Ghost leviathans mainly because they give me heart attacks and sound horrid
I spawned it
Is that you???
I died going that way...
Thought there was an island but when i swam toward it i looked down after the thing said i had reached crater edge to see what crater edge was, and in short the ghosties gobbled me :(
I am also afraid of reapers, but i needed the last cyclopes fragment REALLY bad, so i muted the audio and pretended it was the safe shallows, and it worked. As my dad would say: Suck it up, buttercup!
Darn it!!!
Shale in the jellyshroom caves for diamonds
Pretty Much...
Ham and Cheese!! :D
Who would dislike sea treaders!!!
A warper once trapped me in a cave and called some buddies, so i just quit and went back to my last save point.
Sorry, accidental spam...
In the game it is a lot more blue:
HEY!!! I looked it up!
What is sus???
Prawn and Seamoth torp systems.