I HAVE to ask
So smol
This is 50x scarier than the reaper.
I named mine, Nemo.
Heck yes
66 Votes in Poll
Both of them are pretty equal. The scares from subnautica comes from looks and sound(Looking at you reaper and ghost). The scares from BZ comes from unexpected moments that made me jump a little. (Looking at you shadow and ice worm)
Shoot, I totally forgot about these resources.
You just that out now.
I bet that was an early version of the reaper or the sea dragon.
I HATE bone sharks
They can't move
It lives in the lost river
They can't raise taxes
They are not scary
They can't kill you
I want baby snow stalker, and shadow leviathan, and the sea dragon and everything creature in Subnautica/BZ.
Extremely true
Thanks for giving me nightmares.
I'd take my copy of subnautica and burn it :)
Wow that's beg ( That spelling mistake was on purpose)
Console commands are like cheat codes.