Subnautica Wiki
This article is about the Habitat Builder in Subnautica. Click here for information on this subject in Below Zero.


The builder tool is designed to construct habitats capable of withstanding extreme environmental conditions.

― PDA, Dialogue


The Alterra handheld Habitat Builder is a tool crafted using the Fabricator.


The Habitat Builder allows the player to construct a variety of stationary items. It is a crucial tool for the deployment of Seabases and the customization of the interiors of both Seabases and the Cyclops. Main things which can be built include base modules, indoor amenities, planting beds, and power generation modules, along others.

The player can only build things to the extent in which its ingredients are available, and if items required are missing the building cannot be complete; it stays in its half-built form until the player has the necessary items and finishes the build. Objects in all stages of construction can be demolished which fully refunds all items used.

The Habitat Builder requires a Battery to operate, and objects cannot be constructed/deconstructed if the battery is depleted. It has a gauge on the back that tells the player how much battery charge it has left.

If a Bleeder latches onto the player's arm, the player can use the Habitat Builder to hit the Bleeder.

How to Use[]


Action Mouse & Keyboard Xbox One PlayStation 4 Nintendo Switch
Open Building Menu
XBOX Right Trigger PS4 R2 SwitchZr
Rotate Object Up & Down Mouse Wheel XBOX D-Pad Left XBOX D-Pad Right PS4 Dpad Left PS4 Dpad Right SwitchLeftbutton SwitchRightbutton
Build Object
XBOX A Combops4x SwitchA
Deconstruct Object
XBOX D-Pad Down PS4 Dpad Down SwitchDownbutton
Change Battery
XBOX X Combops4sq SwitchY
  1. Open the Building Menu
  2. Select the desired tab: Base Pieces, Exterior Modules, Interior Pieces, Interior Modules or Miscellaneous
  3. Select an item
  4. Point the Habitat Builder at wherever the item should be placed until an outline appears
  5. Use the above button to rotate object, if applicable.
  6. Press the correct key to place the outline
  7. Continue building the item by holding the applicable button.
  8. Done.
  9. Placed items can also be deconstructed by pointing the Habitat Builder at them and holding the correct key, this only applies if the text "Hold to Deconstruct" appears on the screen. This also gives back all resources used in the building process.

The Habitat Builder cannot build onto a corridor section that has any wall-mounted objects at the end the new part is being attached to (for example, lockers on the walls). In addition, if there is something directly where a new module will be joined, such as a Water Filtration Machine or Hatch, it should be manually deconstructed first: if it is not, it will be deleted and the materials will not be refunded to the player.

Bulkheads can only be built in placed corridor sections, not in the auto-generated corridor sections created by some rooms, such as the Moonpool and the Observatory.


Wiring KitComputer ChipBatteryItem ArrowFabricatorItem ArrowHabitat Builder

Craftable Pieces[]

Base pieces group Base Pieces[]

TitaniumTitaniumLeadLeadItem ArrowHabitat BuilderItem ArrowFoundation
TitaniumTitaniumItem ArrowHabitat BuilderItem ArrowBasic Compartment
TitaniumTitaniumItem ArrowHabitat BuilderItem ArrowL Corridor
TitaniumTitaniumTitaniumItem ArrowHabitat BuilderItem ArrowT Corridor
TitaniumTitaniumTitaniumItem ArrowHabitat BuilderItem ArrowX Corridor
GlassGlassItem ArrowHabitat BuilderItem ArrowI-Corridor Glass
GlassGlassItem ArrowHabitat BuilderItem ArrowL-Corridor Glass
TitaniumTitaniumItem ArrowHabitat BuilderItem ArrowVertical Connector
Titanium×6Item ArrowHabitat BuilderItem ArrowRoom
Titanium×5Copper OreCopper OreGoldTable Coral SampleItem ArrowHabitat BuilderItem ArrowScanner Room
Titanium IngotTitanium IngotLubricantLeadLeadItem ArrowHabitat BuilderItem ArrowMoon Pool
Enameled GlassEnameled GlassTitaniumItem ArrowHabitat BuilderItem ArrowObservatory
QuartzTitaniumTitaniumItem ArrowHabitat BuilderItem ArrowHatch
GlassItem ArrowHabitat BuilderItem ArrowWindow
LithiumTitaniumTitaniumTitaniumItem ArrowHabitat BuilderItem ArrowReinforcement

Base exterior modules group Exterior Modules[]

QuartzQuartzTitaniumTitaniumCopper OreItem ArrowHabitat BuilderItem ArrowSolar Panel
Titanium×5MagnetiteMagnetiteAerogelItem ArrowHabitat BuilderItem ArrowThermal Plant
GoldTitaniumItem ArrowHabitat BuilderItem ArrowPower Transmitter
GlassTitaniumItem ArrowHabitat BuilderItem ArrowFloodlight
GlassTitaniumTitaniumItem ArrowHabitat BuilderItem ArrowSpotlight
TitaniumTitaniumItem ArrowHabitat BuilderItem ArrowExterior Growbed
TitaniumTitaniumItem ArrowHabitat BuilderItem ArrowBase Pipe Connector

Base interior pieces group Interior Pieces[]

