Subnautica Wiki
If you are looking for a specific command, do Ctrl (PC) or Command (Mac) + F and type the command you are looking for.
Stop Warning!

SAVE your game before using these commands! Using these commands might impair your Subnautica experience, and will disable achievements!

This article is about Console Commands in Subnautica. Click here for information on this subject in Below Zero.

Console Commands are a group of tools that adjust the player's experience outside the normal scope of the game. These commands can be used for debugging purposes, viewing partially implemented content, or simply for player enjoyment.

How to use

The console is an optional feature and is disabled by default. To activate it you need to press F3 and you'll see a checkbox ticked in the top left saying: "Disable Console". Press F8 to get a mouse cursor and uncheck the box to activate the console.

Once the console is enabled, press Enter, ~, Ø or Ö, depending on the keyboard, and type one of the commands below. Whenever you restart the game, you need to press one of the overlay keys first (e.g. F3) before pressing the console key.

It is recommended to close all overlays before typing a command, as entering a number does change the game settings on some overlays (e.g. on the F3 overlay).

Input box use


  • Pressing Enter, ~, Ø or Ö brings up an input box. This depends on country and keyboard layout.
  • And press Uparrow or Downarrow.
    • This shows the previously entered commands.
    • Click Enter to select chosen commands


  • PressingError: Invalid Button Specified +Error: Invalid Button Specified +Error: Invalid Button Specified brings up an input box.
  • Pressing Error: Invalid Button Specified and thenError: Invalid Button Specified +Error: Invalid Button Specified will open the Start menu and add a seventh "Developer" option, which allows the easy use of console commands (no typing required) (not all commands included).

Playstation 4

  • Pressing PS4 L1 + PS4 R1 + Error: Invalid Button Specified brings up an input box.

List of commands


[NAME] Represents a variable text input that depends on the command.
[#] Represents a value of the player's choice.
[x] [y] [z] Represent coordinates.

  • [x] East & West
  • [y] Altitude
  • [z] North & South


countdownship Initiates the countdown for the explosion of the Aurora's dark matter reactor.
explodeship Initiates the explosion of the Aurora's dark matter reactor.
restoreship Returns the Aurora to its original form. Turns on radiation.
startsunbeamstoryevent Activates the Sunbeam story event.
sunbeamcountdownstart Activates the Sunbeam countdown.
precursorgunaim Plays the entire Quarantine Enforcement Platform shooting down the Sunbeam event.
playsunbeamfx Plays only the second part of the Quarantine Enforcement Platform shooting down the Sunbeam event.
infectionreveal Plays the animation of the player realizing he is infected with the Kharaa Bacterium.

Be warned that triggering this command advances the player's infection stage to 4.

forcerocketready Allows the Neptune Escape Rocket to be launched without disabling the Quarantine Enforcement Platform.


item [NAME] [#]
  • Adds a specified amount of a certain item to the player's inventory.
  • Example:
    item titanium 5
    • Will add 5 Titanium to the player's inventory.
  • For items with spaces in their name (e.g. Stasis Rifle), make them one word (e.g. stasisrifle).
  • A complete list of items can be found here.
clearinventory Deletes everything in the Inventory.
spawn [NAME] [#]
  • Spawns a specified amount of a certain object in front of the player.
  • Example:
    spawn seamoth
  • Example:
    spawn holefish 5
    • Spawns 5 Holefish in front of the player.
cure [#] Cures the Player and all creatures in a specified range of the Kharaa Bacterium.
infect [#] Infects the Player and all creatures in a specified range with the Kharaa Bacterium.
lldetach Detaches all lava larva from any vehicles.
playerinfection [#]
  • Changes the stage of the Kharaa Bacterium infection in the player (1-5).
  • A value of 5 will cure the player.
sub cyclops Spawns the Cyclops in front of the player.
sub aurora Spawns the Aurora behind the player.
sub escapepod Spawns a new Lifepod 5 at sea level somewhere within the Safe Shallows, and places the player insde.

Causes every Water Filtration Machine on the map to instantly fabricate a Large Filtered Water.


Causes every Water Filtration Machine on the map to instantly fabricate Salt.


Gives the player every common vehicle module.

cyclopsupgrades Gives the player every Cyclops module.

Gives the player every Seamoth module.


Gives the player every Prawn Suit module.


