Subnautica Wiki
Subnautica Wiki
This article is about the Fabricator in Subnautica. Click here for information on this subject in Below Zero.

The Fabricator is an appliance that can be used to craft Food & Water, Equipment, Tools, and Deployables from Raw Materials, Basic Materials, Advanced Materials, and Electronics.

One Fabricator can be found in Lifepod 5; as is the player's starting location, the use of this Fabricator is vital toward the player's progress and survival. Additional Fabricators can be constructed with the Habitat Builder and placed inside a Cyclops or a Seabase module. Broken fabricators can be found in most of the Destroyed lifepods.

The Vehicle Upgrade Console, Scanner Room, and Cyclops include special fabricators specific to those rooms, which only fabricate Seamoth/Prawn Suit upgrades, Scanner Room upgrades and Cyclops upgrades, respectively.


When activated with LMB or ,it will display an interface from which the player can choose an item to craft. If the player has the required materials to craft an item, the item will be in color and highlighted in blue; otherwise, the item will be greyed out and highlighted in grey. The player can cancel out of the interface with RMB or XBOX B CyclopsExt1.

When the Fabricator finishes crafting an item, it will usually place it in the player's inventory. However, if the player moves away from the Fabricator during the crafting process, the newly crafted item will remain in the Fabricator, and the player must come back and manually pick it up. In this case, the player will receive a notification that their item is ready. The Fabricator cannot be used to craft items while there are still items in it that have not been picked up. By default, the Fabricator interface disappears while it is crafting an item and reappears when it is finished. The player can hold the key for sprinting (by default: ShiftCyclopsExt1​) when they select an item to craft to leave the interface open during crafting.

The Fabricator requires Energy to work and will consume 5 Energy per item crafted from a Seabase or Cyclops. If there is not enough Energy, the Fabricator cannot be used. The Fabricator does not require energy to operate in Creative Mode.


TitaniumGoldTable Coral SampleItem ArrowHabitat BuilderItem ArrowFabricator

Fabricator Crafting Sections[]

The Fabricator has four main recipe categories:


Basic Materials[]

Metal SalvageItem ArrowFabricatorItem ArrowTitanium×4
Titanium×10Item ArrowFabricatorItem ArrowTitanium Ingot
Creepvine SampleCreepvine SampleItem ArrowFabricatorItem ArrowFiber Mesh
Creepvine Seed ClusterItem ArrowFabricatorItem ArrowSilicone RubberSilicone Rubber
QuartzQuartzItem ArrowFabricatorItem ArrowGlass
Salt DepositCoral Tube SampleItem ArrowFabricatorItem ArrowBleach
Creepvine Seed ClusterItem ArrowFabricatorItem ArrowLubricant
Stalker ToothGlassItem ArrowFabricatorItem ArrowEnameled Glass
Titanium IngotLithiumLithiumItem ArrowFabricatorItem ArrowPlasteel Ingot

Advanced Materials[]

Deep ShroomDeep ShroomDeep ShroomSalt DepositItem ArrowFabricatorItem ArrowHydrochloric Acid
Blood OilBlood OilBlood OilItem ArrowFabricatorItem ArrowBenzene
BenzeneFiber MeshItem ArrowFabricatorItem ArrowSynthetic Fibers
Gel SackRubyItem ArrowFabricatorItem ArrowAerogel
GoldHydrochloric AcidItem ArrowFabricatorItem ArrowPolyaniline


Copper OreCopper OreItem ArrowFabricatorItem ArrowCopper Wire
Acid MushroomAcid MushroomCopper OreItem ArrowFabricatorItem ArrowBattery
BatteryBatterySilicone RubberItem ArrowFabricatorItem ArrowPower Cell
Table Coral SampleTable Coral SampleGoldCopper WireItem ArrowFabricatorItem ArrowComputer Chip
Silver OreSilver OreItem ArrowFabricatorItem ArrowWiring Kit
Wiring KitGoldGoldComputer ChipItem ArrowFabricatorItem ArrowAdvanced Wiring Kit
Uraninite CrystalUraninite CrystalUraninite CrystalLeadTitaniumGlassItem ArrowFabricatorItem ArrowReactor Rod

Spoiler alert: The following section contains story related material.

