Shouldn't there be a lot more quartz the closer you get to the Aurora? I know sand and quartz are different but you make glass from quartz. Doesn't sand turn into quartz/glass when superheated? Wouldn't an explosion and a crash cause a lot of heat?
Did you say crapsnake on purpose?
You when you found this out: I'm not stuck here with the Sea Dragons, THEY are stuck here with me
I don't care
Shouldn't there be a lot more quartz the closer you get to the Aurora? I know sand and quartz are different but you make glass from quartz. Doesn't sand turn into quartz/glass when superheated? Wouldn't an explosion and a crash cause a lot of heat?
The Aurora landed on an island? I thought the sand got pushed up from the crash
If you grapple onto a small fish (peeper, bladderfish, etc. all cookable fish plus rabbit ray) you can imcrease your walking speed by approximately .5x times your average speed although like the bladderfish water this is a non vegan act as it takes advantage of the fish and actually hurts it in the process
Better name
Subnautica: below 10000m
There is radiation so bring a vehicle repair the Aurora or get the radiation suit also it's 250m
Head toward the back of the Aurora until the drop to the grassy platues stay near the wall and look for an opening in the ground
Spoiler! Try the Degasi in the jelly shroom caves
Did they make the sea dragon or emporer first
No kharaa
It Does!
I'm confused did it push you down? Or was it already really close to the sea floor?
@GOODMANTHEGENUIS you were going to say jelly rays right?
Guess he's just a genius now
In combination with the grapple arm you could scan any leviathan so maybe that's one reason
It's LITERALLY in the wiki