Maybe it has enzyme 42. I’ve had a few glow peepers that had the enzyme trail
Yes. In one of my playthroughs I put it between the large room and the control bay small room. Fits perfectly
I put a bed, fabricator and a ton of lockers
In mine I put a bunch of reactor rods and said “destroy the ecosystem, just like I did”
Ice is frozen water
Well, I am out of ideas. My last idea is being bigger than some creature on earth. Simple. I hope there will be explanations in Subnautica 2
The ghost worm is classified as a leviathan because it is an apex predator in lost river. The gargantuan leviathan is canonically not known to be alive or dead and Ryley’s pad considers it extinct, so it fits the apex predator criteria in dead zone too
Reaper is an apex predator around the bulb zone, dunes and mountains
There are videos on this and many people still can’t decide. Most likely: Big size and apex predator (no other creatures eat it)
I have one in blood kelp zone, as it connects to multiple biomes
And one in inactive lava zone, as a way to repair transport, get some food and collect resources
Isn’t Givanium the mystery liquid in Garden of Banban, that made everything that touched it a horrible uncontrollable monster?
Whatever it is, you will never get one-shot in below zero, so you should be fine
Ghost leviathans sometimes wander out of their biomes
Databoxes don’t despawm. They are not a part of the structure. If you are worried, try relaunching the game
Swim fast and get a cyclops thermal module. I don’t know where it is. You can also get a base really close to lava to use thermal reactors and inside the base have a power cell recharge station for the cyclops.
The cyclops is so bulky, that it gets annoying to move around the tight corifoors in the lava zones.
Yes, that’s normal. The same thing happends in original with ghost leviathans
I have nintendo switch
BZ has better controls, but nothing beats the original
There is a multiplayer mod in subnautica