108 Votes in Poll
Me fighting sans in undertale right now looks at this conversation like: 'give me a better weapon now'
Heres my no clipping story; i was in my seamoth in the crash zone, then suddenly a reaper grabbed me. i hate tis reaper, because he decided to let my sea moth go underground.
108 Votes in Poll
Subnautica isn't like undertale;you don't get to choose if your a pacifist or a genocidal maniac.
Thats still a gun.
Subnautica: into the void.
Im with noah.
Prawn-clops is a good combo.
Swim up, its the fastset direction.
I did that twice. neither prawn suits have escaped the void yet.
The prawn suit does the same thing; freeze when it gets too far away from the player.
What abt seatruck?
I would just embrace death.
Oh, happy birthday; you are the cursed child.
No, FRIDAY the 13TH;the cursed day.
I feel you. i once lost a few hours of gameplay. good thing i was in creative.
Heres your gargantuan creature; the gargantuan leviathan: