Well, hello there.
I play Subnautica on Xbox One X (NOT Series one!) on version from July 2021. I have fun but also I have one problem.
My fish are dying!
And no, not herbivores, the fish that are dying are FRICKING CARNIVORES! Here is the list of fish that I have:
Bone Shark
Cuddle Fish
Jelly Ray
Lava Lizard
Rabbit Ray
Sand Shark
And these fish are dying:
Bone Shark
Lava Lizard
Sand Shark
I have a concept to eject Jelly Ray (it isn't very beautiful for me) from the Containment, but I need your help too.
Sorry for bad english, I'm from Poland.
See you.
Is it just me or have there been no posts after the nightmare leviathan sketch was uploaded. It could be something wrong with me, but if not here’s something:
If a Mesmer mesmerises another Mesmer, will they both get closer to each other until they boop noses?
I was looking at concept art, and HOLY JESUS WAS THE MESMER ALWAYS GOING TO BE THIS BIG?!?!
So, when I was looking up fan made leviathans, I came across this.
If this existed, the biome it was in would probably be registered as a quarantine zone. Pretty cool design tho.
Mesmer with 56% votes!
Thank you for supporting series.
38 Votes in Poll
Boneshark- 27%
Thank you for supporting this series.
48 Votes in Poll
53 Votes in Poll
1.Ghost leviathan- 50%
2. Mesmer- 25%
Im will make part 3 soon
43 Votes in Poll
45 Votes in Poll
1.Ghost leviathan
2. Mesmer
2. Ghostray
I am gonna create another voting soon.
49 Votes in Poll
20 Votes in Poll
26 Votes in Poll
43 Votes in Poll
#killthemesmers ok I'm gonna tell you a story about mesmers. Once upon a time, I was just exploring the safe shallows minding my business then boom. A mesmer hippnotized me and I screamed for my life running back the end. I want to kill them all.