This article is about Spawn IDs in Below Zero. Click here for information on this subject in Subnautica.
Read at own risk This article contains unmarked spoilers. Players new to the game would want to avoid or be cautious toward this article. |
This page contains all numerical item and spawn ids in Subnautica: Below Zero as well as their simple id.
Consult Console Commands to enable the debug console. Note in the following examples that an item or entity's numerical value can be used in place of its debug name.
item titanium
spawn titanium
- Drops 1 Titanium in front of the player.
unlock solarpanel
- Unlocks the Solar Panel blueprint.
Advanced Materials[]
Advanced Materials |
Aerogel | aerogel
Antidote | frozencreatureantidote
| |
Benzene | benzene
| |
Hydraulic Fluid | hydraulicfluid
| |
Hydrochloric Acid | hydrochloricacid
| |
Polyaniline | polyaniline
| |
Synthetic Fibers | aramidfibers
Basic Materials[]
Basic Materials |
Enameled Glass | enameledglass
Fiber Mesh | fibermesh
| |
Glass | glass
| |
Lubricant | lubricant
| |
Plasteel Ingot | plasteelingot
| |
Silicone Rubber | silicone
| |
Titanium | titanium
| |
Titanium Ingot | titaniumingot
Deployables |
Beacon | beacon
Grav Trap | gravsphere
| |
Mobile Vehicle Bay | constructor
| |
Quantum Locker | quantumlocker
| |
Seaglide | seaglide
| |
Waterproof Locker | smallstorage
Eggs |
Arctic Ray Egg | arcticrayegg
Brinewing Egg | brinewingegg
| |
Brute Shark Egg | brutesharkegg
| |
Crashfish Egg | crashegg
| |
Cryptosuchus Egg | cryptosuchusegg
| |
Glow Whale Egg | glowwhaleegg
| |
Jellyfish Egg | jellyfishegg
| |
Lily Paddler Egg | lilypaddleregg
| |
Pengwing Egg | penguinegg
| |
Pinnacarid Egg | pinnacaridegg
| |
Rock Puncher Egg | rockpuncheregg
| |
Sea Monkey Egg | seamonkeyegg
| |
Squidshark Egg | squidsharkegg
| |
Titan Holefish Egg | titanholefishegg
| |
Blue Trivalve Egg | trivalveblueegg
| |
Yellow Trivalve Egg | trivalveyellowegg
Electronics |
Advanced Wiring Kit | advancedwiringkit
Battery | battery
| |
Computer Chip | computerchip
| |
Copper Wire | copperwire
| |
Ion Battery | precursorionbattery
| |
Ion Power Cell | precursorionpowercell
| |
Parallel Processing Unit | radiotowerppu
| |
Power Cell | powercell
| |
Reactor Rod | reactorrod
| |
Test Override Module | radiotowertom
| |
Wiring Kit | wiringkit
Equipment |
Booster Tank | suitboostertank
Cold Suit | coldsuit
| |
Cold Suit Gloves | coldsuitgloves
| |
Cold Suit Helmet | coldsuithelmet
| |
Compass | compass
| |
Fins | fins
| |
First Aid Kit | firstaidkit
| |
Floating Air Pump | pipesurfacefloater
| |
Headlamp | flashlighthelmet
| |
High Capacity O₂ Tank | doubletank
| |
Pipe | pipe
| |
Rebreather | rebreather
| |
Reinforced Dive Suit | reinforceddivesuit
| |
Standard O₂ Tank | tank
| |
Water Filtration Suit | stillsuit
| |
Swim Charge Fins | swimchargefins
| |
Ultra High Capacity Tank | highcapacitytank
Food & Water[]
Uncooked Food[]
Uncooked Food |
Arctic Peeper | arcticpeeper
Arrow Ray | arrowray
| |
Bladderfish | bladderfish
| |
Boomerang | boomerang
| |
Discus Fish | discusfish
| |
Feather Fish | featherfish
| |
Feather Fish (Red) | featherfishred
| |
Hoopfish | hoopfish
| |
Noot Fish | nootfish
| |
Spinefish | spinefish
| |
Spinner Fish | spinnerfish
| |
Symbiote | symbiote
| |
Triops | triops
Cooked Food[]
Cooked Food |
Cooked Arctic Peeper | cookedarcticpeeper
Cooked Arrow Ray | cookedarrowray
| |
Cooked Bladderfish | cookedbladderfish
| |
Cooked Boomerang | cookedboomerang
| |
Cooked Discus Fish | cookeddiscusfish
| |
Cooked Feather Fish | cookedfeatherfish
| |
Cooked Feather Fish (Red) | cookedfeatherfishred
| |
Cooked Hoopfish | cookedhoopfish
| |
Cooked Noot Fish | cookednootfish
| |
Cooked Spinefish | cookedspinefish
| |
Cooked Symbiote | cookedsymbiote
| |
Cooked Triops | cookedtriops
| |
Spicy Fruit Salad | spicyfruitsalad
Cured Food[]
Cured Food |
Cured Arctic Peeper | curedarcticpeeper
Cured Arrow Ray | curedarrowray
| |
Cured Bladderfish | curedbladderfish
| |
Cured Boomerang | curedboomerang
| |
Cured Discus Fish | cureddiscusfish
| |
Cured Feather Fish | curedfeatherfish
| |
Cured Feather Fish (Red) | curedfeatherfishred
| |
Cured Hoopfish | curedhoopfish
| |
Cured Noot Fish | curednootfish
| |
Cured Spinefish | curedspinefish
| |
Cured Symbiote | curedsymbiote
| |
Cured Triops | curedtriops
Processed Food[]
Processed Food |
Mix Chips | snack1
Nutrient Block | nutrientblock
| |
Potato Mix | snack3
| |
Rice Snack | snack2
Water |
Disinfected Water | disinfectedwater
Filtered Water | filteredwater
| |
Large Filtered Water | bigfilteredwater
| |
Reclaimed Water | stillsuitwater
| |
Thermos | coffee
| |
Water Purification Tablet | waterpurificationtablet
Raw Materials[]
Raw Materials |
Copper Ore | copper
Creepvine Sample | creepvinepiece
| |
Creepvine Seed Cluster | creepvineseedcluster
| |
Crystalline Sulfur | sulphur
| |
Diamond | diamond
| |
Fevered Pepper | heatfruit
| |
Flowering Spore | lilypadresource
| |
Frost Vase Plant | frozenriverplant2
| |
Gel Sack | jellyplant
| |
Gold | gold
| |
Ion Cube | precursorioncrystal
| |
Kyanite | kyanite
| |
Lead | lead
| |
Lithium | lithium
| |
Magnetite | magnetite
| |
Metal Salvage | scrapmetal
| |
Nickel Ore | nickel
| |
Preston's Plant Leaf | snowstalkerplantleaf
| |
Quartz | quartz
| |
Ribbon Plant | genericribbon
| |
Root Globule | kelprootpustule
| |
Ruby | aluminumoxide
| |
Salt Deposit | salt
| |
Silver Ore | silver
| |
Snowball | snowball
| |
Snow Stalker Fur | snowstalkerfur
| |
Table Coral Sample | jeweleddiskpiece
| |
Titanium | titanium
| |
Uraninite Crystal | uraninitecrystal
| |
Young Cotton Anemone | deeplilyshroom
Scanner Room Upgrades[]
Scanner Room Upgrades |
Camera Drone | maproomcamera
Scanner Room HUD Chip | maproomhudchip
| |
Scanner Room Range Upgrade | maproomupgradescanrange
| |
Scanner Room Speed Upgrade | maproomupgradescanspeed
Seeds |
Antennae Seed | smallmaroonplantseed
Bullseye Shroom Chunk | twistybridgesmushroomchunk
| |
Cave Bush Seed | purplebranchesseed
| |
Chinese Potato | purplevegetable
| |
Creepvine Seed Cluster | creepvineseedcluster
| |
Fevered Pepper | heatfruit
| |
Frost Vase Plant Seed | frozenriverplant2seeds
| |
Gel Sack Spores | jellyplantseed
| |
Lantern Fruit | hangingfruit
| |
Marblemelon Seed | melonseed
| |
Preston's Delight | snowstalkerfruit
| |
Redwort Seed | redbushseed
| |
Ribbon Plant Seed | ribbonplantseed
| |
Root Globule Seed | kelprootpustuleseed
| |
Shrub Nut | leafyfruit
| |
Spiral Plant Clipping | genericspiralchunk
| |
Spotted Dockleaf Seed | spottedleavesplantseed
| |
Violet Beau Seed | purplestalkseed
| |
Young Cotton Anemone Seed | deeplilyshroomseed
Tools |
Air Bladder | airbladder
Flare | flare
| |
Flashlight | flashlight
| |
Habitat Builder | builder
| |
Laser Cutter | lasercutter
| |
Light Stick | ledlight
| |
Mineral Detector | metaldetector
| |
Pathfinder Tool | divereel
| |
Propulsion Cannon | propulsioncannon
| |
Repair Tool | welder
| |
Scanner | scanner
| |
Spy Pengling | spypenguin
| |
Spy Pengling Remote | spypenguinremote
| |
Stasis Rifle | stasisrifle
| |
Survival Knife | knife
| |
Tether Tool | teleportationtool
| |
Thermoblade | heatblade
| |
Thumper | thumper
Vehicle Upgrades[]
Prawn Suit Upgrades[]
Prawn Suit Upgrades |
Prawn Suit Depth Module MK1 | exohullmodule1
Prawn Suit Depth Module MK2 | exohullmodule2
| |
Prawn Suit Drill Arm | exosuitdrillarmmodule
| |
Prawn Suit Grappling Arm | exosuitgrapplingarmmodule
| |
Prawn Suit Jump Jet Upgrade | exosuitjetupgrademodule
| |
Prawn Suit Propulsion Cannon | exosuitpropulsionarmmodule
| |
Prawn Suit Thermal Reactor | exosuitthermalreactormodule
| |
Prawn Suit Torpedo Arm | exosuittorpedoarmmodule
| |
Storage Module | vehiclestoragemodule
Seatruck Upgrades[]
Seatruck Upgrades |
Seatruck Afterburner | seatruckupgradeafterburner
Seatruck Depth Module MK1 | seatruckupgradehull1
| |
Seatruck Depth Module MK2 | seatruckupgradehull2
| |
Seatruck Depth Module MK3 | seatruckupgradehull3
| |
Seatruck Horse Power Upgrade | seatruckupgradehorsepower
| |
Seatruck Perimeter Defense | seatruckupgradeperimeterdefense
Snowfox Upgrades[]
Snowfox Upgrades |
