Seabases are installations created by the player through the use of the Habitat Builder.
A Seabase provides an area where the Player can return for oxygen, and serves as an alternative to the Drop Pod as a base of operations. Within a seabase, the player can construct additional storage space, grow food, access appliances not available in the Drop Pod, and add aesthetic options. Thus Seabases provide safe havens away from the Shallow Twisty Bridges the player starts in.
In all Game Modes except Creative Mode, entering a Seabase secures the player's inventory, so if the player dies, they will return to the last Seabase' they visited and keep all the items in their inventory that they had when they were there (unless they later enter the Drop Pod).
The player will start out with most of the blueprints they need for a basic Seabase; at bare minimum one needs an I Compartment, a Hatch, and a power generator (the Solar Panel is unlocked by default). The initial compartment must be built on or near the ground (or on a Foundation, which is not necessary but provides greater hull integrity and a flat surface to work with), but any additional compartments can overhang without any issue, allowing bases to be built over cliff sides. The player can expand once they've gathered more Blueprints. Despite their name, Seabases can be built on land. When on land, Hull Integrity is not a factor, and can be built without the need of additional Reinforcements, Foundations, or Bulkheads. Power is still needed for them to operate, however.
Hull Integrity[]
Hull Integrity refers to the ability of the player's Seabase to withstand the pressure of the surrounding water. The majority of the modules will lower the integrity once added but the amount will vary by module. As Seabases are built at a greater depth the integrity reduction caused by each module will increase. Hull integrity can be increased by constructing Reinforcement panels, placing a Seabase on or near a Foundation (foundations built on top of rooms will still provide their benefit), or installing Bulkheads on the ends of Compartment modules.
When the hull integrity of a Seabase is less than or equal to zero, it will begin to form hull breaches. Any corridor or room that is connected to the breach will begin flooding with water. Bulkheads can compartmentalize the base and prevent floodwaters from moving between compartments, but if the integrity remains below zero then eventually every compartment will develop a leak and the base will fill completely with water. To avoid this, quickly increase the base's integrity (by either adding strengthening components or removing weak components) and fix all hull breaches in the base using a Repair Tool.
A Seabase that receives damage to its exterior (or even a knife hit from inside) will also spring leaks, but the hull integrity will be unaffected. Therefore, bulkheads are more effective at sealing off flooding if the base comes under attack.
Energy Usage[]
Energy can be provided to a Seabase by building various types of generators near or inside the Seabase. Any number or combination can be used. Appliances such as the Fabricator will drain energy from the Seabase.
There are currently four generators available to power Seabases:
- Solar Panels, which work best near the surface
- Bioreactors, which consume any organic matter for power
- Thermal Plants, which collect heat energy (use near Lava Geysers and Black Smokers)
- Nuclear Reactors, which consume Reactor Rods made from Uraninite Crystals
Bioreactors and Nuclear Reactors are built inside a Multipurpose Room or Large Room. Solar Panels and Thermal Plants are built outside, and can be directly attached to the base or connected via Power Transmitters if the distance is too great.
Seabases do not require energy to operate in Creative Mode.
The following appliances and rooms draw power from the Seabase:
- Fabricator
- Battery Charger
- Power Cell Charger
- Modification Station
- Water Filtration Machine
- Spotlight
- Floodlight
- Scanner Room (passively, along with fabricator and with recharging the Camera Drones)
- Control Room
Seabases automatically produce Oxygen as long as there is power supplied. If the power is depleted, the Seabase will slowly lose oxygen, until it is completely gone.
How to Build a Seabase[]
- Find a suitable piece of land.
- Equip the Habitat Builder and press RMB to bring up a crafting menu.
- In the Habitat Compartments tab, select the desired module.
- Aim at the desired building place (the outline of the module will become green if the location is valid).
- Adjust the rotation with Mousewheel Up and Mousewheel Down or [ and ].
- Place the module with LMB.
- Once placed, hold LMB to add the required materials to finish the building process.
- Go to Step 2 and repeat for each room you want to build.
To deconstruct a Seabase module, equip the Habitat Builder and hold Q while facing the module. If enough inventory space is available, the module will be deconstructed and all materials used to create the module will be returned to the player's inventory, one item at a time. Note that everything inside the module and attached to the outside of the module must be deconstructed before the module itself can be deconstructed.
