Should I get below zero? Or is it not as good as the original and not worth buying???
Should I get below zero? Or is it not as good as the original and not worth buying???
This is a good review of Below Zero, and kinda described the problems with Below Zero in an actual fair way
On Nintendo Switch if you go to specifically any Magnetite Ore Vein, for some reason there is a single piece thats always been unreachable and i cant grab it while always the same piece too, the piece at the top of the ore vein. Im not sure if it’s just me since i haven't found anyone else having this issue or not, but if it is just me does anyone know a way to possibly fix it? I’m at the point I could make 3 more whole ore veins with all those singular pieces i couldn’t grab.
I have gotten an bug or issue, whenever I enter the Sanctuary Zero and try to enter the room with the cube where AL-An's consciousness resides, my pc freezes on a shade of green and breaks my pc which leads me having to shut it off physically.
Is there any way to fix it?
I've tried entering it a few times and lost my save file permantly and the issues happens when it tries to start up the cutscene.
So i am playing below zero but i have already scande the architect in the koppa mine before i had al an in my head and now it has a beacon thing on it do i still have to go scan it or can i go to a different one???
62 Votes in Poll
For me personally, I'd like the Ice Dragon, Kitewing Skyray, Deep Arctic and Methane Ice Caves.
Is there a mod to add the og vehicles to below zero?
137 Votes in Poll
Really, let me explain myself, what happens when you start in subnautica?, right, BIG F SHIP, you try to go there, PUM radiation, you try to go deeper? "oxigen"-pda. got a prawn?, PUM arms are in dangerous biomes, seamoth? nah it dies at lost river, cyclops? kinda hard to drive, go to lava zone?, F. BIG DRAGON that can evaporate your prawn, so now you go full stealth, and PUM, you now have to explore half of the ULTRA DANGEROUS BIOMES to get the cure, and then build a big ship, in bz half of the craft can be found in safe biomes and there are only like 9 leviathans (counting ice worm) and all of them are easy to evade (except shadow they scare the f out of me but it's easy to evade if you know it's patrol range) and YOU CAN GET THE PRAWN EVEN BEFORE GETTING THE SEATRUCK LOL (hell i did) it's actually easier to do almost all things, so yes, except the shadow leviathan, i think bz is WAY easier than subnautica (also if you add mods in both of them they are easier but in bz it kinda insta pass the game like the freeze ray lol)
Why i wrote too much? i'm bored at 12:21a.m. and just killed a chelicerate
I know a lot of people complain about Below Zero so why don't we discuss ways it could've been better? How would you rewrite the story? What would you change about the environment? What creatures would you add? What mechanics would you implement?
It isn't damage, it's just flooded. i came back from an adventure in the crystal caverns and it was just flooded. i tried to exit and reenter, but nothing changed. maybe it's a bug. i think i will put some bulkheads and see if it works.
Update: it was damage. it was because i threw a sea monkey on my seatruck dock and it caused damage.
So, it says this biome which I have wished was added to game actually had concept art. Can someone please show what this concept art looks like?
125 Votes in Poll
I've been searching the internet for a beta code for the original story builds but found nothing. If anyone knows at least one of them, please tell me.
That's my opinion, my issue is that it's too easy to accidentally stumble into a bit of story that is completely different from what you were looking for, like finding an architect artifact before meeting Al-An. also why do so many of the creatures have the same type of mouth???
So alien covid is all over 4546B, infecting the flora and fauna for thousands of years, it spreads fast over a couple days, the cure was never sent out because the aliens who caused and tried to fix the mess just didn't listen to the holder of the cure, three people were infected after they crashed, one drowned or was eaten, the other succumbed to the illness but Margureit? GETS DRAGGED BY SATAN HIMSELF FOR MILES, KILLS IT, SURVIVES BY USING ITS BODY AS A RAFT WHILE EATING IT, ENDS UP IN A FROZEN WASTELAND, TAMES A POLAR BEAR CROCODILE, AND IS STILL INFECTED FOR GOD KNOWS HOW LONG UNTIL A JANITOR RELEASES THE CURE! What is this woman!? Did she WILL the Kharaa out of her!? It is baffling! AND LOOK HOW OLD SHE IS! Her immune system is not what it used to be! and she was attacked by a reaper! there's no way she got out unscathed, her body can't heal and fight bacteria at the same time! Something is up with that woman...
Only i think that below zero is harder than original?? Im actually playing it for the first time and i just CANT, everything is so hard to build or find. ( The same time im saying that, im having a crisis cus below zero )
"The player can also convert their save to Custom Mode at any point from the options menu. The use of this game mode will deny the player from obtaining achievements."
This is wrong and outdate. You can obtain achievements in custom mode.