Snowfox Jump Module | hoverbikejumpmodule
Snowfox Ice Worm Attack Reduction Module | hoverbikeicewormreductionmodule
Posters |
Abstract Art | picturedanielleabstractart
Alien Intruder Poster | posterboardgame
| |
Architect Poster | posterlilarchitect
| |
Biological Art | picturevinhbiologyart
| |
Birds Poster | posterjeremiahnobirds
| |
Community Poster | posterbunkercommunity
| |
Framed Art | picturesamhand
| |
Hang in there Poster | posterhanginthere
| |
Mercury Spaceship Poster | postermercury
| |
Motivational Poster | postermotivational
| |
Motivational Poster 2 | postermotivational2
| |
Motivational Poster 3 | postermotovational3
| |
Roller Derby Poster | posterzetarollerderby
| |
Sea Creature Poster | posterparvan
| |
Seatruck Poster | posterseatruck2
| |
Seatruck X12 Poster | posterseatruck
| |
Spy Pengling Blueprint | posterspypenguinblueprint
| |
Spy Pengling Concepts | posterspypenguinconcepts
| |
Spy Pengling Poster | posterspypenguin
These Spawn IDs are best used with unlock [NAME]
Base Pieces[]
Base Pieces |
Control Room | basecontrolroom
Foundation | basefoundation
| |
Hatch | basehatch
| |
I Compartment | basecorridori
| |
I Glass Compartment | basecorridorglassi
| |
L Compartment | basecorridorl
| |
L Glass Compartment | basecorridorglassl
| |
Large Room | baselargeroom
| |
Large Room Glass Dome | baselargeglassdome
| |
Moonpool | basemoonpool
| |
Multipurpose Room | baseroom
| |
Multipurpose Room Glass Dome | baseglassdome
| |
Observatory | baseobservatory
| |
Reinforcement | basereinforcement
| |
Scanner Room | basemaproom
| |
T Compartment | basecorridort
| |
Vertical Connector | baseconnector
| |
Window | basewindow
| |
X Compartment | basecorridorx
Exterior Modules[]
Exterior Modules |
Base-attached Air Pump | basepipeconnector
Exterior Growbed | farmingtray
| |
Floodlight | techlight
| |
Power Transmitter | powertransmitter
| |
Snowfox Hoverpad | hoverpad
| |
Snowman | snowman
| |
Solar Panel | solarpanel
| |
Thermal Plant | thermalplant
Interior Pieces[]
Interior Pieces |
Alien Containment | basewaterpark
Bioreactor | basebioreactor
| |
Bulkhead | basebulkhead
| |
Ladder | baseladder
| |
Large Room Partition | basepartition
| |
Large Room Partition Door | basepartitiondoor
| |
Nuclear Reactor | basenuclearreactor
| |
Vehicle Upgrade Console | baseupgradeconsole
| |
Water Filtration Machine | basefiltrationmachine
Interior Modules[]
Interior Modules |
Aquarium | aquarium
Basic Plant Pot | planterpot
| |
Battery Charger | batterycharger
| |
Chic Plant Pot | planterpot3
| |
Composite Plant Pot | planterpot2
| |
Fabricator | fabricator
| |
Indoor Growbed | planterbox
| |
Jukebox | jukebox
| |
Jukebox Speaker | speaker
| |
Locker | locker
| |
Modification Station | workbench
| |
Plant Shelf | plantershelf
| |
Power Cell Charger | powercellcharger
| |
Recyclotron | recyclotron
| |
Wall Locker | smalllocker
Miscellaneous Items[]
Miscellaneous Items |
Aromatherapy Lamp | aromatherapylamp
Bar Table | bartable
| |
Basic Double Bed | bed1
| |
Bench | bench
| |
Coffee Vending Machine | coffeevendingmachine
| |
Command Chair | starshipchair3
| |
Counter | labcounter
| |
Danielle's Bed | beddanielle
| |
Desk | starshipdesk
| |
Emmanuel's Bed | bedemmanuel
| |
Executive Desk | executivedesk
| |
Executive Toy | emmanuelpendulum
| |
Fred's Bed | bedfred
| |
Fridge | fridge
| |
Jeremiah's Bed | bedjeremiah
| |
Nuclear Waste Disposal | labtrashcan
| |
Office Chair | starshipchair2
| |
Parvan's Bed | bedparvan
| |
Picture Frame | pictureframe
| |
Quilted Double Bed | bed2
| |
Sam's Bed | bedsam
| |
Shower | shower
| |
Sign | sign
| |
Single Bed | narrowbed
| |
Single Wall Shelf | singlewallshelf
| |
Sink | sink
| |
Small Stove | smallstove
| |
Swivel Chair | starshipchair
| |
Toilet | toilet
| |
Trash Can | trashcans
| |
Vending Machine | vendingmachine
| |
Wall Planter | baseplanter
| |
Wall Shelves | wallshelves
| |
Zeta's Bed | bedzeta
Vehicles |
Prawn Suit | exosuit
Seatruck | seatruck
| |
Snowfox | hoverbike
Seatruck Modules[]
Seatruck Modules |
Seatruck Aquarium Module | seatruckaquariummodule
Seatruck Docking Module | seatruckdockingmodule
| |
Seatruck Fabricator Module | seatruckfabricatormodule
| |
Seatruck Sleeper Module | seatrucksleepermodule
| |
Seatruck Storage Module | seatruckstoragemodule
| |
Seatruck Teleportation Module | seatruckteleportationmodule
Raw IDs List[]
- [Number] [Icon] [Name] {spawn?} - [Simple id]
'?' indicates a question mark icon, 'x' indicates no icon or model, '{spawn}' indicates item appears in world, not inventory. Omitted numbers give an empty object with its number as the name.
- 0 ? None - none
- 1 Quartz - quartz
- 2 Metal Salvage - scrapmetal
- 3 Fiber Mesh - fibermesh
- 4 Limestone Outcrop {spawn} - limestonechunk
- 5 ? Calcite Outcrop - calciteold
- 6 ? Dolomite Outcrop - dolomiteold
- 7 Copper Ore - copper
- 8 Lead - lead
- 9 Salt Deposit - salt
- 10 ? Flint - flintold
- 11 ? Emery (Old) - emeryold
- 12 Mercury Ore - mercuryore
- 13 ? Calcium Outcrop - calciumchunk
- 14 ? Placeholder - placeholder
- 15 Glass - glass
- 16 Titanium - titanium
- 17 Silicone Rubber - silicone
- 18 ? Carbon (Old) - carbonold
- 19 ? Ethanol - ethanolold
- 20 ? Ethylene - ethyleneold
- 21 Gold - gold
- 22 Magnesium - magnesium
- 23 Crystalline Sulfur - sulphur
- 24 ? Hydrogen - hydrogenold
- 25 ? Lodestone - lodestone
- 26 ? Sand - sandloot
- 27 Bleach - bleach
- 28 Silver Ore - silver
- 29 ? Battery Acid - batteryacidold
- 30 Titanium Ingot - titaniumingot
- 31 Sandstone Outcrop {spawn} - sandstonechunk
- 32 Copper Wire - copperwire
- 33 Wiring Kit - wiringkit
- 34 Advanced Wiring Kit - advancedwiringkit
- 35 Cave Sulfur - crashpowder
- 36 Diamond - diamond
- 37 Basalt Outcrop {spawn} - basaltchunk
- 38 Shale Outcrop {spawn} - shalechunk
- 39 Obsidian Outcrop {spawn} - obsidianchunk
- 40 Lithium - lithium
- 41 Plasteel Ingot - plasteelingot
- 42 Enameled Glass - enameledglass
- 43 Power Cell - powercell
- 44 Computer Chip - computerchip
- 45 ? Fiber - fiber
- 46 ? Enamel - enamel
- 47 ? Acid - acidold
- 48 ? Vessel - vesselold
- 49 ? Combustible - combustibleold
- 50 ? Opal Gem - opalgem
- 51 Uranium - uranium
- 52 Ruby - aluminumoxide
- 53 Hydrochloric Acid - hydrochloricacid
- 54 Magnetite - magnetite
- 55 ? Amino Acids - aminoacids
- 56 Polyaniline - polyaniline
- 57 Synthetic Fibers - aramidfibers
- 58 ? Graphene - graphene
- 59 Aerogel - aerogel
- 60 ? Nanowires - nanowires
- 61 Benzene - benzene
- 62 Lubricant - lubricant
- 63 Uraninite Crystal - uraninitecrystal
- 64 Reactor Rod - reactorrod
- 65 Depleted Reactor Rod - depletedreactorrod
- 66 Ion Cube - precursorioncrystal
- 67 Ion Cube Matrix - precursorioncrystalmatrix
- 68 Kyanite - kyanite
- 69 Nickel Ore - nickel
- 70 Salt Deposit {spawn} - drillablesalt
- 71 Quartz Deposit {spawn} - drillablequartz
- 72 Copper Deposit {spawn} - drillablecopper
- 73 Titanium Deposit {spawn} - drillabletitanium
- 74 Lead Deposit {spawn} - drillablelead
- 75 Silver Deposit {spawn} - drillablesilver
- 76 Diamond Deposit {spawn} - drillablediamond
- 77 Gold Deposit {spawn} - drillablegold
- 78 Magnetite Deposit {spawn} - drillablemagnetite
- 79 Lithium Deposit {spawn} - drillablelithium
- 80 Mercury Ore Deposit {spawn} - drillablemercury
- 81 Uranitite Deposit {spawn} - drillableuranium
- 82 Ruby Deposit {spawn} - drillablealuminiumoxide
- 83 Nickel Ore Deposit {spawn} - drillablenickel
- 84 ? Crystalline Deposit - drillablesulphur
- 85 ? Kyanite Deposit - drillablekyanite
- 100 Lead Outcrop {spawn} - breakablelead
- 101 Silver Outcrop {spawn} - breakablesilver
- 102 Gold Outcrop {spawn} - breakablegold
- 500 ? Dive Suit - divesuit
- 501 ? Ship Computer (Old) - shipcomputerold
- 502 Fins - fins
- 503 Standard O₂ Tank - tank
- 504 Battery - battery
- 505 Survival Knife - knife
- 506 ? Drill - drill
- 507 Flashlight - flashlight
- 508 Beacon - beacon
- 509 Habitat Builder - builder
- 510 ? PDA - pda
- 511 ? Escape Pod - escapepod
- 512 Compass - compass
- 513 Air Bladder - airbladder
- 514 ? Terraformer - terraformer
- 515 Pipe - pipe
- 516 x Thermometer - thermometer
