Is there a map of the Lava Castle internal?
Is there a map of the Lava Castle internal?
The Hootsman
No, this is the adult.
Southwestern Grassy Plateaus, near the Lifepod #17, on top of a spire.
I don't remind Reefbacks over the Bulb Zone.
The coolest is the Ghost, definitive.
The Bonesharks are hate the Seamoth, always attack it.
Go in "on foot" with the Seaglide, carry 3 ultra high capacity tanks (9 min. of air) and wear a Reinforced Dive Suit.
The Seamoth: name Angus, color green
The PRAWN: name TheHootsman, color light grey
The Cyclops: name DSS Hootsforce, color dark grey
Get a good map (here, in the Wiki there are) and plan your path on it.
Cute. Like a hangman and his halter😐
You need anyway a seabase, to charge the accumulators of the sub.
Thank you, but I wish ALL of Juveniles, and need coordinates.
More lethal devices:
The Repulsion Cannon with close direct hit inflicts at about 300 damage. I was used it to kill Mesmers and Warpers.
The Claw Arm of the PRAWN kills a Sand Shark with 3 hits.
The PDS module of the Seamoth with full charge can kill a Stalker in short-range distance.
Tested with all handheld devices, only the Repulsion Cannon is usable, you can shot down the Stingers with it.
Is there any site, where I can get Precursor symbols, ornaments, wall decorations in the form of high resolution graphics?