What do you put in your time capsule when you blast off the planet? I usually like to put some kind of poster or stuffed animal with a piece of equipment that might be harder to get, (Water filtration suit, swim glide fins, etc).
57 Votes in Poll
Levathians also seem to be immune to the kharaa
57 Votes in Poll
Great thing about subnautica is you can go at whatever pace. The only recommendation I’d make is to make sure you get every piece of databases you can while exploring a structure (life pod, degasi bases). Just so you don’t have to go back to a place to look for something that you may have missed
The first time I ever beat subnautica was in hardcore mode. Not very difficult as long as you’re smart. Scariest parts are diving in wrecks and you almost run out of oxygen
Built in alien containment
Same for me, not enough uses for how common it is
What do you put in your time capsule when you blast off the planet? I usually like to put some kind of poster or stuffed animal with a piece of equipment that might be harder to get, (Water filtration suit, swim glide fins, etc).
I have my main base and usually a lost river outpost to make any traveling down there easier
Warper. They’ve given me so many heart attacks
I don’t think they do, unless it’s the ghost leviathan in the void
I don’t think they do as their gas pods won’t release unless they’re in the wild. Can’t hurt to do a test run in creative first tho