- 517 Pathfinder Tool - divereel
- 518 Rebreather - rebreather
- 519 Radiation Suit - radiationsuit
- 520 Radiation Helmet - radiationhelmet
- 521 Radiation Gloves - radiationgloves
- 522 Reinforced Dive Suit - reinforceddivesuit
- 523 Scanner - scanner
- 524 Fire Extinguisher - fireextinguisher
- 525 Scanner Room HUD Chip - maproomhudchip
- 526 Floating Air Pump - pipesurfacefloater
- 527 Creature Decoy - cyclopsdecoy
- 528 High Capacity O₂ Tank - doubletank
- 529 Reinforced Gloves - reinforcedgloves
- 530 Thumper - thumper
- 531 Precursor Tether - teleportationtool
- 532 Metal Detector - metaldetector
- 533 Headlamp - flashlighthelmet
- 750 Repair Tool - welder
- 751 Seaglide - seaglide
- 752 Mobile Vehicle Bay - constructor
- 753 x Transfuser - transfuser
- 754 Flare - flare
- 755 Stasis Rifle - stasisrifle
- 756 ? Builder Drone - buildbot
- 757 Propulsion Cannon - propulsioncannon
- 758 Grav Trap - gravsphere
- 759 Waterproof Locker - smallstorage
- 760 ? Stasis Sphere - stasissphere
- 761 Laser Cutter - lasercutter
- 762 Light Stick - ledlight
- 763 Hoverboard - hoverboard
- 764 Deployable Drill - deployabledrill
- 800 Hardened Blade - diamondblade
- 801 Thermoblade - heatblade
- 802 Lithium Ion Battery - lithiumionbattery
- 803 Lightweight High Capacity Tank - plasteeltank
- 804 Ultra High Capacity Tank - highcapacitytank
- 805 Ultra Glide Fins - ultraglidefins
- 806 Swim Charge Fins - swimchargefins
- 807 Repulsion Cannon - repulsioncannon
- 808 Water Filtration Suit - stillsuit
- 809 x Powerglide - powerglide
- 810 Cold Suit - coldsuit
- 811 Cold Suit Gloves - coldsuitgloves
- 812 Cold Suit Helmet - coldsuithelmet
- 813 Booster Tank - suitboostertank
- 900 ? Compost Creepvine - compostcreepvine
- 901 ? Process Uranium - processuranium
- 950 ? Precursor Ion Energy Blueprint - precursorionenergyblueprint
- 1000 ? Fabricator Blueprint (Old) - fabricatorblueprintold
- 1001 ? Mobile Vehicle Bay Blueprint - constructorblueprint
- 1002 Cyclops Blueprint - cyclopsblueprint
- 1003 ? Fragment Analyzer Blueprint (Old) - fragmentanalyzerblueprintold
- 1004 ? Locker Blueprint - lockerblueprint
- 1005 x Special Hull Plate Blueprint (Old) - specialhullplateblueprintold
- 1006 x Bikeman Hull Plate Blueprint (Old) - bikemanhullplateblueprintold
- 1007 x Eatmydiction Hull Plate Blueprint (Old) - eatmydictionhullplateblueprintold
- 1008 x Dev Test Item Hull Plate Blueprint (Old) - devtestitemhullplateblueprintold
- 1009 ? Seamoth Blueprint - seamothblueprint
- 1010 ? Stasis Rifle Blueprint - stasisrifleblueprint
- 1011 ? Prawn Suit Blueprint - exosuitblueprint
- 1012 ? Transfuser Blueprint - transfuserblueprint
- 1013 ? Terraformer Blueprint - terraformerblueprint
- 1014 ? Cyclops Depth Module MK1 Blueprint - reinforcehullblueprint
- 1015 ? Modification Station Blueprint - workbenchblueprint
- 1016 ? Propulsion Cannon Blueprint - propulsioncannonblueprint
- 1017 ? Specimen Analyzer Blueprint - specimenanalyzerblueprint
- 1018 ? Bioreactor Blueprint - bioreactorblueprint
- 1019 ? Thermal Plant Blueprint - thermalplantblueprint
- 1020 ? Nuclear Reactor Blueprint - nuclearreactorblueprint
- 1021 ? Moonpool Blueprint - moonpoolblueprint
- 1022 ? Water Filtration Machine Blueprint - filtrationmachineblueprint
- 1023 ? Floodlight Blueprint - techlightblueprint
- 1024 ? Light Stick Blueprint - ledlightblueprint
- 1025 Cyclops Hull Blueprint - cyclopshullblueprint
- 1026 ? Cyclops Bridge Blueprint - cyclopsbridgeblueprint
- 1027 Cyclops Engine Blueprint - cyclopsengineblueprint
- 1028 ? Cyclops Docking Bay Blueprint - cyclopsdockingbayblueprint
- 1029 ? Spotlight Blueprint - spotlightblueprint
- 1030 ? Radio Blueprint - radioblueprint
- 1031 ? Cargo Crate Blueprint - starshipcargocrateblueprint
- 1032 ? Circuit Box Blueprint - starshipcircuitboxblueprint
- 1033 ? Desk Blueprint - starshipdeskblueprint
- 1034 ? Chair Blueprint - starshipchairblueprint
- 1035 ? Monitor Blueprint - starshipmonitorblueprint
- 1036 ? Solar Panel Blueprint - solarpanelblueprint
- 1037 ? Power Transmitter Blueprint - powertransmitterblueprint
- 1038 ? Vehicle Upgrade Console Blueprint - baseupgradeconsoleblueprint
- 1039 ? Observatory Blueprint - baseobservatoryblueprint
- 1040 ? Alien Containment Blueprint - basewaterparkblueprint
- 1041 ? Picture Frame Blueprint - pictureframeblueprint
- 1042 ? Multipurpose Room Blueprint - baseroomblueprint
- 1043 ? Bulkhead Blueprint - basebulkheadblueprint
- 1044 ? Seaglide Blueprint - seaglideblueprint
- 1045 ? Battery Charger Blueprint - batterychargerblueprint
- 1046 ? Power Cell Charger Blueprint - powercellchargerblueprint
- 1047 ? Exterior Growbed Blueprint - farmingtrayblueprint
- 1048 ? Sign Blueprint - signblueprint
- 1049 ? Bench Blueprint - benchblueprint
- 1050 ? Basic Plant Pot Blueprint - planterpotblueprint
- 1051 ? Interior Growbed Blueprint - planterboxblueprint
- 1052 ? Plant Shelf Blueprint - plantershelfblueprint
- 1053 ? Aquarium Blueprint - aquariumblueprint
- 1054 ? Reinforced Dive Suit Blueprint - reinforceddivesuitblueprint
- 1055 ? Radiation Suit Blueprint - radiationsuitblueprint
- 1056 ? Water Filtration Suit Blueprint - stillsuitblueprint
- 1057 ? Scanner Room Blueprint - scannerroomblueprint
- 1058 ? Basic Plant Pot Blueprint - baseplanterblueprint
- 1059 ? Composite Plant Pot Blueprint - planterpot2blueprint
- 1060 ? Chic Plant Pot Blueprint - planterpot3blueprint
- 1061 ? Medical Kit Fabricator Blueprint - medicalcabinetblueprint
- 1062 ? Scanner Room Blueprint - basemaproomblueprint
- 1100 Seamoth Fragment - seamothfragment
- 1101 Stasis Rifle Fragment - stasisriflefragment
- 1102 Prawn Suit Fragment - exosuitfragment
- 1103 Transfuser Fragment - transfuserfragment
- 1104 ? Terraformer Fragment - terraformerfragment
- 1105 Cyclops Depth Module MK1 Fragment - reinforcehullfragment
- 1106 Modification Station Fragment - workbenchfragment
- 1107 Propulsion Cannon Fragment - propulsioncannonfragment
- 1108 x Bioreactor Fragment - bioreactorfragment
- 1109 Thermal Plant Fragment - thermalplantfragment
- 1110 x Nuclear Reactor Fragment - nuclearreactorfragment
- 1111 Moonpool Fragment {spawn} - moonpoolfragment
- 1112 ? Water Filtration Machine Fragment - basefiltrationmachinefragment
- 1113 ? Cyclops Hull Fragment - cyclopshullfragment
- 1114 ? Cyclops Bridge Fragment - cyclopsbridgefragment
- 1115 ? Cyclops Engine Fragment - cyclopsenginefragment
- 1116 ? Cyclops Docking Bay Fragment - cyclopsdockingbayfragment
- 1117 ? Seaglide Fragment - seaglidefragment
- 1118 Mobile Vehicle Bay Fragment - constructorfragment
- 1119 ? Solar Panel Fragment - solarpanelfragment
- 1120 ? Power Transmitter Fragment - powertransmitterfragment
- 1121 ? Vehicle Upgrade Console Fragment - baseupgradeconsolefragment
- 1122 ? Observatory Fragment - baseobservatoryfragment
- 1123 x Alien Containment Fragment - basewaterparkfragment
- 1124 ? Radio Fragment - radiofragment
- 1125 ? Multipurpose Room Fragment - baseroomfragment
- 1126 ? Bulkhead Fragment - basebulkheadfragment
- 1127 ? Battery Charger Fragment - batterychargerfragment
- 1128 ? Power Cell Charger Fragment - powercellchargerfragment
- 1129 ? Scanner Room Fragment - scannerroomfragment
- 1130 ? Specimen Analyzer Fragment - specimenanalyzerfragment
- 1131 ? Exterior Growbed Fragment - farmingtrayfragment
- 1132 ? Sign Fragment - signfragment
- 1133 ? Picture Frame Fragment - pictureframefragment
- 1134 ? Bench Fragment - benchfragment
- 1135 ? Basic Plant Pot Fragment - planterpotfragment
- 1136 ? Interior Growbed Fragment - planterboxfragment
- 1137 ? Plant Shelf Fragment - plantershelffragment
- 1138 ? Aquarium Fragment - aquariumfragment
- 1139 ? Reinforced Dive Suit Fragment - reinforceddivesuitfragment
- 1140 ? Radiation Suit Fragment - radiationsuitfragment
- 1141 x Water Filtration Suit Fragment - stillsuitfragment
- 1142 Habitat Builder Fragment {spawn} - builderfragment
- 1144 ? Floodlight Fragment - techlightfragment
- 1145 ? Spotlight Fragment - spotlightfragment
- 1146 Scanner Room Fragment {spawn} - basemaproomfragment
- 1147 ? Bioreactor Fragment - basebioreactorfragment
