Subnautica Wiki
Swim Charge Fins

The base Swimming Speed of the player without any fins or items in hand is ~5.7 meters per second, while fully submerged. Swim speed can be modified with fins crafted by the player using the Fabricator or Modification Station, or by equipping tanks or a Reinforced Dive Suit. Swim speed is also modified by holding tools or advanced hunger and thirst. Swimming at the surface increases swimming speed.

Fins add 0.95 m/s to overall speed, whilst Ultra Glide Fins add 1.9 m/s.

Currently, the fastest way of traveling is the Seamoth at ~12.7 meters per second.

Swim speed is capped at a lower limit of 1.90 m/s (Fully encumbered, holding a tool, no fins, underwater) and an upper limit of 7.60 m/s.

Equipping Oxygen Tanks and the Reinforced Dive Suit will slow swimming speed. Advanced states of hunger and thirst also reduce swimming speed, at a rate proportional to the amount of severe hunger or thirst.

Equipping any hand-held item (except the Seaglide) will reduce swim speed by 0.95 m/s.

The Swim Charge Fins will only charge powered tools above a swim speed threshold of 2.0 m/s.

Effects on Swimming Speed (in meters per second)
Modifier Value Remarks
Fins +0.95 Effect doubled at surface
Swim Charge Fins +0 Needs swim speed of 2.0 for charging
Ultra Glide Fins +1.90 Effect doubled at surface
Holding a tool -0.95 Effect doubled at surface
Advanced hunger ( less than 20%) -0.05 per 1% below 20%
Advanced thirst ( less than 20%) -0.05 per 1% below 20%
Tanks and suit ( Total capped at -2.85)
Ultra High Capacity Tank (Inventory/Paperdoll) -1.21/-0.61 Rounded to 2 decimal points
Standard O2 Tank (Inventory/Paperdoll) -0.81/-0.4 Rounded to 2 decimal points
Lightweight High Capacity Tank (Inventory/Paperdoll) -0.21/-0.1 Rounded to 2 decimal points
Reinforced Dive Suit -0.95 Other suits have no speed penalty
  • NOTE: Swimming at the surface is double the underwater swim speed (but capped at 7.60 m/s)



A player without any tanks, suit, or tool equipped in hand will swim underwater at 5.70 m/s

If a tool is equipped, the swim speed will be 5.70 - 0.95 = 4.75 m/s

If the player surfaces, the swim speed should be 5.70 x2 = 11.40 m/s. However, speed is capped at 7.60 m/s

If a tool is equipped at the surface, the swim speed should be 4.75 x 2 = 9.50 m/s. However, swim speed is capped at 7.60 m/s


With a Reinforced Dive Suit equipped, 2 Ultra High Capacity Tank ( 1 in the UI Paperdoll and 1 in the inventory) and no fins, a player will swim underwater at:

5.70 - 0.95 - 0.61 - 1.21 = 2.93 m/s

If a tool is equipped, the player will swim underwater at 2.93 - 0.95 = 1.98 m/s

If the player surfaces, the swim speed without a tool is now 2.93 x 2= 5.86 m/s

If a tool is equipped at the surface, the swim speed is 1.98 x 2 = 3.96 m/s

  • Note: If the player has swim charge fins equipped, no charging will occur underwater (Speed less than 2.0) but tools will charge at the surface while swimming (Speed greater than 2.0)


With normal fins equipped, a Reinforced Dive Suit and 3 Ultra High Capacity Tank (1 Paperdoll, 2 inventory),

Total speed penalty from suit and tanks = 0.95+0.61+1.21+1.21 = 3.98 (+/- 0.01)

However, this penalty is capped at -2.85 m/s

Swimming speed underwater with no tool equipped = 5.70 - 2.85 + 0.95 = 3.80 m/s

Swimming speed underwater with tool equipped = 3.80 - 0.95 = 2.85 m/s

Surface swimming speed with no tool equipped = 3.80 x 2 = 7.60 m/s (at speed cap)

Surface swimming speed with tool equipped = 2.85 x 2 = 5.70 m/s
