Dude talk about that in the bellow zero wiki please
I'm confused how they did it at the black box data part to hard to see
Do you think the bug works on xbox?
Ok what is up with people saying search up it's look up and ok
No it's cute?
Do you know how i can't find it on youtube
I don't to much lag although there is one world that has had many bugs this is the only world i've been on that has these bugs
I remembered about streaming survives that allow me to play subnatica bellow zero and subnatica with little to no lag prob going to get subnatica bellow zero on steam and record subnatica hardcore and min scanner run on the xbox and i can stream through my computer to record it i am not going to say what streaming survive i use cause that's is basically advertising
When i do it
I need to look up how
Why not don't i need black box data to make rocket or is there some way to get there without laser cuter cause you need to go though the locker room to get to the prawn bay the prawn bay leads to the hall with the captains Quarters and locker room needs the laser cuter or do you know a way to not need that
Laser cuter for getting rocket bp?
Let me put that in a doc lot more then i would like but i want to do it with min scans as possible
Stop trying to get them to rush the story
Hey how are you doing have you gotten the seamoth and laser cuter yet
They still can't atm they still need laser cuter diamonds and more so
They can't really do that