Sorry for releasing this basically EONS after our last story. This is meant as inspiration for my co-writers and a neat story for everyone else. Enjoy!
P.S. It takes place 2 years after the last story. Here's a link.
*Location: Kal’s base in the Lost River Junction*
“Okay, let’s give this a shot.”
Kal sticks a wire to an old thermal plant left from when Ryley Robinson set up his base in the Lost River.
“Are you sure it will work?” I ask, a bit worried.
“There, all done. We should have power soon.”
It’s been two years since I faked my death. Kaliber has been trying so hard to stop our efforts.
They’ve failed so far.
Kaliber has entered the habitat.
“Okay, Sam, let’s talk about the next attack.”
Kal turns on a holographic display and the Crater’s topography is replicated onto it.
“Okay, Kaliber has bases here, here, here, and here,” Kal says. Different dots light up on it. One is in the Crag Field, one in the Void near the Grand Reef, one next to the sinkhole in the Dunes, and one in the Lava Lakes.
“I see no pattern to this,” I say.
“Look closer.”
I look closer and realize, most of them have leviathan-class predators in them.
“So, Shriek wasn’t the only one…”
“No, Sammy. Also, how are you holding up?”
“You mean with not seeing my friends and family for 2 years? Great, just fan-freaking-tastic. I need some water.”
Sammy has disembarked the habitat.
I release from the robo-suit and swim away for a minute.
Okay, calm down, don’t go savage. You are not a normal Reaper. Good, inhale, exhale.
I swim back and head to the chamber. When reuploaded to the suit, I head to the room to apologize.
“Kal, I’m sorry for snapping at you.”
“No need, I know you’re under a lot of stress and guilt.”
“I have a question, why do you wear those shades all the time?”
“I figured this would come one day…” She tkes off the sunglasses and her irises are milky-white. “I’m blind, like you. Instead of echolocation like you, I use my sense of smell to ‘see’.”
“Well, that’s-”
An explosion occurs and the entire base begins flooding. Kal make her way to the radio and sends a distress signal.
“This is Kallie Burr, coordinates attached. Our base has had an explosion next to it. Requesting immediate assistance. Also, hurry.”
I hold the leak back as well as I can to prevent it from entering.
“Kal, hurry to the Seatruck!”
“I can’t smell my way to it. The water’s clogging my nose!”
“Hold your breath!”
The leak opens up and the room floods faster than I can register it.
I deactivate the bot and swim to the flooded room. In the distance, a Cyclops swims away with the Kaliber logo on it. I rip the room apart and pick Kal up in my mandibles, setting her in the Moonpool that has a bulkhead at the only entrance.
“Are you okay, Kal?”
“Sammy, of course I’m not! I almost drowned!”
“Hey, don’t get mad at me, I was worried.”
“We need a new hideout, Kaliber knows we’re here.”
Tell me where it is, I need to call in a few favors.”
“Who are you gonna call?”
“John Goldman and Reginald Holt.”
“No, you don’t mean them, do you?”
“Yes, Metal Man and Silver Soldier. Former generals for the Boss...”
“Today, the Red Diamond will fall.”