Placeable Items are objects picked up by the player that can be placed in the environment or in Seabases.
Item | Description | Item ID | Size | Location |
Arcade Gorge Toy | Comforting. | (arcadegorgetoy) | 1 | |
Gray Cap | Gray cap. Incompatible with protective environment suits. | (cap1) | 1 | |
Blue Cap | Blue cap. Incompatible with protective environment suits. | (cap2) | 1 | |
Large Sample Flask | Useless glass container. | (labcontainer) | 4 (2×2) | |
Small Sample Flask | A variation on a useless glass container. | (labcontainer2) | 1 | |
Cylindrical Sample Flask | A particularly useless glass container. | (labcontainer3) | 1 | |
Microscope | Non-functional laboratory equipment. | (labequipment1) | 4 (2×2) | |
Fluid Analyzer | Non-functional laboratory equipment. | (labequipment2) | 4 (2×2) | |
Sample Analyzer | Non-functional laboratory equipment. | (labequipment3) | 4 (2×2) | |
Carry-all | Common bag for transporting personal items. | (luggagebag) | 4 (2×2) | |
Aurora Poster | Aurora Poster. | (posteraurora) | 1 | |
Natural Selection 2 Poster | Natural Selection 2 Poster | (poster) | 1 | |
Keep Calm Poster | Keep Calm Poster | (posterkitty) | 1 | |
Prawn Suit Poster - Land | PRAWN Suit Poster - Land | (posterexosuit1) | 1 | |
Prawn Suit Poster - Sea | PRAWN Suit Poster - Sea | (posterexosuit2) | 1 | |
Aurora Miniature | This ship model looks familiar. | (starshipsouvenir) | 1 | |
Toy Car | Toy car | (toycar) | 4 (2×2) |
Below Zero[]
Item | Description | Item ID |
Abstract Art | Abstract Art | picturedanielleabstractart
Alien Intruder Poster | Alien Intruder | posterboardgame
Architect Poster | Architect Structures | posterlilarchitect
Biological Art | Inspired by bacterial research. | picturevinhbiologyart
Birds Poster | Just say no… to skyrays! | posterjeremiahnobirds
Community Poster | Sea dragon. | posterbunkercommunity
Cylindrical Sample Flask | A particularly useless glass container. | labcontainer3
Framed Art | A roboticist's lightbulb moment. | picturesamhand
Fred's Shaving Kit | A fancy shaving kit | fredshavingkit
Hang in there Poster | Hang in there! | posterhanginthere
Large Sample Flask | Useless glass container. | labcontainer
Mercury Spaceship Poster | Mercury II | postermercury
Motivational Poster | FOCUS | postermotivational
Motivational Poster 2 | One Thing At A Time | postermotivational2
Motivational Poster 3 | It's Your Field | postermotivational3
Necklace | A necklace that belonged to Sam. | samnecklace
Pengling Picture | Hand-drawn pengling art. | picturefredpengling
Potato Portrait | Potato Portrait | picturepotatoportrait
Robin & Potato Picture | Robin & Potato | picturesampotato
Roller Derby Poster | Hoverball! | posterzetarollerderby
Sam & Danielle Picture | Sam & Danielle | picturesamdaniellehappy
Sea Creature Poster | Reaper leviathan | posterparvan
Seatruck Poster | Keep calm and truck on | posterseatruck2
Seatruck X12 Poster | Seatruck X12 | posterseatruck
Small Sample Flask | A variation on a useless glass container. | labcontainer2
Spy Pengling Blueprint | Spy pengling schematics. | posterspypenguinblueprint
Spy Pengling Concepts | Early Spy Pengling concepts | posterspypenguinconcepts
Raw Materials |
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Seeds and Spores |
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Crafted Resources |
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Food & Water |
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Personal |
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Deployables | |||||||||||||||
Upgrade Modules |
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Placeable Items |