I have noticed that a lot of the flora and coral of Below Zero have names that are too generic or are simply just completely boring. So, I decided to give them new names that I feel are far more appropriate to them. The following includes:
The Ancient Ornamental Plant is now called the Matron's Pitcher
The Antennae Plant is now called the Maroon Poinsettia
The Armored Plant is now called the Stymphalian Barnacle
The Bulb Stalk Plant is simply referred as Bulb Sprigs
The Cliff Lantern is now called a Weeping Lantern
The Creepvines of the Arctic are appropriately called Arctic Creepvines
The Crescent Moon Coral is now called the Rising Luna Crescent
The Third Deep Lilypads Flower will now be called a Speckled Reed
The Double Lung Plant will now be referred as a Chilled Lung
The Eclipse Plant is now referred as an Eclipseflower
The First Frozen River Plant is now called Shrimp Claw Kelp
The Glow Fungus is now called the Dangling Twinkler
The Hanging Plant is now called Vesta Ivy
The Lilypads are called Greater Lilypads
The Loop Plant is now called the Distorted Hoop
The Luna Plant is now called a Luna Crescent
The Mace Plant is now called the Living Pernach
The Oxygen Plant is now called a Bubble Lotus
The Radiant Sieve Coral is now called a Radiant Sieve
The Scaly Maw Anemone is now called a Mohawk Anemone
The Shelf Coral is now called Tanzanite Coral
The Spiral Plant is now called a Spiral Funnel
The Spotted Reeds Relative is now called a Striped Reed
The Thermal Coral Shelf would now be called a Basked Plate
The Tongue Plant would now be called Orochi's Spawn
The Tree Spires Purple Coral would be called a Gumdrop Polyp
And the Violet Beau Relative would be called a Dandelion Beau
What do you think of these new names for the various stationary lifeforms of the arctic? Do you like them, or do you hate them? Please let me know your opinons.