i need to have the pda collected to open the aurora’s cabins or i can just enter the code without the collected pda
Sometimes i dont want titanium on my inventory
Right side of aurora, moro for the back of it
By the fact that they only appear in caves, I think the seamoth will not be able to get there, so I dont think so.
Really?? i didn’t know. thanks! ;D
But if i save in the menu options, does ir still counts or i need to enter my base anyway?
Cause its his spawn area
You’ll need the respectives pdas or..
Cabin 1:1869
Captain’s quarter:2679
Thank you so much :)
i need to have the pda collected to open the aurora’s cabins or i can just enter the code without the collected pda
That was exactly what happened with me too. I’m kind sad for this by the way ;-;
Thanks you ;)
when I die, do my items fall to the ground? is it worth going back to get them?