Why is the damn crashfish immune but no precursor bothered to to research it??!
When I found out on my first play through I thought I'd won subnautica!!
I'd personally get more longevity out the game if I could start over but the map was different. The fun for me exploration, which ended once I explored everything of relevance
They (devs) ruled this out completely for subnsutica. And it is unlikely for below zero, but possible
7 hours and I died from a glitch... and I didn't realise I was playing with only one life haha. Didn't make that mistake again!
I was there in 2019. Friggin awesome but the dive centers are questionable to let some blatant newbie divers (like myself) dive it. Was friggin deep, and friggin cool!
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Oh and the precursors never found them as they ain't a big fan of a) the shallows due to their probable fair skin (space faring and their bases have no windows for uv) and b) their distaste for small caves (Probably because they are fairly tall based on their disecting table sizes)
Solved! Thanks folks
Its settled then, the crashfish is the mutant offspring of the emporer and leviathan, hence its imunity. Ill update the wiki!
Why is the damn crashfish immune but no precursor bothered to to research it??!
When I found out on my first play through I thought I'd won subnautica!!