- 1148 ? Nuclear Reactor Fragment - basenuclearreactorfragment
- 1149 ? Laser Cutter Fragment - lasercutterfragment
- 1150 ? Beacon Fragment - beaconfragment
- 1151 ? Grav Trap Fragment - gravspherefragment
- 1152 ? Deployable Drill Fragment - deployabledrillfragment
- 1153 ? Seatruck Fragment - seatruckfragment
- 1154 ? Seatruck Storage Module Fragment - seatruckstoragemodulefragment
- 1155 ? Seatruck Fabricator Module Fragment - seatruckfabricatormodulefragment
- 1156 ? Seatruck Aquarium Module Fragment - seatruckaquariummodulefragment
- 1157 ? Hoverpad Fragment - hoverpadfragment
- 1158 ? Snowfox Fragment - hoverbikefragment
- 1159 ? Seatruck Sleeper Module Fragment - seatrucksleepermodulefragment
- 1160 ? Seatruck Docking Module Fragment - seatruckdockingmodulefragment
- 1161 ? Jukebox Fragment - jukeboxfragment
- 1162 ? Large Room Fragment - baselargeroomfragment
- 1163 ? Large Room Glass Dome Fragment - baselargeglassdomefragment
- 1164 ? Multipurpose Room Glass Dome Fragment - baseglassdomefragment
- 1165 ? Mineral Detector Fragment - metaldetectorfragment
- 1166 ? Seatruck Planter Module Fragment - seatruckplantermodulefragment
- 1167 ? Repulsion Cannon Fragment - repulsioncannonfragment
- 1168 ? Seatruck Afterburner Fragment - seatruckupgradeafterburnerfragment
- 1169 ? Seatruck Horsepower Fragment - seatruckupgradehorsepowerfragment
- 1170 ? High Capacity Tank Fragment - highcapacitytankfragment
- 1171 ? Prawn Suit Thermal Reactor Module Fragment - exosuitthermalreactormodulefragment
- 1250 ? Safe Shallows Egg - safeshallowsegg
- 1251 ? Kelp Forest Egg - kelpforestegg
- 1252 ? Grassy Plateaus Egg - grassyplateausegg
- 1253 ? Grand Reefs Egg - grandreefsegg
- 1254 ? Mushroom Forest Egg - mushroomforestegg
- 1255 ? Bulb Zone Egg - kooshzoneegg
- 1256 ? Twisty Bridges Egg - twistybridgesegg
- 1257 Identified Lava Lizard Egg - lavazoneegg
- 1258 x Stalker Egg - stalkeregg
- 1259 x Reefback Leviathan Egg - reefbackegg
- 1260 x Spadefish Egg - spadefishegg
- 1261 x Rabbit Ray Egg - rabbitrayegg
- 1262 x Mesmer Egg - mesmeregg
- 1263 JumperEggUndiscovered - jumperegg
- 1264 x Sand Shark Egg - sandsharkegg
- 1265 x Jellyray Egg - jellyrayegg
- 1266 BonesharkEggUndiscovered - bonesharkegg
- 1267 x Crabsnake Egg - crabsnakeegg
- 1268 x Ampeel Egg - shockeregg
- 1269 x Gasopod Egg - gasopodegg
- 1270 RabbitrayEggUndiscovered - rabbitrayeggundiscovered
- 1271 JellyrayEggUndiscovered - jellyrayeggundiscovered
- 1272 StalkerEggUndiscovered - stalkereggundiscovered
- 1273 ReefbackEggUndiscovered - reefbackeggundiscovered
- 1274 JumperEggUndiscovered - jumpereggundiscovered
- 1275 BonesharkEggUndiscovered - bonesharkeggundiscovered
- 1276 GasopodEggUndiscovered - gasopodeggundiscovered
- 1277 MesmerEggUndiscovered - mesmereggundiscovered
- 1278 SandsharkEggUndiscovered - sandsharkeggundiscovered
- 1279 ShockerEggUndiscovered - shockereggundiscovered
- 1280 Creature Egg (?) - genericegg
- 1281 Crashfish Egg - crashegg
- 1282 Creature Egg (Crashfish) - crasheggundiscovered
- 1283 x Crabsquid Egg - crabsquidegg
- 1284 CrabsquidEggUndiscovered - crabsquideggundiscovered
- 1285 CutefishEggUndiscovered - cutefishegg
- 1286 CutefishEggUndiscovered - cutefisheggundiscovered
- 1287 LavaLizardEggUndiscovered - lavalizardegg
- 1288 LavaLizardEggUndiscovered - lavalizardeggundiscovered
- 1289 CrabsnakeEggUndiscovered - crabsnakeeggundiscovered
- 1290 SpadefishEggUndiscovered - spadefisheggundiscovered
- 1291 Sea Monkey Egg - seamonkeyegg
- 1292 Arctic Ray Egg - arcticrayegg
- 1293 Creature Egg (Arctic Ray) - arcticrayeggundiscovered
- 1294 Brute Shark Egg - brutesharkegg
- 1295 Creature Egg (Brute Shark) - brutesharkeggundiscovered
- 1296 Lily Paddler Egg - lilypaddleregg
- 1297 Creature Egg (Lily Paddler) - lilypaddlereggundiscovered
- 1298 Pinnacarid Egg - pinnacaridegg
- 1299 Creature Egg (Pinnacarid) - pinnacarideggundiscovered
- 1300 ? Cartilaginous Shell - reefbackshell
- 1301 ? Cartilaginous Tissue - reefbacktissue
- 1302 ? Chelonian Structure - reefbackadvancedstructure
- 1310 Squidshark Egg - squidsharkegg
- 1311 Creature Egg (Squidshark) - squidsharkeggundiscovered
- 1312 Titan Holefish Egg - titanholefishegg
- 1313 Creature Egg (Titan Holefish) - titanholefisheggundiscovered
- 1314 Trivalve Egg Blue - trivalveblueegg
- 1315 Trivalve Egg Gold - trivalveyellowegg
- 1316 Creature Egg (Blue Trivalve) - trivalveblueeggundiscovered
- 1317 Creature Egg (Gold Trivalve) - trivalveyelloweggundiscovered
- 1318 Brinewing Egg - brinewingegg
- 1319 Creature Egg (Brinewing) - brinewingeggundiscovered
- 1320 Cryptosuchus Egg - cryptosuchusegg
- 1321 Creature Egg (Cryptosuchus) - cryptosuchuseggundiscovered
- 1322 Glow Whale Egg - glowwhaleegg
- 1323 Creature Egg (Glow Whale) - glowwhaleeggundiscovered
- 1324 Jellyfish Egg - jellyfishegg
- 1325 Creature Egg (Jellyfish) - jellyfisheggundiscovered
- 1326 Pengwing Egg - penguinegg
- 1327 Creature Egg (Pengwing) - penguineggundiscovered
- 1328 Rock Puncher Egg - rockpuncheregg
- 1329 Creature Egg (Rock Puncher) - rockpunchereggundiscovered
- 1400 ? Reefback Leviathan DNA Sample - reefbackdna
- 1500 Modification Station {spawn} - workbench
- 1501 Cyclops Pressure Compensator - hullreinforcementmodule
- 1502 Fabricator {spawn} - fabricator
- 1503 Aquarium {spawn} - aquarium
- 1504 Locker {spawn} - locker
- 1505 Spotlight {spawn} - spotlight
- 1506 ? Dive Hatch - divehatch
- 1507 ? Current Generator - currentgenerator
- 1508 ? Fragment Analyzer - fragmentanalyzer
- 1513 Specimen Analyzer {spawn} - specimenanalyzer
- 1514 ? Base Cyclops Reinforcement Module - hullreinforcementmodule2
- 1515 ? Chelonian Hull Reinforcement Module - hullreinforcementmodule3
- 1516 Cyclops Engine Efficiency Module - powerupgrademodule
- 1517 Solar Panel {spawn} - solarpanel
- 1518 Sign {spawn} - sign
- 1519 Power Transmitter {spawn} - powertransmitter
- 1520 ? Accumulator - accumulator
- 1521 x Bioreactor - bioreactor
- 1522 Thermal Plant {spawn} - thermalplant
- 1523 x Nuclear Reactor - nuclearreactor
- 1524 Wall Locker {spawn} - smalllocker
- 1525 Bench {spawn} - bench
- 1526 Picture Frame {spawn} - pictureframe
- 1527 Basic Plant Pot {spawn} - planterpot
- 1528 Indoor Growbed {spawn} - planterbox
- 1529 Plant Shelf {spawn} - plantershelf
- 1530 Exterior Growbed {spawn} - farmingtray
- 1531 ? Water Filtration Machine - filtrationmachine
- 1532 Floodlight {spawn} - techlight
- 1533 Radio {spawn} - radio
- 1534 Composite Plant Pot {spawn} - planterpot2
- 1535 Chic Plant Pot {spawn} - planterpot3
- 1536 Medical Kit Fabricator {spawn} - medicalcabinet
- 1537 Cyclops Depth Module MK1 - cyclopshullmodule1
- 1538 Cyclops Depth Module MK2 - cyclopshullmodule2
- 1539 Single Wall Shelf {spawn} - singlewallshelf
- 1540 Wall Shelves {spawn} - wallshelves
- 1541 Basic Double Bed {spawn} - bed1
- 1542 Quilted Double Bed {spawn} - bed2
- 1543 Single Bed {spawn} - narrowbed
- 1544 Battery Charger {spawn} - batterycharger
- 1545 Power Cell Charger {spawn} - powercellcharger
- 1546 ? Incubator - incubator
- 1547 Hatching Enzymes - hatchingenzymes
- 1548 ? Enzyme Cloud - enyzmecloud
- 1549 x Enzyme 42 - enzymecureball
- 1550 Centrifuge {spawn} - centrifuge
- 1551 Cyclops Shield Generator - cyclopsshieldmodule
- 1552 Cyclops Sonar Upgrade - cyclopssonarmodule
- 1553 Cyclops Docking Bay Repair Module - cyclopsseamothrepairmodule
- 1554 Cyclops Decoy Tube Upgrade - cyclopsdecoymodule
- 1555 Cyclops Fire Suppression System - cyclopsfiresuppressionmodule
- 1556 ? Cyclops Fabricator - cyclopsfabricator
- 1557 Cyclops Thermal Reactor Module - cyclopsthermalreactormodule
- 1558 Cyclops Depth Module MK3 - cyclopshullmodule3
- 1559 Phasegate {spawn} - phasegate
- 1560 Weather Station {spawn} - weatherstation
- 1561 Weather Panel {spawn} - weatherpanel
- 1562 Weather Balloon - weatherballoon
- 1563 Base Color Customizer {spawn} - basecolorcustomizer
- 1564 Jukebox {spawn} - jukebox
- 1565 ? CycloSeatruck Fabricator - seatruckfabricator
- 1566 Speaker - speaker
- 1567 Quantum Locker - quantumlocker
- 1568 Recyclotron {spawn} - recyclotron
- 1800 Cargo Crate {spawn} - starshipcargocrate
