Send me your best memes of Subnautica and Below Zero to make up for my despair at having found out there is no "memes" catagory. I will put up some of my own.
Oh, i didnt see that. Also, these aren't copy pasted, i made these. If there are ones that are the same, I wasnt aware of them.
If I remember right, it's either 5 or 8.
That's enough from me for now. I wanna see what others come up with. :>
First one. Not the best but eh.
Send me your best memes of Subnautica and Below Zero to make up for my despair at having found out there is no "memes" catagory. I will put up some of my own.
I made a kohikii into the reaper today
I'm planning on making Subnautica skins in creatures of sonaria.
Kohikii: Shadow Leviathan/Reaper Leviathan
Emphines/Something else: Snow Stalker.
If anyone else has any suggestions for the Snow Stalker or other creatures, I would love to see them :D
I found some under the twisty bridges, however there is a squid shark down there + brute sharks.
I shall cherish my picture of Potato. Whoever decided the name of that cat is a genius.
This is excellent! :D
(Happened months ago cuz I became obsessed with Below Zero instead lol)
I had my first encounter with a reaper :0 I actually managed to record it on my ps4.
I was swimming with my seaglide looking for the mushroom forest cause I wanted to steal some of those glowy ray eggos and heard a roar, looked up slightly, and saw the nope-fish's tail in the distance. Luckily it was moving away. I literally just sat there for a moment, then slowly started swimming backward like "f*ck this sh*t I'm out."
Yes, it is Nope-Feesh :) His name is Jim, and we love him.
I found 1 reefback right by the void, not inside but a couple meters away. My guess is they just managed to swim inside there on accident. Scared me when it yelled at me tho.
I built mine in creative mode. I put power cell chargers (essential), a fabricator, medical kit fabricator, a radio, some lockers, a bed, aquarium (peepers only o-o), modification station, and i tried to put a planter in there, but it didnt fit. :(