If you read the data entry, it says that it is a more acidic cousin of the acid mushroom. Plus, hydrochloric acid is made from deepshrooms, so its implied.
I believe I got my engines on the floating island wreck...
They do, they just aren't aggro. If you check Lava Zone, you'll see the sea dragon.
@Sonic Revolution alterra doesn't care about your survival. The PDA even tells you that you owe THREE MILLION DOLLARS for resources you used in your escape.
Other: floater. Don't question me lol
If you're having trouble finding stuff, use subnauticamap.io. It makes it way easier to find biomes and other things.
It happens to me, too. Are you, by chance, on ps4?
The same thing happens for me. I'm also on ps4.
Guys two reapers beat one sea dragon! Reapers win. Its a video on YouTube.
Merry christler
Dev console doesn't really work on the ps4 you gotta use the dev menu in the pause which is accessed by pushing r1 and r2 simultaneously. Same for Xbox.
Yes there are.
Explore glacial basin. There's a nice enormous surprise there for you.
Not enough system storage?
Floaty island wreck