- 1801 Circuit Box {spawn} - starshipcircuitbox
- 1802 Desk {spawn} - starshipdesk
- 1803 Desk Chair {spawn} - starshipchair
- 1804 Monitor {spawn} - starshipmonitor
- 1805 Office Chair {spawn} - starshipchair2
- 1806 Command Chair {spawn} - starshipchair3
- 1807 Carry-all - luggagebag
- 1808 Arcade Gorge Toy - arcadegorgetoy
- 1809 Electron Microscope (non-functional) - labequipment1
- 1810 Fluid Analyser (non-functional) - labequipment2
- 1811 Sample Analyser (non-functional) - labequipment3
- 1812 Coffee Vending Machine {spawn} - coffeevendingmachine
- 1813 Bar Table {spawn} - bartable
- 1814 Gray Cap - cap1
- 1815 Blue Cap - cap2
- 1816 Large Sample Flask - labcontainer
- 1817 Small Sample Flask - labcontainer2
- 1818 Cylindrical Sample Flask - labcontainer3
- 1819 Trash Can {spawn} - trashcans
- 1820 Nuclear Waste Disposal {spawn} - labtrashcan
- 1821 Vending Machine {spawn} - vendingmachine
- 1822 Counter {spawn} - labcounter
- 1823 Aurora Miniature - starshipsouvenir
- 1824 Aurora Poster - posteraurora
- 1825 Prawn Suit Poster - Land - posterexosuit1
- 1826 Prawn Suit Poster - Sea - posterexosuit2
- 1827 Keep Calm Poster - posterkitty
- 1828 Toy Car - toycar
- 1829 Snowman {spawn} - snowman
- 1830 Spy Pengling Poster - posterspypenguin
- 1831 Fridge {spawn} - fridge
- 1832 Shower {spawn} - shower
- 1833 Sink {spawn} - sink
- 1834 Small Stove {spawn} - smallstove
- 1835 Toilet {spawn} - toilet
- 1836 ? Alterra Facilities Map - rocketbaseworldmap
- 1837 Motivational Poster - postermotivational
- 1838 Seatruck X12 Poster - seatruckposter
- 1839 Jeremiah's Bird Wall - posterjeremiahbirds
- 1840 ? Architect Poster - posterlilarchitect
- 1841 ? PictureLilKids1 - picturelilkids1
- 1842 Bird Poster - posterjeremiahnobirds
- 1843 Pengling Picture - picturefredpengling
- 1844 Vinh Pham's Postcard {spawn} - picturevinhpostcard
- 1845 Sam and Potato - picturesampotato
- 1846 Executive Toy {spawn} - emmanuelpendulum
- 1847 Fred's Shaving Kit - fredshavingkit
- 1848 Seatruck Poster - posterseatruck2
- 1849 Mercury Spaceship Poster - postermercury
- 1850 Potato Portrait - picturepotatoportrait
- 1851 ? PictureLilKids2 - picturelilkids2
- 1852 Motivational Poster 2 - postermotivational2
- 1853 Motivational Poster 3 - postermotivational3
- 1854 ? Vesper Poster - postervesper
- 1855 Sam & Danielle - picturesamdaniellehappy
- 1856 Aromatherapy Lamp {spawn} - aromatherapylamp
- 1857 Biological Art - picturevinhbiologyart
- 1858 Abstract Art - picturedanielleabstractart
- 1859 Necklace - samnecklace
- 1860 Danielle's Bed {spawn} - daniellebed
- 1861 Emmanuel's Bed {spawn} - bedemmanuel
- 1862 Fred's Bed {spawn} - bedfred
- 1863 Jeremiah's Bed {spawn} - bedjeremiah
- 1864 Sam's Bed {spawn} - bedsam
- 1865 Zeta's Bed {spawn} - bedzeta
- 1866 Executive Desk {spawn} - executivedesk
- 1867 Parvan's Bed {spawn} - bedparvan
- 1868 Framed Art - picturesamhand
- 2000 Seamoth {spawn} - seamoth
- 2001 Prawn Suit {spawn} - exosuit
- 2002 ? Aurora - crashedship
- 2003 Cyclops - cyclops
- 2004 ? Audiolog - audiolog
- 2006 Snowfox - hoverbike
- 2007 Seatruck {spawn} - seatruck
- 2008 Seatruck Fabricator Module {spawn} - seatruckfabricatormodule
- 2009 ? Seatruck Planter Module - seatruckplantermodule
- 2010 Seatruck Storage Module {spawn} - seatruckstoragemodule
- 2011 Seatruck Aquarium Module {spawn} - seatruckaquariummodule
- 2012 Seatruck Docking Module {spawn} - seatruckdockingmodule
- 2013 Seatruck Sleeper Module {spawn} - seatrucksleepermodule
- 2014 Seatruck Teleportation Module {spawn} - seatruckteleportationmodule
- 2100 ? Seamoth Depth Module - seamothreinforcementmodule
- 2101 Engine Efficiency Module - vehiclepowerupgrademodule
- 2102 Seamoth Solar Charger - seamothsolarcharge
- 2103 Storage Module - vehiclestoragemodule
- 2104 Seamoth Perimeter Defense System - seamothelectricaldefense
- 2105 Hull Reinforcement - vehiclearmorplating
- 2106 ? Metal Sensor - lootsensormetal
- 2107 ? Lithium Sensor - lootsensorlithium
- 2108 Fragment Sensor - lootsensorfragment
- 2109 Seamoth Torpedo System - seamothtorpedomodule
- 2110 Seamoth Sonar - seamothsonarmodule
- 2111 Vortex Torpedo - whirlpooltorpedo
- 2112 Seamoth Depth Module MK1 - vehiclehullmodule1
- 2113 Seamoth Depth Module MK2 - vehiclehullmodule2
- 2114 Seamoth Depth Module MK3 - vehiclehullmodule3
- 2115 Prawn Suit Jump Jet Upgrade - exosuitjetupgrademodule
- 2116 Prawn Suit Drill Arm - exosuitdrillarmmodule
- 2117 Prawn Suit Thermal Reactor - exosuitthermalreactormodule
- 2118 Prawn Suit Claw Arm - exosuitclawarmmodule
- 2119 Gas Torpedo - gastorpedo
- 2120 Prawn Suit Propulsion Cannon - exosuitpropulsionarmmodule
- 2121 Prawn Suit Grappling Arm - exosuitgrapplingarmmodule
- 2122 Prawn Suit Torpedo Arm - exosuittorpedoarmmodule
- 2123 Prawn Suit Drill Arm Fragment {spawn} - exosuitdrillarmfragment
- 2124 ? Prawn Suit Propulsion Cannon Fragment - exosuitpropulsionarmfragment
- 2125 ? Prawn Suit Grappling Arm Fragment - exosuitgrapplingarmfragment
- 2126 ? Prawn Suit Torpedo Arm Fragment - exosuittorpedoarmfragment
- 2127 ? Prawn Suit Claw Arm Fragment - exosuitclawarmfragment
- 2128 Prawn Suit Depth Module MK1 - exohullmodule1
- 2129 Prawn Suit Depth Module MK2 - exohullmodule2
- 2130 Snowfox Hop Module - hoverbikejumpmodule
- 2131 Seatruck Afterburner - seatruckupgradeafterburner
- 2132 Seatruck Thruster Upgrade - seatruckupgradethruster
- 2133 Seatruck Energy Efficiency Upgrade - seatruckupgradeenergyefficiency
- 2134 Seatruck Perimeter Defense - seatruckupgradeperimeterdefense
- 2135 Seatruck Horse Power Upgrade - seatruckupgradehorsepower
- 2136 Seatruck Depth Module MK1 - seatruckupgradehull1
- 2137 Seatruck Depth Module MK2 - seatruckupgradehull2
- 2138 Seatruck Depth Module MK3 - seatruckupgradehull3
- 2139 Snowfox Ice Worm Attack Reduction Module - hoverbikeicewormreductionmodule
- 2250 Scanner Room Range Upgrade - maproomupgradescanrange
- 2251 Scanner Room Speed Upgrade - maproomupgradescanspeed
- 2501 x Holefish - holefish
- 2502 Shuttlebug {spawn} - jumper
- 2503 Creepvine Seed Cluster - creepvineseedcluster
- 2504 x Peeper - peeper
- 2505 x Oculus - oculus
- 2506 x Rabbit Ray - rabbitray
- 2507 x Garryfish - garryfish
- 2508 ? Slime - slime
- 2509 Crashfish {spawn} - crash
- 2510 Boomerang - boomerang
- 2511 x Lava Larva - lavalarva
- 2512 x Stalker {spawn} - stalker
- 2513 x Eyeye - eyeye
- 2514 Bloom Plankton {spawn} - bloom
- 2515 Bladderfish - bladderfish
- 2516 x Hoverfish - hoverfish
- 2517 x Jellyray - jellyray
- 2518 Reefback Leviathan - reefback
- 2519 x Reginald - reginald
- 2520 x Spadefish - spadefish
- 2521 ? Grabcrab - grabcrab
- 2522 x Floater - floater
- 2523 x Gasopod - gasopod
- 2524 x Sand Shark - sandshark
- 2525 ? Player - player
- 2526 x Bleeder - bleeder
- 2527 Rockgrub - rockgrub
- 2528 Crashfish (in Sulfur Plant) {spawn} - crashhome
- 2529 Creepvine Sample - creepvinepiece
- 2530 Gas Pod - gaspod
- 2531 Hoopfish - hoopfish
- 2532 Shoal of Hoopfish {spawn} - hoopfishschool
- 2533 Rock Puncher - rockpuncher
- 2534 Boneshark {spawn} - boneshark
- 2535 x Mesmer - mesmer
- 2536 x Sea Treader Leviathan - seatreader
- 2537 ? Sea Emperor Leviathan - seamperor
- 2538 x Cuddlefish - cutefish
- 2539 x Crabsnake - crabsnake
- 2540 x Reaper Leviathan - reaperleviathan
- 2541 x Cave Crawler - cavecrawler
- 2542 Skyray {spawn} - skyray
- 2543 x Biter - biter
- 2544 ? Skyray (Non-Roosting) - skyraynonroosting
- 2545 x Ampeel - shocker
- 2546 Spinefish - spinefish
- 2547 x Blood Crawler - shuttlebug
- 2548 x Blighter - blighter
- 2549 Warper {spawn} - warper
- 2550 x Crabsquid - crabsquid
- 2551 x Lava Lizard - lavalizard
- 2552 x River Prowler - spineeel
- 2553 x Sea Dragon Leviathan - seadragon
- 2554 x Magmarang - lavaboomerang
- 2555 x Red Eyeye - lavaeyeye
- 2556 Sea Emperor Leviathan Juvenile {spawn} - seaemperorbaby
- 2558 x Ghostray - ghostrayblue
- 2559 x Crimson Ray - ghostrayred
- 2560 ? Reefback Baby - reefbackbaby
- 2561 Alien Robot {spawn} - precursordroid
- 2562 x Ghost Leviathan - ghostleviathan
- 2563 ? Sea Emperor Leviathan - seaemperorleviathan