Gives the player every Prawn Suit arm.

tools loot
resourcesfor [NAME]
  • Provides resources for any specific craftable items.
  • Example:
    resourcesfor knife
ency [NAME]
  • Unlocks a specific data base entry.
  • The entry name is case sensitive and requires exact spelling with no spaces.
  • Example:
    ency crabsnake
  • Doing:
    ency all
    • Will give the player all of the data bank entries, even ones not in the normal game yet.
damage [#] Sets damage multiplier to player's choice.
takedamage [#] Damages player's health % amount equal to value. Max health is 100%.
instagib Toggles instagib mode.
invisible Creatures will ignore the player completely.
filterfast Reduces the time Water Filtration Machines take to filter.
fastscan Reduces the scanning time when using the Scanner.
fastgrow Plantable flora will grow within a few moments when placed in any type of planter.
fasthatch Eggs will hatch within a few moments after being placed in an Alien Containment.
  • Allows the player to build modules in an instant of a second with the Habitat Builder.
  • This is good to use together with "nocost" command.
nocost Toggles nocost mode on and off. While on, the player can use the Fabricator, Habitat Builder, Mobile Vehicle Bay, Vehicle Upgrade Console and Modification Station even if they do not have the materials required. Note that if the player does have some or all of the materials required to make something, they will still be expended. Deconstructing an item with the Habitat Builder in this mode does not refund its construction materials.
nodamage Toggles all creatures' health, acting as invincibility. Typing the command again allows all entities to take damage as normal.
noenergy Toggles power usage for all vehicles, tools as well as the Seabases.
  • Disables the player's Food & Water requirements.
  • Removes sustenance value on items.
  • Only applicable for Survival and Hardcore modes.
  • Identical to freedom command.
oxygen Toggles loss of oxygen when underwater. You will regain oxygen normally.

Warning: If used after oxygen has reached 0, it won't save you from dying.

nitrogen Toggles longer underwater time and adds the factor of decompression sickness if not careful.
radiation Toggles radiation.
fixleaks Fixes the Aurora's radiation leaks in the generator room.
leak Creates leaks inside every Cyclops on the map. (Not working currently.)
flood Floods every Cyclops on the map.
damagesub Damages every Cyclops on the map.
destroycyclops Destroys every Cyclops on the map.
restorecyclops Converts every Cyclops wreck on the map to a functional (but damaged) state.
vfx cyclopssmokeeffect (value) Generates the Cyclops smoke effect. Can be toggled from values 0 to 1.
bubbles Spawns several bubbles (air) around the player.
seaglide Spawns an unpowered Seaglide in front of the player.
dig [#]
  • Removes all terrain around the player in a sphere with a diameter of # meters (max value: 100).
  • This command puts a severe strain on the gameplay performance.
  • Unlocks a specific blueprint.
  • Example:
    unlock solarpanel
  • Locks a specific blueprint.
  • Example:
    lock solarpanel
unlock all Unlocks all blueprints.


  • freedom
  • creative
  • survival
  • hardcore
Changes game mode to chosen type.
day Sets time to day.
night Sets time to night.
daynight [#] Sets a specific time. # is a float from 0 to 1. "0" is midnight (same as 'night' command) and "0.5" is midday (same as 'day' command'). "0.15" is dawn. Each use of that command increments day counter by 1.
daynightspeed [#] Sets the day/night cycle speed multiplier (default 1). A # of "2" would be a day/night cycle twice as fast (shorter day and shorter night). A float such as 0.1 will make the day/night cycle 10x slower.
debugstartmap Displays all possible Lifepod spawn locations as a small black cube. To remove the cubes, rejoin the game.
cinematics Toggles animation for the player.
debugsound Toggles sound.
entreset Reloads all assets of the game (except for terrain).
gamereset Resets the game, including the player's inventory and position, to when it was last saved.
farplane [#] Changes your viewing distance. 1000 is default.
fog Toggles in-game fog.
fov [#] Toggles player camera zoom (5-60), 60 is default. Different types of lens framing such as flip, upside down, telescopic effect, etc., are found in the values of 5 to 500,000.
  • Allows you to freely leave your character and roam the terrain, even fly through solid objects. Use the command again to go back to your character. (WARNING: Very sensitive movements, cannot open menu or inventory while in freecam.)
  • To manipulate freecam movement, use shift to accelerate. Pressing the numbers 1-5 also appears to change the speed at which you move using shift.
fps Shows FPS.
nobloom Removes bloom. Game restart needed to re-apply.
noshadows Removes shadows. Game restart needed to re-apply.
printbiome Shows on screen what biome the player is currently in.
printbiome Shows on screen what biome the player is currently in.
resetachievements In the Steam version, it resets all achievements that have been collected. Note that this cannot be undone.
spawnperf [x] [y] [z] Teleports the player to the coordinates inputted and spawns several various objects at the location, including precursor structures and pieces of the aurora.
speed [#] Sets the game speed multiplier (default 1). A # of "2" would be 2x gameplay speed. A float such as 0.1 will slow gamespeed to 10%.
target Toggles target debug.
schoolfishai Toggles the AI of a Shoal of Fish
vsync Toggles VSync.
vr Available VR options: None, Stereo, Split, Oculus, Morpheus.


