75 Votes in Poll
Bz has a better map, but subnautica has a far better story, vehicles, and is way more scary
While i would rather not die to a gorilla, being thrown in prison still sucks
Sea treaders path it is
A giant black monster? Mustve been… THE GARGANTUAN!!!
Yeah bro just wait for the countdown and then head over to the spot and they touchdown and rescue you
75 Votes in Poll
Bz map better, subnautica fear/terror factor and story better
Bro uses bing
Link vid plz
Mushroom forest furthest from the aurora cause its got a portal to the alz and its in the middle of the map so it connects to multiple useful biomes
You can spawn in a seamoth lol
Modders get to work
The lights turn on by default when you load in, or maybe they just used to do that, but whenever they did that it didnt drain the power
Normally it would be crabsquid but that goofy picture of the gasopod won me over
None of the above
Im the only vote for deep twisty bridges lol
I think part of the reason I enjoy below zero more is because I've done like 5 playthroughs of the normal game and its gotten a bit stale
Link? I gotta support this
Love the UCS plate
Seamoth should be given endgame upgrades