- 2564 Sea Emperor Leviathan Juvenile {spawn} - seaemperorjuvenile
- 2565 x Ghost Leviathan Juvenile - ghostleviathanjuvenile
- 2566 Pengwing {spawn} - penguin
- 2567 Glow Whale {spawn} - glowwhale
- 2568 Ice Worm {spawn} - icewormspawner (see page for explanation on how to use this command)
- 2569 Pinnacarid {spawn} - pinnacarid
- 2570 Lily Paddler {spawn} - lilypaddler
- 2571 Spinnerfish - spinnerfish
- 2572 Arctic Ray {spawn} - arcticray
- 2573 Symbiote - symbiote
- 2574 Titan Holefish {spawn} - titanholefish
- 2575 Pengling - penguinbaby
- 2576 Brute Shark {spawn} - bruteshark
- 2577 Blue Trivalve {spawn} - trivalveblue
- 2578 Arctic Peeper - arcticpeeper
- 2579 Arrow Ray - arrowray
- 2580 Sea Monkey {spawn} - seamonkey
- 2581 Bladderfish Shoal {spawn} - bladderfishschool
- 2582 Boomerang Shoal {spawn} - boomerangschool
- 2583 Holefish Shoal {spawn} - holefishschool
- 2584 Spinefish Shoal {spawn} - spinefishschool
- 2585 Noot Fish - nootfish
- 2586 Brinewing {spawn} - brinewing
- 2587 Triops - triops
- 2588 Squidshark {spawn} - squidshark
- 2589 Sea Monkey Baby - seamonkeybaby
- 2590 Chelicerate {spawn} - chelicerate
- 2591 Snowstalker {spawn} - snowstalker
- 2592 Snow Stalker Baby {spawn} - snowstalkerbaby
- 2593 Feather Fish - featherfish
- 2594 Feather Fish (Red) - featherfishred
- 2595 Shadow Leviathan {spawn} - shadowleviathan
- 2596 Adult Ventgarden {spawn} - largeventgarden
- 2597 Juvenile Ventgarden {spawn} - smallventgarden
- 2598 Yellow Trivalve {spawn} - trivalveyellow
- 2599 Eye Jelly {spawn} - jellyfish
- 2600 Discus Fish {spawn} - discusfish
- 2601 ? Ice Worm - iceworm
- 2602 Cryptosuchus {spawn} - cryptosuchus
- 2700 ? Holefish Analysis - holefishanalysis
- 2701 ? Peeper Analysis - peeperanalysis
- 2702 ? Bladderfish Analysis - bladderfishanalysis
- 2703 ? Garryfish Analysis - garryfishanalysis
- 2704 ? Hoverfish Analysis - hoverfishanalysis
- 2705 ? Reginald Analysis - reginaldanalysis
- 2706 ? Spadefish Analysis - spadefishanalysis
- 2707 ? Boomerang Analysis - boomeranganalysis
- 2708 ? Eyeye Analysis - eyeyeanalysis
- 2709 ? Oculus Analysis - oculusanalysis
- 2710 ? Hoopfish Analysis - hoopfishanalysis
- 2711 ? Analysis Tree (Old) - analysistreeold
- 2712 ? Spinefish Analysis - spinefishanalysis
- 3000 ? Plant Placeholder - plantplaceholder
- 3001 Treespawn {spawn} - ballclusters
- 3002 Tree Leech {spawn} - barnaclesuckers
- 3003 Blue Barnacle {spawn} - bluebarnacle
- 3004 Blue Barnacles {spawn} - bluebarnaclecluster
- 3005 Jordi's Tung {spawn} - bluecoraltubes
- 3006 Blood Grass {spawn} - bloodgrass
- 3007 Green Grass {spawn} - greengrass
- 3008 Scaly Maw Anemone - mohawk
- 3009 Spotted Reeds {spawn} - greenreeds
- 3010 Gel Sack - jellyplant
- 3011 ? Blue Table Coral - bluejeweleddisk
- 3012 ? Green Table Coral - greenjeweleddisk
- 3013 ? Purple Table Coral - purplejeweleddisk
- 3014 ? Red Table Coral - redjeweleddisk
- 3015 x Pygmy Bulb Bush - smallkoosh
- 3016 x Medium Bulb Bush - mediumkoosh
- 3017 x Large Bulb Bush - largekoosh
- 3018 x Giant Bulb Bush - hugekoosh
- 3019 Membrain Tree {spawn} - membraintree
- 3020 Veined Nettle {spawn} - purplefan
- 3021 Acid Mushroom - acidmushroom
- 3022 Writhing Weed {spawn} - purpletentacle
- 3023 Blood Grass {spawn} - redseaweed
- 3024 ? Coral (Old) Placeholder - coraloldplaceholder
- 3025 Coral Shell Plate {spawn} - coralshellplate
- 3026 Pygmy Fan {spawn} - smallfan
- 3027 Pygmy Fan Cluster {spawn} - smallfancluster
- 3028 Giant Coral Tubes {spawn} - bigcoraltubes
- 3029 Tree Mushroom {spawn} - treemushroom
- 3030 Grue Cluster {spawn} - bluecluster
- 3031 Earthen Coral Tubes {spawn} - browntubes
- 3032 Blood Grass {spawn} - redgrass
- 3033 x Heat Area - heatarea
- 3034 Blood Oil - bloodoil
- 3035 Deep Shroom - whitemushroom
- 3036 Bloodroot - bloodroot
- 3037 Bloodvine {spawn} - bloodvine
- 3038 Voxel Shrub {spawn} - pinkflower
- 3039 x Pink Cap - pinkmushroom
- 3040 Speckled Rattler - purplerattle
- 3041 x Bulbo Tree - bulbotree
- 3042 x Ming Plant - purplevaseplant
- 3043 x Jaffa Cup - orangemushroom
- 3044 x Fern Palm - fernpalm
- 3045 Lantern Tree {spawn} - hangingfruittree
- 3046 Chinese Potato Plant {spawn} - purplevegetableplant
- 3047 Small Marblemelon Plant {spawn} - melonplant
- 3048 Blue Palm {spawn} - bluepalm
- 3049 Gabe's Feather {spawn} - gabesfeather
- 3050 Sea Crown {spawn} - seacrown
- 3051 Grub Basket {spawn} - orangepetalsplant
- 3052 Eye Stalk {spawn} - eyesplant
- 3053 Ghost Weed {spawn} - redgreententacle
- 3054 Violet Beau {spawn} - purplestalk
- 3055 Rouge Cradle {spawn} - redbasketplant
- 3056 Redwort {spawn} - redbush
- 3057 Regress Shell {spawn} - redconeplant
- 3058 Spiked Horn Grass {spawn} - shellgrass
- 3059 Spotted Dockleaf {spawn} - spottedleavesplant
- 3060 Furled Papyrus {spawn} - redrollplant
- 3061 Hardy Cave Bush {spawn} - purplebranches
- 3062 x Jellyshroom - snakemushroom
- 3063 Alien Faeces - seatreaderpoop
- 3064 Table Coral {spawn} - genericjeweleddisk
- 3065 x Anchor Pods - floatingstone
- 3066 x Amoeboid - blueamoeba
- 3067 x Pyrocoral - redtiprockthings
- 3068 x Crab Claw Kelp {spawn} - bluetiplostriverplant
- 3069 x Brine Lily - bluelostriverlilly
- 3070 x Ancient Floater - largefloater
- 3071 ? Armored Plant - genericarmored
- 3072 Radiant Sieve Coral {spawn} - genericbowl
- 3073 ? Bulb Stalk Plant - genericbulbstalk
- 3074 ? Polycage - genericcage
- 3075 Spine Plant {spawn} - genericspine
- 3076 Double Lung Plant {spawn} - genericshelldouble
- 3077 Luna Plant {spawn} - genericshellsingle
- 3078 Spiral Plant {spawn} - genericspiral
- 3079 Ribbon Plant - genericribbon
- 3080 ? Sea Monkey Nest - seamonkeynest1
- 3081 ? Sea Monkey Nest - seamonkeynest2
- 3082 ? Sea Monkey Nest - seamonkeynest3
- 3083 Thermal Lily {spawn} - thermallily
- 3084 Oxygen Plant {spawn} - oxygenplant
- 3085 ? Sea Monkey Nest Roof - seamonkeynestroof
- 3086 ? Sea Monkey Nest - seamonkeynest4
- 3087 ? Sea Monkey Nest - seamonkeynest5
- 3088 Fevered Pepper Tree {spawn} - heatfruitplant
- 3089 ? Frosted Sinew Tree - snowplant
- 3090 ? Glow Fungus - glowflower
- 3091 Kelp Root {spawn} - kelproot
- 3092 Root Globule - kelprootpustule
- 3093 ? Sea Monkey Nest - seamonkeynest6
- 3094 ? Sea Monkey Nest - seamonkeynest7
- 3095 Steam Vent {spawn} - blastingvent
- 3096 Ice Stalagmite - temperatecrystal
- 3097 Shelf Coral {spawn} - twistybridgescoralshelf
- 3098 Twisted Mandrake {spawn} - twistybridgeslargeplant
- 3099 Bullseye Shroom {spawn} - twistybridgesmushroom
- 3100 Blue Scrub Bush {spawn} - bluefurplant
- 3101 Loop Plant {spawn} - genericbigplant1
- 3102 ? Jade Membrane - genericbigplant2
- 3103 Eclipse Plant {spawn} - genericcrystal
- 3104 Grand Cotton Anemone {spawn} - caveflower
- 3105 Horseshoe Shrub {spawn} - leafyfruitplant
- 3106 ? Frost Anemone - icefruitplant
- 3107 Young Cotton Anemone - deeplilyshroom
- 3108 Two Hiveminds attached to a rock {spawn} - hiveplant
- 3109 Broken Mandrake {spawn} - deeptwistybridgeslargeplant
- 3110 Blooming Raindrops (Orange) {spawn} - cyanflower
- 3111 Purple Cattail {spawn} - tapeplant
- 3112 Seedling Lily Pad {spawn} - lilypadstage1
- 3113 Fallen Lily Pad {spawn} - lilypadfallen
- 3114 Mature Lily Pad top {spawn} - lilypadmature
- 3115 Lily Pad Root {spawn} - lilypadroot
- 3116 Green Ternion {spawn} - triangleplant
- 3117 Antennae Plant {spawn} - smallmaroonplant
- 3118 Adolescent Lily Pad {spawn} - lilypadstage2
- 3119 Rising Lily Pad {spawn} - lilypadstage3
- 3120 Frozen River Plant 01 - frozenriverplant1
- 3121 Frost Vase Plant - frozenriverplant2
- 3122 ? Frost Acacia - glacialtree
- 3123 ? Violet Snowcone - glacialbulb
- 3124 ? Boneyard - boneyard
- 3125 ? Marbled Anemone - caveplant
- 3126 Coral Bridge {spawn} - twistybridge
- 3127 Crescent Moon Coral {spawn} - twistybridgecliffplant
- 3128 Pink Narrowleaf {spawn} twistybridgelongcoral
- 3129 ? Mohawk Plant - mohawkplant
- 3130 Large Morganite Formation {spawn} - crystalcavernbigcrystal
- 3131 Large Red Beryl Formation {spawn} - fabricatorcavernbigcrystal
- 3132 Antennae Fruit - smallmaroonplantfruit
- 3133 Preston's Delight - snowstalkerfruit
- 3134 Preston's Plant - snowstalkerplant
