Lol, I haven't visited his wiki in a long time!
Hello random stranger from an another wiki who manage to obtain this wiki's link by chance, I am Alex.
I recommend the you build near the edges of the safe shallows you can sometimes find places where you can fit the cyclops and the scenery is great and it is a lot more convenient because it is right in the middle of the map. Or the grassy plateaus cause it has tons of resources and is relatively safe. The downside is the scenery (in my opinion) isn't as great. But, it just my opinion and you might find the plateaus prettier the shallows. If you prefer over function over aesthetics go with the grassy plateaus, if you prefer the latter go with the safe shallows.
Dude......don't necro post. I posted this a year ago.
Hi, I am still alive and well. However, my country is experiencing a coup! So I might get shot by the military while going out to buy food!
It is most likely a bug because that didn't happen to me.
Idk man.
I don't think so, I think only alts used to ban-evade are banned.
@Sammy the reaper leviathan and @Sammy the Safety Reaper leviathan are just accounts I made for no reason at all.
Dude fun-fact @Sammy the reaper leviathan and @Sammy the Safety Reaper leviathan are my alts.
He is a legend indeed.
Me too, also say hi to @Sammy the reaper leviathan
Hahaha Alien gun go brrrrrrrrr.
Doing fine how about you?
Hi welcome to our community.
No no @GhostLeviathanLova3
Idk, but this are all good theories.
0 secs cause I never attempted hardcore.
Oh... ok
But hey that is just a theory, a game theory!