I have played the game for 2 days now and have discovered the inactive lava zone, the lava lakes with primary containment unit which I cant enter, the lost river with the bacteria research lab where I caught the khaara bacterium and all three vehicles fully upgraded but now I am stuck at this stage mostly improving my base because I cant find anywhere else to explore or progress the story. Whenever I try to explore I cant find anything else apart from more wrecks.
Anyone have any ideas for any biomes I need to enter or bases to explore?
Here is a list of ALL biomes, alien bases or caches, degassi bases and lifepods I have discovered or explored:
Safe shallows in detail
Redgrass in detail
Lost river in semi detail as far as i know, only found bacteria research lab
Lava lakes in detail as far as i know, only discovered primary containment unit which i cant enter
Inactive lava zone around the entrance near the clove tree, cant find anything other than lava lakes entrance
Mushroom forest not really explored
North blood kelp around lifepod not really explored
South blood kelp discovered not explored in detail
Floating islands explored in semi detail
Crater edge discovered
Degassi bases in shroom cave and under floating island fully explored
But not the biome the latter is in
Sparse reef cache
Lost river south blood kelp entrance cache
Primary containment unit i cant enter
Laser platform that killed the sunbeam
I entered lava lakes through inactive lava zone entrance not lost river entrance.