biome [NAME]
  • Teleports the player to a specific Biome.
  • Example:
    biome safe
warp [x] [y] [z]
  • Warps the player to the coordinates of their choice.
  • Example:
    warp 1 1 1
warpforward [#]
  • Warps the player forward by however many meters they desire
batch [x] [y] [z]
  • Warps the player to the centre of a batch of their choice.
  • Batches do not use the same co-ordinate system as the warp command.
    • x = 12, z = 12 is the centre of the map.
    • y = 18 is sea-level.
  • Example:
    batch 12 18 12

Teleports the player to the Cyclops, a Seabase, or Lifepod 5 depending on which the player last entered. Good for getting unstuck.

goto [NAME]
  • Teleports the player to a specific location.
    • Example:
      goto aurora
      • Teleports the player to the ramp leading into the Aurora's belly. Do not use before the Aurora has blown up, otherwise you will be inside the unexploded Aurora, which is not intended.

WARNING- Teleporting into the Aurora's rooms may cause the entities to not load. It is recommended to go into the Aurora the normal way.

  • genroom
    • Teleports the player to the Aurora's generator room.
  • cargoroom
    • Teleports the player to the Aurora's cargo room.
  • exoroom
    • Teleports the player to the Aurora's exosuit room.
  • Degasi Bases
    • base1
    • base1a
      • Teleports the player to one of the mountaintop Seabases on the Floating Island.
    • base1b
      • Teleports the player to one of the mountaintop Seabases on the Floating Island.
    • base2
  • Wrecks - It is advisable to use coordinates for wrecks locations.
    • wreck1
    • wreck2
    • wreck3
    • wreck4
    • wreck5
    • wreck6
    • wreck7
    • wreck8
    • wreck9
    • wreck10
    • wreck11
    • wreck12
    • wreck13
    • wreck14
    • wreck15
    • wreck16
    • wreck17
    • wreck18
    • wreck19
    • wreck20
  • Alien Bases
    • gun (Quarantine Enforcement Platform)
    • gun_inside
    • gunmoonpool
    • gun_Elevator_Enter
    • gun_Elevator_Exit
    • mountainteleporter
    • prison
    • aquarium (The containment for the sea emperor)
    • antechamber
    • lostriverbase - Note: This one might spawn you in a wall. Just swim out, they're only solid on the textured side.
    • lavacastlebase (Thermal Plant)
    • lavacastlebaseinside
  • Alien Arches
    • mountainteleporter
    • mushroomforestteleporter
    • lostriverteleporter
    • cragfieldteleporter
  • Escape Pods
    • escapepod21 (Lifepod 17)
    • escapepod22 (Lifepod 5)
    • escapepod23 (Lifepod 7)
    • escapepod24 (Lifepod 13)
    • escapepod25 (Lifepod 6)
    • escapepod26 (Lifepod 12)
    • escapepod27 (Lifepod 4)
    • escapepod28 (Lifepod 3)
    • escapepod29 (Lifepod 2)
    • escapepod30 (Lifepod 19)
  • Scatters (Random piles of Aurora debris)
    • scatter31
    • scatter32
    • scatter33
    • scatter34
    • scatter35
    • scatter36
    • scatter37
    • scatter38
    • scatter39
    • scatter40
    • scatter41
    • scatter42
  • Juvenile Sea Emperors
spawnnearby Respawns the player a small distance away. Good for getting un-stuck.
randomstart Teleports the player into Lifepod 5 and respawns Lifepod 5 at one of its initial spawn point locations at random.
kill Respawns the player instantly inside the lifepod. Useful as a "teleport" feature. Do NOT use on Hardcore game setting.

List of spawnable creatures or items

Most known Raw Materials, Vehicles and life forms are spawnable directly by their name.

For a complete list of spawnable items see the Spawn IDs page.
