41 Votes in Poll
Better than me
41 Votes in Poll
Dude this Guy no nothing about life .... Let me Tell you what comes after death as loop of Memories bad to goods after that ALL time passed you Go to the purgatory and the get judged If you get hell you gonna reincarnate with a bad life and bad lucky If get heaven you got good Life and good Lucky and them loops
I need to descontruct reapear leviathan First XD
Can someone decide what egg do i Put on my species lab i have ALL eggs even the commands one decide what egg down below pls
Great i open my save game and now my cyclops is in a vertical position help
Me too Thats not roleplay here that Just a funny mesage
Nope its not stuck on rocks there nothing around me
I was minding my own business when i try to Go down my cycloos dont Go down he get i a horizontal position Sorry for bad english i am Brazilian
Sorry i forgot
58 Votes in Poll
Console gang is here and hardcore game completed too so it's kyanite because when you need that thing It vanish
So i have base that conect with other bases so It created infinity energy i have 6 cyclops 9 seamoth and 4 exosuit but one thing that i dont have is food recently one my bases sink soo i Lost ALL my items there because my game crashed XD and i have a base on Surface to make barbecue 😆
I have a pet leviathan but he dies of starving a subnautica mod
63 Votes in Poll
Just try to runover the warperwith a seamot ir hit as drill arm on exosuit maybe If he took damage he Will Warp away
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dont know
31 Votes in Poll
Bit the cyclops Will be stuck
Take the prawn suite try to hit with drill arm