The game will take place on a different planet, but it's a nice idea.
"The messed up dude known as chubby chaser"
I still get DMs every once in a while.
There are probably already fan fictions with Ryley and Sam (and Ryley and Robin) working together, though they might not have the exact backstory you specified.
Fixed. Thank you for your sacrifices.
Based on Paul's second log, people can live to the age of 160 (though that might be reserved for rich people). Based on that, Maida may still have a strong immune system despite being in her mid-50s.
The only thing in the vanilla game is the Gargantuan Fossil.
If we look at Tarentule's social activity, we see that the user has been at least a bit active on this wiki for the last two years--and that doesn't include how active the user was/was not on other wikis. Since Tarentule probably never turned off notifications for this thread, it makes sense that the user would see your message and respond.
I found the thread through Special:SocialActivity.
What makes it unbelievable?
It's been less than two months.
I think I'll also include @SLSbot (that's the first time I've pinged a user and it might end up being the last) in the celebrations. I have a very specific reason for doing so.
Blocked users don't show up on the leaderboard.
"i think the admins dont get enough love"
What about the moderators that aren't administrators?
"I was officially unbanned"
Do you have any proof of this? Because I can offer proof that you were not unbanned. GhostLeviathanLova is still globally blocked, so all of your further accounts should still be globally blocked.
"u CANT just ban everyone!"
Since you put it in all-caps, Xenodrone98 can.
The administration chooses the people it wants when it wants to; there is no written procedure. Continuing contributing to the wiki and see what happens.
Generally speaking, other users have no effect on the blocks of others (except in cases such as organized raids; where one user might get blocked for a week, ten users all doing the same type of vandalism might get blocked for a year each). It should usually be the blocked user in question who makes an appeal. If they don't want to and you're sure that you can thoroughly and properly explain what the admin did wrong (e.g., mistaking one account for another, putting a wrong duration, or the user didn't break a written rule on the wiki), then you may make the appeal--but I don't recommend using Discussions to discuss blocks in detail. Instead, you should try posting on a message wall. If the user received a global block, which is usually reserved for violating the Terms of Use (which you should know about because all of you were supposed to have read them when you made your account), it'll be more difficult to justify unblocking the user. Because it's a global block, you'll have to appeal to staff via Special:Contact to get the user's account unblocked globally. If that succeeds (or if the user was never globally blocked to begin with), then you can try appealing to the wiki staff.
That's some general advice. For this case in particular: you have zero chance of getting the user unblocked through your pleas. The end.
Soon (TM), you'll be able to check the Destroyed Lifepods and find out the answer really easily. For now, however, I'll recommend checking out the Radio article, under the Lifepods section.
What's your question/problem?
There is no actual translator in-game, but if you look at that Radio article you tagged, you can see the translation.