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Sea Monkey Nests are natural structures found in Subnautica: Below Zero. The Sea Monkey has a habit of stealing interesting objects and returning them to its nesting grounds, therefore many fragments of Alterra technology can be found in their nests for the player to scan.

Up to three Sea Monkey Eggs can be found inside nests found in the Arctic Kelp Caves. Nests can be found prominently in the Arctic Kelp Caves and the Lilypads Crevice.

Few nests can also be found in some Arctic Kelp Forests


The nests appear to be composed of packed sediment with plant matter intertwined to give structural support. Several large chunks of metal scrap can be seen embedded into the nest walls.

Databank Entry[]

Sea Monkey Nest
Sea Monkey Nest Ency

Sea Monkey nests are large bowl-like structures made of packed sediment and plant matter. The sea monkeys use their wide flat tails to pack the materials and form the structure of the nest. Sea monkeys are naturally curious creatures often drawn to metallic materials, which they gather to reinforce the sides of their nests.

Source: Scan Sea Monkey Nests

Sea Monkey nests which are scannable used to be identical to those that were not, but a scannable nest will now be "decorated" with a ring of components around its approximate midsection, either the thing that the scan is for (for equipment) or parts of the vehicle it is an upgrade for (Seatruck or Prawn Suit parts). The player needs to aim the Scanner at the components specifically to get the scan, not the body of the nest.


Item # of Scans Blueprint ID Location
1x1 default bg
Laser Cutter Icon
Laser Cutter
3 lasercutter 197 -144 -2
148 -99 -80
96 -136 -63
49 -114 -176
-446 -80 10
-460 -138 -88
-474 -82 -90
-504 -132 5
-725 -146 -438
-653 -204 -621
3x3 default bg
Mobile Vehicle Bay Icon
Mobile Vehicle Bay
3 constructor 265 -265 -929
129 -56 65
130 -122 1
6 -81 -153
-171 -48 -110
-386 -62 -106
-582 -92 -34
-506 -102 -209
-708 -111 -374
1x1 default bg
Prawn Suit Thermal Reactor Icon
Prawn Suit Thermal Reactor
2 exosuitthermalreactormodule 287 -246 -885
215 -286 -902
358 -278 -1025
304 -236 -985
2x2 default bg
Propulsion Cannon Icon
Propulsion Cannon
2 propulsioncannon 264 -112 -107
180 -103 -7
71 -138 -88
-478 -142 -138
-500 -139 -163
-653 -182 -587
-721 -105 -412
1x1 prawn arm bg
Prawn Suit Grappling Arm Icon
Prawn Suit Grappling Arm
2 prawnsuitgrapplingarmmodule 521 -269 -849
529 -269 -823
204 -262 -904
307 -277 -1061
2x2 default bg
Seaglide Icon
3 seaglide -36 -56 -27
-59 -71 -150
-219 -75 -50
-426 -57 8
1x1 default bg
Seatruck Afterburner Upgrade Icon
Seatruck Afterburner Upgrade
2 seatruckupgradeafterburner 448 -217 -833
481 -244 -858
346 -233 -1001
1x1 default bg
Seatruck Horsepower Upgrade Icon
Seatruck Horsepower Upgrade
2 seatruckupgradehorsepower 303 -247 -1055
590 -229 -859
537 -223 -775
3x3 default bg
Ultra High Capacity Tank Icon
Ultra High Capacity Tank
3 highcapacitytank 611 -231 -909
487 -217 -909
394 -264 -1037
220 -255 -834
292 -245 -1015
331 -223 -941
-725 -222 -611
-706 -163 -452

