i haven't been here in ages
Its been a while.
@SammytheSafetyReaper13 are you the original sammy? from a year ago?
felt like it
yeah you might want to stay a little COMPLETELY FAR AWAY from there
@Crashspyrocuphead ah sammy the reaper, that was a good time
Sup dudes
Haven't been here in long
Who all the new people here?
I bought it in 2019
Bruh the heck happened here?
*does anyone remember sammy the reaper...*
Lol what that long?
This was the last time @Josh keep replied, hope hes doing good
You ever cringe really badly at yourself, i did rereading these comments
Yeah i saw that in the news, dont know how to reply so i guess this
I havent been here in like 4 months
How everyone doing
Oh wow, the reaper comitee is still active
Anyways #ReaperLivesMatter
How everyone doing
Lol i havent been on the wiki in ages
I have balanced the votes
Yeah who is this guy? @GhostLeviathanLova506281 i have been here a few months and have literally never seen you