Base Parts[]
Base Pieces[]
Item | Description | Item ID |
Foundation | Reinforced habitat foundation. | basefoundation
I Compartment | Basic tubular compartment. | basecorridori
L Compartment | L-shaped compartment. | basecorridorl
T Compartment | T-shaped compartment. | basecorridort
X Compartment | X-shaped compartment. | basecorridorx
I Glass Compartment | Basic glass-walled compartment. | basecorridorglassi
L Glass Compartment | L-shaped glass compartment. | basecorridorglassl
Vertical Connector | Vertical base connector. | baseconnector
Multipurpose Room | A basic room in which to install a range of different components. | baseroom
Scanner Room | Locates resources and wrecks within range. | basemaproom
Moonpool | Vehicle docking bay. | basemoonpool
Observatory | Compartment with 360 degree views and low structural integrity. | baseobservatory
Control Room | A control room. | basecontrolroom
Large Room | A large room. | baselargeroom
Multipurpose Room Glass Dome | A glass dome. | baseglassdome
Large Room Glass Dome | A large glass dome. | baselargeglassdome
Hatch | Provides an access point to the habitat. | basehatch
Window | A port hole for your habitat, installed on an existing wall. | basewindow
Reinforcement | Increases hull integrity. | basereinforcement
Seatruck Dock | Docking bay for Seatruck plus any attached modules. High power and structure requirements. | basemoonpoolexpansion
Exterior Modules[]
Item | Description | Item ID |
Solar Panel | Powers habitat oxygen generation and other habitat modules. Converts available sunlight into low power electrical energy. | solarpanel
Thermal Plant | Converts heat to energy (> 15 °C) (50 power/min). | thermalplant
Power Transmitter | Extends range of power source. | powertransmitter
Snowfox Hoverpad | Deployable pad which recharges and repairs the Snowfox hoverbike. | hoverpad
Floodlight | Industrial, battery-powered lighting, designed for all environments. | techlight
Spotlight | Fixed lighting solution. | spotlight
Exterior Growbed | Artificial plant bed, suitable for use on land or underwater. | farmingtray
Base-attached Air Pump | Base-attached device that pumps air into pipes. Acts as a starting point for a pipe chain. | basepipeconnector
Snowman | A man made of snow. | snowman
Interior Pieces[]
Item | Description | Item ID |
Ladder | Connects two floors. | baseladder
Water Filtration Machine | Separates water and salt. | basefiltrationmachine
Bulkhead | Structural support and can stop water flow (+2HP). | basebulkhead
Bioreactor | Composts organic matter into electrical energy. | basebioreactor
Nuclear Reactor | Processes nuclear reactor rods. | basenuclearreactor
Alien Containment | Provides optimal conditions for flora and fauna. Add a hatch to enter. | basewaterpark
Large Room Partition | A room partition. | basepartition
Large Room Partition Door | A room partition door. | basepartitiondoor
Interior Modules[]
Item | Description | Item ID |
Fabricator | Basic survival fabricator. Atomically rearranges raw resources into useful objects. | fabricator
Radio | Receive short-range communications. | radio
Wall Locker | Wall-mounted storage locker. | smalllocker
Locker | Locks away things you need to store. | locker
Battery Charger | Can charge up to 4 batteries simultaneously. | batterycharger
Power Cell Charger | Can charge up to 2 power cells simultaneously. | powercellcharger
Aquarium | Self-sustaining aquatic habitat. | aquarium
Modification Station | Advanced fabricator for modification of survival equipment. | workbench
Jukebox | Listen to soothing tunes by Alterra's best musical artists while you work. | jukebox
Jukebox Speaker | A device that generates sound waves. | speaker
Basic Plant Pot | Titanium pot containing synthetic soil. | planterpot
Composite Plant Pot | Designed titanium pot containing synthetic soil. | planterpot2
Chic Plant Pot | Upmarket titanium pot containing synthetic soil. | planterpot3
Indoor Growbed | Artificial plant bed, suitable for interior use only. | planterbox
Plant Shelf | Wall-mounted plant pot. | plantershelf
Recyclotron | Recycles items into their constituent parts. | recyclotron
Coffee Vending Machine | Synthesizes hydrating, caffeine-free coffee. | coffeevendingmachine
Miscellaneous Items[]
Item | Description | Item ID |
Bench | Simple metal relaxation appliance. Conserves energy when resting. | bench
Basic Double Bed | A double bed. | bed1
Quilted Double Bed | A double bed with a beautiful gray linen spread. | bed2
Single Bed | A single bed. | narrowbed
Desk | Common starship work desk. | starshipdesk
Executive Desk | Executive work desk. | executivedesk
Swivel Chair | Turns 360 degrees. | starshipchair
Office Chair | Relaxing and confidence building. | starshipchair2
Command Chair | Commandeering. | starshipchair3
Sign | Sign post with configurable text. | sign
Picture Frame | Wall-mounted frame, upload desired image from compatible PDA photo galleries. | pictureframe
Bar Table | Round glass table. | bartable
Trash Can | Trash cans. | trashcans
Nuclear Waste Disposal | Used to dispose of nuclear waste. | labtrashcan
Vending Machine | Vending machine. | vendingmachine
Counter | Counter. | labcounter
Fridge | Keeps food cold and prevents it from spoiling. | fridge
Shower | Emits high-intensity water streams. Soap not included. | shower
Sink | A place to do the dishes. | sink
Small Stove | Low-power conduction unit. Useless. | smallstove
Toilet | Alternatively, you could just go to the ocean. | toilet
Wall Planter | Wall-mounted foliage. Purely decorational. | baseplanter
Single Wall Shelf | Single wall shelf. | singlewallshelf
Wall Shelves | Wall shelves. | wallshelves
Aromatherapy Lamp | A lamp to calm your nerves. | aromatherapylamp
Executive Toy | A concentration aid. | emmanuelpendulum
Base Pieces | |
Exterior Modules | |
Interior Pieces | |
Interior Modules | |
Miscellaneous |