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Punkt zbiórki nie wypalił. Przechwyciliśmy transmisję z siedziby głównej Alterry i wygląda na to, że wysłali pakiet danych na Aurorę. Przed dotarciem do statku wpadliśmy na drapieżnika klasy lewiatańskiej. Uważajcie mnie i główną inżynier za zagubionych na morzu. Bądźcie ostrożni. Keen... bez odbioru.
― Drugi Oficer Keen, Data Downloads
Szablon:StubDrugi Oficer Keen był członkiem załogi Aurory. Uciekł z miejsca gdzie rozbiła się Kapsuła Ratunkowa 19,. Miał rozkaz od Kapitana Hollister by wysłać wiadomość do wszystkich ocalałych i przegrupować się na Floating Island.
Po rozbiciu[]
After the Aurora's crash, Keen was ordered by Captain Hollister to send a message to all the other Aurora survivors. However, only he and CTO Yu made it. After the two met up, Yu wanted to search for more survivors, for which Keen denied. His demise is unknown, however it is suggested that he either fell off the island or got eaten by Cave Crawlers.
Dane do pobrania[]
OFFICER KEEN: The way I see it no one's to blame here.
CREWMEMBER J: She gave me the wrong co-ordinates!
CREWMEMBER P: He didn't give me clear instruction!
OFFICER KEEN: Okay, I'll rephrase: you've been equally incompetent. Now, we've lost time, but we're closer to the planet, so if the Degasi's out there the scan should pick it up.
CREWMEMBER P: Why are we even helping the Mongolians? They're the competition.
OFFICER KEEN: Enjoy your shore leave on Sanjei Station? Like having fuel in the tanks? Thank the Mongolians. We run the scans, we show them we didn't find anything, and we say thanks for the free dinner. Clear?
CREWMEMBER J: Sir, there's something odd on the surface scan here.
OFFICER KEEN: Turn that recorder off!
CAPTAIN: Keen! This is Aurora, come in!
OFFICER KEEN: I hear you, Captain!
CAPTAIN: The computer has identified a landmass at the attached coordinates! I want you to regroup the crew there!
OFFICER KEEN: Understood, but-
CAPTAIN: They're your responsibility now, don't let them down!
OFFICER KEEN: Captain, you need to evacuate!
CAPTAIN: Negative, your guys need the chance to salvage the ship and contact HQ. I'm attempting a controlled descent.
*Explosion aboard the Aurora*
To all crew - If you are reading this then you have followed the automatic distress signal broadcast by this lifepod's onboard computer, contrary to my orders. I have been forced to evacuate. Your orders are to disregard my safety and attempt to reach the designated rendezvous co-ordinates at the nearest landmass. I hope to see you there.
CTO YU: We have to go back out there. We can't be the only two that made it.
OFFICER KEEN: Those are not the orders the captain gave me, and they are not the orders I'm giving you.
CTO YU: This isn't chain of command, this isn't heroism. It's survival. The more of us there are, the more likely we live.
OFFICER KEEN: My obligations as acting commander don't turn on their convenience. Get out of the water.
CTO YU: If I get into trouble, I'll send you my coordinates.
OFFICER KEEN: Okay, okay, just let me leave the PDA for anyone that makes it back here. I'm coming with you.
[Received emergency transmission from Second Officer Keen 2 hours after last activity]
OFFICER KEEN: These are my final orders. Rendezvous was a failure. Intercepted a transmission from Alterra HQ, couldn't hear all the detail. Seems they sent a data package to the Aurora. That's your best hope. Consider CTO Yu and I KIA. Keen... out.