55 Votes in Poll
@MyNamels999 It's an year old post, how did you find it?
@MyNamels999 how the hell did you find this post?
55 Votes in Poll
Nice and simple: hit your self with a baking tray like in the Subnautica intro
Now you
Cyclops with teleportation module would be the best
Time capsules spawn randomly
Scan everything you find or hit everything with the 3000 DEGREE knife and I mean everything fauna, leviathans, Flora, on survival. Good luck
I don't think you can
I asked the age because you sound like kid and if you never heard the words go to school
I'm actually 13 And it's technically almost impossible to "shut up". Only place to achieve making zero noise is in vacuum example in space
But you're the one who sayd that
You're are supposed to say nothing
I wrote "bc I want to"
How so?
I'll could use some better teeth to be honest
That explains it and I'm only 13
@Darraghscan7 how old are you?
Imagine there's a reaper and it sees you and you are litterly walking for your life