you are using below zero)
Okay, I want any and everyone who reads this to open subnautica or below zero, make a new game, and start playing around with console commands. I recommend fly, bobthebuilder, and hoverbikevariant1 (if you are using below zero)
So, I FINALLY KNOW WHY I CAN'T GET SWITCH CONSOLE COMMANDS ON EITHER PLATFORM... Somebody (Namely, the Unknown Worlds dev team_) removed them. Look, I am not trying to be a backseat game dev, but please either give us Switch players our commands back, or remove them on all platforms. Please post 'Console Commands" or something similar if you agree. Also, if I am just being a dingo and missing something or not using the right buttons, please let me know, and tell me how to do it.
If I use console commands in my freedom world, will trophies be disabled, I’m on PS5.
Does anybody know how to do console commands in Below Zero on Switch, or if it is even a thing?
Halp. Plz.