- 3135 Preston's Plant Leaf - snowstalkerplantleaf
- 3136 Honeycomb Fungus {spawn} - honeycombplant
- 3137 Hydrothermal Spire {spawn} - thermalspire
- 3138 Trinity Barnacle {spawn} - thermalspirebarnacle
- 3139 Tree Spire {spawn} - treespire
- 3140 Reaper's Wineglass {spawn} - treespiremushroom
- 3141 ? Ice Crystal - icecrystal
- 3142 Pouch Bulb {spawn} - glacialpouchbulb
- 3143 Ancient Ornamental Plant {spawn} - deeplilypadslanternplant
- 3144 Ragged Pitcher Plant {spawn} - tallshootsplant
- 3145 Tornado Plates {spawn} - tornadoplates
- 3146 Fumarole {spawn} - purplevent
- 3147 Hydrothermal Vent {spawn} - geothermalvent
- 3500 ? Piece Placeholder - pieceplaceholder
- 3501 Table Coral Sample - jeweleddiskpiece
- 3502 Coral Tube Sample - coralchunk
- 3503 Bulb Bush Sample - kooshchunk
- 3504 Stalker Tooth - stalkertooth
- 3505 Fungal Sample - treemushroompiece
- 3506 Bulbo Tree Sample - bulbotreepiece
- 3507 Jaffa Cup Seed - orangemushroomspore
- 3508 Ming Plant Seed - purplevaseplantseed
- 3509 Acid Mushroom Spore - acidmushroomspore
- 3510 Deep Shroom Spore - whitemushroomspore
- 3511 Pink Cap Spore - pinkmushroomspore
- 3512 Speckled Rattler Spore - purplerattlespore
- 3513 Lantern Fruit - hangingfruit
- 3514 Chinese Potato - purplevegetable
- 3515 Small Marblemelon - smallmelon
- 3516 Marblemelon - melon
- 3517 Marblemelon Seeds - melonseed
- 3518 Brain Coral Sample - purplebraincoralpiece
- 3519 Tiger Plant Seed - spikeplantseed
- 3520 Blue Palm Seed - bluepalmseed
- 3521 Veined Nettle Seed - purplefanseed
- 3522 Pygmy Fan Seed - smallfanseed
- 3523 Writhing Weed Seed - purpletentacleseed
- 3524 Gel Sack Spores - jellyplantseed
- 3525 Gabe's Feather Seed - gabesfeatherseed
- 3526 Sea Crown Seed - seacrownseed
- 3527 Membrain Tree Seed - membraintreeseed
- 3528 Voxel Shrub Seed - pinkflowerseed
- 3529 Fern Palm Seed - fernpalmseed
- 3530 Grub Basket Seed - orangepetalsplantseed
- 3531 Eye Stalk Seed - eyesplantseed
- 3532 Ghost Weed Seed - redgreententacleseed
- 3533 Violet Beau Seed - purplestalkseed
- 3534 Rouge Cradle Seed - redbasketplantseed
- 3535 Redwort Seed - redbushseed
- 3536 Regress Shell Seed - redconeplantseed
- 3537 Spiked Horn Grass Seed - shellgrassseed
- 3538 Spotted Dockleaf Seed - spottedleavesplantseed
- 3539 Furled Papyrus Seed - redrollplantseed
- 3540 Hardy Cave Bush Seed - purplebranchesseed
- 3541 Jellyshroom Spore - snakemushroomspore
- 3542 Fevered Pepper - heatfruit
- 3543 Snow Stalker Fur - snowstalkerfur
- 3544 Ribbon Plant Seed - ribbonplantseed
- 3545 Root Globule Seed - kelprootpustuleseed
- 3546 Shrub Nut - leafyfruit
- 3547 Frost Anemone Heart - icefruit
- 3548 Bullseye Shroom Chunk - twistybridgesmushroomchunk
- 3549 Frost Vase Plant Seed - frozenriverplant2seeds
- 3550 Spiral Chunk - genericspiralchunk
- 3551 Young Cotton Anemone Seed - deeplilyshroomseed
- 3552 Antennae Seed - smallmaroonplantseed
- 3553 ? DeepLilyFlower - deeplilyflower
- 4000 ? Environment Placeholder - environmentplaceholder
- 4001 ? Boulder - boulder
- 4002 Brain Coral {spawn} - purplebraincoral
- 4003 Drooping Stingers {spawn} - hangingstingers
- 4004 Tiger Plant {spawn} - spikeplant
- 4005 Unnamed Coral Species A {spawn} - braincoral
- 4006 x Giant Cove Tree - covetree
- 4007 ? Monster Skeleton - monsterskeleton
- 4008 ? Sea Dragon Skeleton - seadragonskeleton
- 4009 ? Reaper Skeleton - reaperskeleton
- 4010 ? Cave Skeleton - caveskeleton
- 4011 ? Huge Skeleton - hugeskeleton
- 4012 Brinicle {spawn} - brinicle
- 4013 Brown Spikey Trap {spawn} - spikeytrap
- 4014 ? Frozen Leviathan - frozencreature
- 4015 ? Frozen Leviathan Skull - frozencreature_head
- 4016 ? Frozen Leviathan Horn - frozencreature_horns
- 4017 ? Frozen Leviathan Teeth - frozencreature_teeth
- 4018 ? Frozen Leviathan Kharaa Infection Pustules - frozencreature_pustules
- 4019 ? Frozen Leviathan Claw - frozencreature_claws
- 4020 Snowball - snowball
- 4021 ? Ice Bubble - icebubble
- 4200 Red Tablet - precursorkey_red
- 4201 Blue Tablet - precursorkey_blue
- 4202 Orange Tablet - precursorkey_orange
- 4203 White Tablet - precursorkey_white
- 4204 Purple Tablet - precursorkey_purple
- 4205 ? Purple Tablet Fragment - precursorkey_purplefragment
- 4206 ? Precursor Key Terminal - precursorkeyterminal
- 4207 ? Alien Arch - precursorteleporter
- 4208 ? Precursor Energy Core - precursorenergycore
- 4209 Ion Power Cell - precursorionpowercell
- 4210 Ion Battery - precursorionbattery
- 4211 ? Precursor Thermal Plant - precursorthermalplant
- 4212 ? Precursor Warper - precursorwarper
- 4213 ? Precursor Fish Skeleton - precursorfishskeleton
- 4214 ? Precursor Scanner - precursorscanner
- 4215 ? Precursor Lab Cache Container - precursorlabcachecontainer1
- 4216 ? Precursor Lab Cache Container - precursorlabcachecontainer2
- 4217 ? Precursor Lab Table - precursorlabtable
- 4218 ? Precursor Sea Dragon Skeleton - precursorseadragonskeleton
- 4219 ? Precursor Sensor - precursorsensor
- 4220 ? Precursor Prison Artifact - precursorprisonartifact1
- 4221 ? Precursor Prison Artifact - precursorprisonartifact2
- 4222 ? Precursor Prison Artifact - precursorprisonartifact3
- 4223 ? Precursor Prison Artifact - precursorprisonartifact4
- 4224 ? Precursor Prison Artifact - precursorprisonartifact5
- 4225 ? Precursor Prison Artifact - precursorprisonartifact6
- 4226 ? Precursor Prison Artifact - precursorprisonartifact7
- 4227 ? Precursor Prison Artifact - precursorprisonartifact8
- 4228 ? Precursor Prison Artifact - precursorprisonartifact9
- 4229 ? Precursor Prison Artifact - precursorprisonartifact10
- 4230 ? Precursor Prison Artifact - precursorprisonartifact11
- 4231 ? Precursor Prison Artifact - precursorprisonartifact12
- 4232 ? Precursor Pipe Room Incoming Pipe - precursorpiperoomincomingpipe
- 4233 ? Precursor Pipe Room Outgoing Pipe - precursorpiperoomoutgoingpipe
- 4234 ? Precursor Prison Lab Emperor Fetus - precursorprisonlabemperorfetus
- 4235 ? Precursor Prison Lab Emperor Egg - precursorprisonlabemperoregg
- 4236 ? Precursor Prison Aquarium Pipe - precursorprisonaquariumpipe
- 4237 ? Precursor Prison Aquarium Final Teleporter - precursorprisonaquariumfinalteleporter
- 4238 ? Precursor Prison Aquarium Incubator Eggs - precursorprisonaquariumincubatoreggs
- 4239 ? Precursor Prison Aquarium Incubator - precursorprisonaquariumincubator
- 4240 ? Precursor Surface Pipe - precursorsurfacepipe
- 4241 ? Precursor Prison Artifact - precursorprisonartifact13
- 4242 ? Precursor Prison Ion Generator - precursorprisoniongenerator
- 4243 ? Precursor Prison Outposts - precursorprisonoutposts
- 4244 ? Precursor Sanctuary Cube - precursorsanctuarycube
- 4245 Large Emerald {spawn} - precursorcachecrystal
- 4246 Architect Cabling {spawn} - precursorcable
- 4250 ? Observatory (Old) - observatoryold
- 4300 ? Precursor Lost River Broken Anchor - precursorlostriverbrokenanchor
- 4301 ? Precursor Lost River Lab Rays - precursorlostriverlabrays
- 4302 ? Precursor Lost River Lab Bones - precursorlostriverlabbones
- 4303 ? Precursor Lost River Lab Egg - precursorlostriverlabegg
- 4304 ? Precursor Lost River Production Line - precursorlostriverproductionline
- 4305 ? Precursor Lost River Warper Parts - precursorlostriverwarperparts
- 4500 Filtered Water - filteredwater
- 4501 Disinfected Water - disinfectedwater
- 4502 x Cooked Peeper - cookedpeeper
- 4503 x Cooked Holefish - cookedholefish
- 4504 x Cooked Garryfish - cookedgarryfish
- 4505 x Cooked Reginald - cookedreginald
- 4506 Cooked Bladderfish - cookedbladderfish
- 4507 x Cooked Hoverfish - cookedhoverfish
- 4508 x Cooked Spadefish - cookedspadefish
- 4509 Cooked Boomerang - cookedboomerang
- 4510 x Cooked Eyeye - cookedeyeye
- 4511 x Cooked Oculus - cookedoculus
- 4512 Cooked Hoopfish - cookedhoopfish
- 4513 Nutrient Block - nutrientblock
- 4514 First Aid Kit - firstaidkit
- 4515 Reclaimed Water - stillsuitwater
- 4516 Large Filtered Water - bigfilteredwater
- 4517 Cooked Spinefish - cookedspinefish
- 4518 x Cooked Red Eyeye - cookedlavaeyeye
- 4519 x Cooked Magmarang - cookedlavaboomerang
- 4520 Mix Chips - snack1
- 4521 Rice Snack - snack2