Ion CubeGoldSilver OreItem ArrowFabricatorItem ArrowIon Battery
Ion BatteryIon BatterySilicone RubberItem ArrowFabricatorItem ArrowIon Power Cell




TitaniumTitaniumTitaniumItem ArrowFabricatorItem ArrowStandard O₂ Tank
Standard O₂ TankGlassGlassTitanium×4Silver OreItem ArrowFabricatorItem ArrowHigh Capacity O₂ Tank
Silicone RubberSilicone RubberItem ArrowFabricatorItem ArrowFins
Fiber MeshFiber MeshLeadLeadItem ArrowFabricatorItem ArrowRadiation SuitRadiation GlovesRadiation Helmet
Synthetic FibersDiamondDiamondTitaniumTitaniumItem ArrowFabricatorItem ArrowReinforced Dive SuitReinforced Gloves
Synthetic FibersAerogelCopper WireItem ArrowFabricatorItem ArrowWater Filtration Suit
Fiber MeshItem ArrowFabricatorItem ArrowFirst Aid Kit
TitaniumTitaniumTitaniumItem ArrowFabricatorItem ArrowFire Extinguisher
Wiring KitFiber MeshItem ArrowFabricatorItem ArrowRebreather
Copper WireWiring KitItem ArrowFabricatorItem ArrowCompass
TitaniumTitaniumItem ArrowFabricatorItem ArrowPipe×5
TitaniumTitaniumItem ArrowFabricatorItem ArrowPipe Surface Floater

Spoiler alert: The following section contains story related material.

Ion CubeDiamondDiamondItem ArrowFabricatorItem ArrowPurple Tablet
Ion CubeKyaniteKyaniteItem ArrowFabricatorItem ArrowBlue Tablet
Ion CubeNickel OreNickel OreItem ArrowFabricatorItem ArrowOrange Tablet


BatteryTitaniumItem ArrowFabricatorItem ArrowScanner
Silicone RubberCave SulfurTitaniumItem ArrowFabricatorItem ArrowRepair Tool
BatteryGlassItem ArrowFabricatorItem ArrowFlashlight
Silicone RubberTitaniumItem ArrowFabricatorItem ArrowSurvival Knife
Creepvine Seed ClusterCreepvine Seed ClusterCopper WireTitaniumItem ArrowFabricatorItem ArrowDive Reel
Silicone RubberBladderfishItem ArrowFabricatorItem ArrowAir Bladder
Cave SulfurItem ArrowFabricatorItem ArrowFlare×5
Wiring KitComputer ChipBatteryItem ArrowFabricatorItem ArrowHabitat Builder
DiamondDiamondBatteryTitaniumCave SulfurItem ArrowFabricatorItem ArrowLaser Cutter
Computer ChipBatteryTitaniumMagnetiteMagnetiteItem ArrowFabricatorItem ArrowStasis Rifle
Wiring KitBatteryTitaniumItem ArrowFabricatorItem ArrowPropulsion Cannon
BatteryTitaniumGlassItem ArrowFabricatorItem ArrowLight Stick


BatteryLubricantCopper WireTitaniumItem ArrowFabricatorItem ArrowSeaglide
Titanium IngotLubricantPower CellItem ArrowFabricatorItem ArrowMobile Vehicle Bay
Copper OreTitaniumItem ArrowFabricatorItem ArrowBeacon
Titanium×4Item ArrowFabricatorItem ArrowWaterproof Locker
BatteryCopper OreTitaniumItem ArrowFabricatorItem ArrowGravsphere
TitaniumTitaniumTitaniumWiring KitItem ArrowFabricatorItem ArrowCreature DecoyCreature DecoyCreature Decoy

Data Bank Entry[]


Fabrication technology is the power to rearrange matter at the atomic level. It was the catalyst behind the great expansion, and remains the backbone of the modern world.

Fabricators come in all shapes and sizes, but the most common are small enough to be wall-mounted, and are used for everything from constructing everyday implements to cooking dinner. It is common today for households to keep a store of generic base materials on hand for any eventuality.

Source: Unlocked by default



  • The Fabricator used to require a Computer Chip to create with the Habitat Builder. This was changed in an update shortly before release to requiring Gold and a Table Coral Sample instead.
  • Fabricators inside Destroyed Lifepods cannot be used, most likely due to the fact that either there is no power or they were destroyed.