TitaniumTitaniumItem ArrowHabitat BuilderItem ArrowLadder
TitaniumTitaniumTitaniumCopper WireAerogelItem ArrowHabitat BuilderItem ArrowWater Filtration Machine
TitaniumTitaniumTitaniumSilicone RubberItem ArrowHabitat BuilderItem ArrowBulkhead
TitaniumTitaniumTitaniumComputer ChipCopper WireItem ArrowHabitat BuilderItem ArrowVehicle Upgrade Console
TitaniumTitaniumTitaniumWiring KitLubricantItem ArrowHabitat BuilderItem ArrowBioreactor
Plasteel IngotAdvanced Wiring KitLeadLeadLeadItem ArrowHabitat BuilderItem ArrowNuclear Reactor
Glass×5TitaniumTitaniumItem ArrowHabitat BuilderItem ArrowAlien Containment

Base interior modules group Interior Modules[]

TitaniumGoldTable Coral SampleItem ArrowHabitat BuilderItem ArrowFabricator
TitaniumCopper OreItem ArrowHabitat BuilderItem ArrowRadio
Computer ChipFiber MeshSilver OreTitaniumItem ArrowHabitat BuilderItem ArrowMedical Kit Fabricator
TitaniumTitaniumItem ArrowHabitat BuilderItem ArrowWall Locker
QuartzTitaniumTitaniumItem ArrowHabitat BuilderItem ArrowLocker
Wiring KitCopper WireTitaniumItem ArrowHabitat BuilderItem ArrowBattery Charger
Advanced Wiring KitRubyRubyTitaniumTitaniumItem ArrowHabitat BuilderItem ArrowPower Cell Charger
GlassGlassTitaniumItem ArrowHabitat BuilderItem ArrowAquarium
Computer ChipTitaniumDiamondLeadItem ArrowHabitat BuilderItem ArrowModification Station
TitaniumTitaniumItem ArrowHabitat BuilderItem ArrowBasic Plant Pot
TitaniumTitaniumItem ArrowHabitat BuilderItem ArrowComposite Plant Pot
TitaniumTitaniumItem ArrowHabitat BuilderItem ArrowChic Plant Pot
Titanium×4Item ArrowHabitat BuilderItem ArrowIndoor Growbed
TitaniumItem ArrowHabitat BuilderItem ArrowPlant Shelf

Base miscellaneous group Miscellaneous[]

TitaniumTitaniumItem ArrowHabitat BuilderItem ArrowBench
TitaniumTitaniumFiber MeshItem ArrowHabitat BuilderItem ArrowBed
TitaniumTitaniumFiber MeshItem ArrowHabitat BuilderItem ArrowBed 2
TitaniumFiber MeshItem ArrowHabitat BuilderItem ArrowNarrow Bed
TitaniumItem ArrowHabitat BuilderItem ArrowDesk
TitaniumItem ArrowHabitat BuilderItem ArrowSwivel Chair
TitaniumItem ArrowHabitat BuilderItem ArrowOffice Chair
TitaniumItem ArrowHabitat BuilderItem ArrowCommand Chair
Copper WireItem ArrowHabitat BuilderItem ArrowSign
Copper WireItem ArrowHabitat BuilderItem ArrowPicture Frame
GlassTitaniumItem ArrowHabitat BuilderItem ArrowBar Table
TitaniumTitaniumItem ArrowHabitat BuilderItem ArrowTrash Cans
TitaniumTitaniumItem ArrowHabitat BuilderItem ArrowNuclear Waste Disposal
GlassTitaniumTitaniumItem ArrowHabitat BuilderItem ArrowVending Machine
TitaniumTitaniumItem ArrowHabitat BuilderItem ArrowCoffee Vending Machine
TitaniumTitaniumItem ArrowHabitat BuilderItem ArrowLab Counter
TitaniumItem ArrowHabitat BuilderItem ArrowWall Planter
TitaniumItem ArrowHabitat BuilderItem ArrowSingle Wall Shelf
TitaniumTitaniumItem ArrowHabitat BuilderItem ArrowWall Shelves
GlassTitaniumItem ArrowHabitat BuilderItem ArrowMarkiplier Doll

Data Bank Entry[]


The Alterra handheld habitat builder has been an essential tool of xenoscientists, colonists and emergency relief crews across 11 different trans-govs for more than 50 years.

- Habitat modules are hermetically sealed from the outside environment
- Build on land, underwater, or in a vacuum
- Habitats can be enhanced to become long-term homes, remote research stations, defensive outposts and more

Quick Start Guide:
1. Select the I Compartment from the builder menu and place it somewhere opportune
2. Add a hatch to access the compartment
3. Build a solar panel to power the habitat's oxygen generator
4. Construct useful interior modules like radios, rechargers and storage solutions

Primary habitat systems like oxygen generation and flood control, as well as modules like the fabricator draw power and will not function without it. Additional compartments reduce overall hull integrity, depending on the external pressure.

'Quick-Build Habitats: A home far, far away from home.'


Main article: Achievements
Spoiler alert: The following section contains story related material.
Achievement2 Settling in for the Long Haul

Build a habitat

How to obtain: The player has to construct a Seabase module, which requires the Habitat Builder to build.



  • The idea for the Habitat Builder may be taken from Natural Selection 2, where the Builder is used to create various machinery, much like Subnautica's.
    • And thus, the Habitat Builder's former name was the Builder.
      • However, the fabrication message was not changed
  • The Habitat Builder originally could construct many base segments that are now cut, including the Fragment Analyzer, the Specimen Analyzer, the Botanical Analysis Machine, and the Power Generator.
    • All have been removed in the final game, and can only be spawned in using Console Commands.
  • The power left in the Habitat Builder's Battery can be seen as represented with a blue power meter.