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Subnautica Wiki

The Seatruck Perimeter Defense Upgrade is a Seatruck upgrade that, when used creates an electrical field around the Seatruck to fend off predators, much like the Seamoth Perimeter Defense System. It will also force a leviathan to release the seatruck if it has been grabbed and then retreat.

The Seatruck Perimeter Defense Upgrade is used by left clicking after selecting the icon with one of the hotkeys (1-4). The hotkey used depends on where the module is placed in the upgrade panel. If the left mouse button is clicked the Seatruck will generate a small charge. If the left mouse button is held a large radius blast can be produced that uses up to 7.5% of the Seatruck's energy.


The blueprint for this item is unlocked by acquiring a built upgrade at Marguerit Maida's Base. It can be crafted with the Fabricator or the Vehicle Upgrade Console.

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Seatruck Perimeter Defense Upgrade Icon