- 4522 Potato Mix - snack3
- 4523 Coffee Americano - coffee
- 4524 ? Heating Gel - heatinggel
- 4525 Cooked Spinnerfish - cookedspinnerfish
- 4526 Cooked Symbiote - cookedsymbiote
- 4527 Cooked Arctic Peeper - cookedarcticpeeper
- 4528 Cooked Arrow Ray - cookedarrowray
- 4529 Cooked Nootfish - cookednootfish
- 4530 Cooked Triops - cookedtriops
- 4531 Cooked Feather Fish - cookedfeatherfish
- 4532 Cooked Feather Fish (Red) - cookedfeatherfishred
- 4533 Cooked Discus Fish - cookediscusfish
- 4534 Water Purification Tablet - waterpurificationtablet
- 4535 Spicy Fruit Salad - spicyfruitsalad
- 4600 x Cured Peeper - curedpeeper
- 4601 x Cured Holefish - curedholefish
- 4602 x Cured Garryfish - curedgarryfish
- 4603 x Cured Reginald - curedreginald
- 4604 Cured Bladderfish - curedbladderfish
- 4605 x Cured Hoverfish - curedhoverfish
- 4606 x Cured Spadefish - curedspadefish
- 4607 Cured Boomerang - curedboomerang
- 4608 x Cured Eyeye - curedeyeye
- 4609 x Cured Oculus - curedoculus
- 4610 Cured Hoopfish - curedhoopfish
- 4611 Cured Spinefish - curedspinefish
- 4612 x Cured Red Eyeye - curedlavaeyeye
- 4613 x Cured Magmarang - curedlavaboomerang
- 4614 Cured Spinnerfish - curedspinnerfish
- 4615 Cured Symbiote - curedsymbiote
- 4616 Cured Arctic Peeper - curedarcticpeeper
- 4617 Cured Arrow Ray - curedarrowray
- 4618 Cured Nootfish - curednootfish
- 4619 Cured Triops - curedtriops
- 4620 Cured Feather Fish - curedfeatherfish
- 4621 Cured Red Feather Fish - curedfeatherfishred
- 4622 Cured Discus Fish - cureddiscusfish
- 5000 ? Membrane (Old) - membraneold
- 5001 ? Unobtainium - unobtainium
- 5500 x Room Model - baseroom
- 5501 Hatch {spawn} - basehatch
- 5502 ? Wall - basewall
- 5503 ? Door - basedoor
- 5504 Ladder {spawn} - baseladder
- 5505 Window {spawn} - basewindow
- 5506 x Power Generator (Old) - powergeneratorold
- 5507 ? Unused (Old) - unusedold
- 5508 ? I Compartment - basecorridor
- 5509 x Foundation - basefoundation
- 5510 x I Compartment - basecorridori
- 5511 x L Compartment - basecorridorl
- 5512 x T Compartment - basecorridort
- 5513 x X Compartment - basecorridorx
- 5514 Reinforcement {spawn} - basereinforcement
- 5515 Bulkhead {spawn} - basebulkhead
- 5516 x I Glass Compartment - basecorridorglassi
- 5517 x T Glass Compartment - basecorridorglasst
- 5518 x Observatory - baseobservatory
- 5519 Vertical Connector {spawn} - baseconnector
- 5520 x Moonpool - moonpool
- 5521 ? I Glass Compartment - basecorridorglass
- 5522 Vehicle Upgrade Console {spawn} - baseupgradeconsole
- 5523 Wall Planter {spawn} - baseplanter
- 5524 Water Filtration Machine {spawn} - basefiltrationmachine
- 5525 Alien Containment {spawn} - basewaterpark
- 5526 x Scanner Room - basemaproom
- 5527 Camera Drone - maproomcamera
- 5528 Bioreactor {spawn} - basebioreactor
- 5529 Nuclear Reactor {spawn} - basenuclearreactor
- 5530 Floating Pump {spawn} - basepipeconnector
- 5531 x Recharge Platform - baserechargeplatform
- 5532 x Control Room - basecontrolroom
- 5533 x Wall-Mounted Foundation - basewallfoundation
- 5534 x Large Room - baselargeroom
- 5535 ? Old Base Partition I - oldbasepartitioni
- 5536 ? Old Base Partition L - oldbasepartitionl
- 5537 ? Old Base Partition T - oldbasepartitiont
- 5538 ? Old Base Partition X - oldbasepartitionx
- 5539 Large Room Partition Door {spawn} - basepartitiondoor
- 5540 x Glass Dome - baseglassdome
- 5541 Large Room Partition {spawn} - basepartition
- 5542 x Large Glass Dome - baselargeglassdome
- 5900 Neptune Launch Platform - rocketbase
- 5901 Neptune Gantry - rocketbaseladder
- 5902 Neptune Ion Boosters - rocketstage1
- 5903 Neptune Fuel Reserve - rocketstage2
- 5904 Neptune Cockpit - rocketstage3
- 5905 x Time Capsule - timecapsule
- 6000 x Diorama Hull Plate - dioramahullplate
- 6001 x Markiplier Hull Plate - markiplierhullplate
- 6002 x Muyskerm Hull Plate - muyskermhullplate
- 6003 x LordMinion Hull Plate - lordminionhullplate
- 6004 x JackSepticEye Hull Plate - jacksepticeyehullplate
- 6005 Natural Selection 2 Poster - poster
- 6006 x IGP Hull Plate - igphullplate
- 6007 x Gilathiss Hull Plate - gilathisshullplate
- 6008 x Markiplier - marki1
- 6009 x Markiplier - marki2
- 6010 x JackSepticEye - jacksepticeye
- 6011 x Eat My Diction - eatmydiction
- 7000 ? Radiation Leak Point - radiationleakpoint
- 8000 Exchanger Rocket {spawn} - exchanger
- 8001 Frozen Leviathan Placeholder {spawn} - kharaasampleskeleton
- 8002 x Khraa Sample - kharaasample
- 8003 ? Reinforced Glass - reinforcedglass
- 8004 Twisty Bridge Resource - twistybridgeresource
- 8005 Flower Spore - lilypadresource
- 8006 Deep Arctic Resource - deeparcticresource
- 8007 Ice Berg Resource - icebergresource
- 8008 Hover Zone Resource - hoverzoneresource1
- 8009 Hover Zone Resource - hoverzoneresource2
- 8010 Supply Drop - supplydrop
- 8011 ? Precursor Fabricator - precursorfabricator
- 8012 Al-An's Vessel - precursornpcbody
- 8013 ? Power Source - precursornpcpowersource
- 8014 Architect Organs {spawn} - precursornpcorgans
- 8015 Architect Tissue {spawn} - precursornpctissue
- 8016 Architect Skeleton {spawn} - precursornpcskeleton
- 8017 Sanctuary Core - precursornpccomputercore
- 8018 ? Power Source Fragment - precursornpcpowersourcefragment
- 8019 Architect Organs Fragment {spawn} - precursornpcorgansfragment
- 8020 Architect Tissue Fragment {spawn} - precursornpctissuefragment
- 8021 Architect Skeleton Fragment {spawn} - precursornpcskeletonfragment
- 8022 Serik's Dive Suit - colleaguedivesuit
- 8023 ? Outpost Omega Research Notes - alterraprecursorresearchnotes
- 8024 Colleague PDA - colleaguepda1
- 8025 Snowfox Hoverpad {spawn} - hoverpad
- 8026 Biosample Placeholder - precursornpcfakecomputercore
- 8027 ? Precursor Technology - precursortechgeneric
- 8028 Bioscanner - bioscanner
- 8029 Bioscanner Sample - bioscannersample
- 8030 Spy Pengling - spypenguin
- 8031 ? Damaged Prawn Suit - researchbaseexo
- 8032 ? Ore Vein - orevein
- 8033 Spy Pengling Remote - spypenguinremote
- 8034 ? Spy Pengling Fragment - spypenguinfragment
- 8035 ? Spy Pengling Remote Fragment - spypenguinremotefragment
- 8036 ? Alterra Bounty Poster - alterrabountyposter
- 8037 ? Rocket Radio Tower - rocketradiotower
- 8038 Ship Wreck Salvage - rocketradiotowersalvage1
- 8039 Purple Vents Salvage - rocketradiotowersalvage2
- 8040 ? Radio Tower - radiotower
- 8041 ? Marguerit Maida - marguerit
- 8042 ? Alterra Shuttle - alterrashuttle
- 8043 ? Marguerit Maida's Prawn Suit - margueritexosuit
- 8044 Hydraulic Fluid - hydraulicfluid
- 8045 Test Override Module - radiotowertom
- 8046 Test Override Module Fragment {spawn} - radiotowertomfragment
- 8047 Sea Creature Poster - posterparvan
- 8048 ? Cold Suit Fragment - coldsuitfragment
- 8049 Kharaa Antidote - frozencreatureantidote
- 8050 Community Poster - posterbunkercommunity
- 8051 ? Glacial Basin Map - spypenguinmap
- 8052 Roller Derby Poster - posterzetarollerderby
- 8053 Spy Pengling Concepts - posterspypenguinconcepts
- 8054 Alien Intruder Poster - posterboardgame
- 8055 Hang in there Poster - posterhanginthere
- 8056 Spy Pengling Blueprint - posterspypenguinblueprint
- 8057 ? Zeta Landon's Nameplate - hoverbikebasezetanameplate
- 8058 ? Sam Ayou's Nameplate - hoverbikebasesamnameplate
- 8059 ? Parvan Ivanov's Nameplate - bunkerparvannameplate
- 8060 ? Poster Parvan Biome - posterparvanbiome
- 8061 ? Danielle Valenti's Nameplate - outpostomegadaniellenameplate
- 8062 ? Vinh Pham's Nameplate - outpostomegavinhnameplate
- 8063 ? Fred Lachance's Nameplate - deltastationfrednameplate
- 8064 ? Emmanuel Desjardins's Desk Nameplate - deltastationemmanuelnameplate
- 8065 ? Jeremiah Murgle's Nameplate - deltastationjeremiahnameplate
- 8066 ? Lillian Bench's Nameplate - outpostzerolilliannameplate
- 8067 ? Ruptured Hydraulic Fluid - hydraulicfluidfragment
- 8068 Spy Pengling Cave Entrance Marker {spawn} - ???
- 8069 ??? - ???'
- 10000 ? Something Placeholder - somethingplaceholder
- 10001 Fragment - fragment
- 10002 Wreck - wreck
- 10003 ? Count (Old) - countold
- 10004 ? Databox - databox
- 10005 ? Data Chip - datachip
- 10006 ? Anomaly - anomaly