62 Votes in Poll
I'm part of death p.a.c.t so I really can't
Oh god
@Gw19davidsonluke3 I don't necessarily think that adult sea monkeys are heartless sickos, They are just curious as to what Robin is holding.
I guess I'm a heartless sicko!
Ps, I was not on the wiki for the past couple of months because there was some drama between my parents...
62 Votes in Poll
77 Votes in Poll
Yes...very much
77 Votes in Poll
He isn't my friend...
He is my cousin...
Somebody plz explain what the heck happened while I was gone?
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooobody posted on meme monday
So as you may have noticed I did not post would you wensday and that is because I have been sick for 4 days now and I hope I get better by next week...
Idk maybe?